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Chiropractic The Future of Healthcare Nicole K. Andrade B.A. Biology, Hartwick College 1996 7th Trimester Student New York Chiropractic College.

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Presentation on theme: "Chiropractic The Future of Healthcare Nicole K. Andrade B.A. Biology, Hartwick College 1996 7th Trimester Student New York Chiropractic College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chiropractic The Future of Healthcare Nicole K. Andrade B.A. Biology, Hartwick College 1996 7th Trimester Student New York Chiropractic College

2 n “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” - Thomas A. Edison

3 CHIROPRACTIC n Is a natural, drug free form of healthcare n Chiropractic doctors find and correct nervous system interference n NS interference is a major obstacle to the body’s natural homeostatic mechanisms

4 Homeostatic Balance n The body has the innate ability to adapt to its environment appropriately and function optimally Mechanical Chemical Psychological

5 Imbalance or “Dis-ease” n The body is overwhelmed by some external stress that it cannot adapt to efficiently n Leads to imbalance, “dis-ease” and “subluxation” n Cycle will propagate Mechanical Chemical Psychological

6 Important Definitions in Chiropractic n The Nervous System n The Subluxation n The Adjustment

7 The Nervous System n “The nervous system controls and coordinates every cell, tissue and organ in the body.” - Gray’s Anatomy n Center of thought, memory, learning, attention and consciousness

8 The Nervous System n Controls: –muscle tension and contraction –blood vessel diameter –organ and glandular function –spatial/proprioceptive relationships with environment –pain, touch, temperature and vibration –hearing, taste and smell

9 End Organ Nerve Supply n All organs and glands in the body are controlled by the Nervous System n It makes sense that if the NS is sending or receiving mixed signals, then normal function is lost

10 The Nervous System n Disturbances in the nervous system may cause or aggravate disease processes in various parts or functions of the body n Disturbances of the nervous system may be caused by derangements of the musculoskeletal system n Manifest as “subluxations”

11 SUBLUXATIONS n Minor deviations from normal joint alignment and/or joint mechanics of the spinal vertebrae or other skeletal bones n Lead to abnormal biomechanical and biochemical stress on the body n Can disrupt the nervous system

12 SUBLUXATIONS n Caused by any stress that the body’s innate ability for healing cannot compensate for –Mechanical/Structural Stress –Chemical Stress –Psychological/Emotional Stress

13 Imbalance or “Dis-ease” Mechanical Chemical Psychological

14 SUBLUXATIONS n If left uncorrected subluxations lead to: –Kinesiopathology –Neuropathology –Histopathology –Myopathology –and eventually Pathophysiology

15 SUBLUXATIONS n Pain is the last thing to appear and the first thing to resolve n Subluxations can be asymtomatic or can cause acute pain and/or end organ dysfunction due to nervous system interference

16 THE ADJUSTMENT n A specific manual thrust delivered by the chiropractor which restores normal bony alignment and motion n Results in normalization of the surrounding tissues, nerves and end organs n Normalization leads to increased tissue and organ resistance to aforementioned stresses

17 THE ADJUSTMENT n Type of adjustment varies with patient –Infant –Pediatric –Athlete –Elderly

18 THE ADJUSTMENT n Type of adjustment varies with condition –Spasm –Acute vs. Chronic Disc Herniation –Osteoporosis –Metastasis –Vascular Disorders

19 THE ADJUSTMENT n The type of adjustment varies with technique –Diversified –Flexion/Distraction –Thompson –Activator –Logan –etc.

20 THE ADJUSTMENT n Although many different techniques are used they all have a common goal: To restore normal motion and normalize the nervous system to allow the body to function optimally


22 Relief Care Goals n Natural pain management –Acute (recent) –Chronic (long standing) n Stop further damage

23 Corrective/Rehabilitative Care Goals n Restore range of motion n Remain pain free n Continued healing and return to normal function

24 Maintenance/Wellness Care Goals n Improve strength and performance n Efficient adaptation to stress n Improved organ system function n Increased patient responsibility for balance, exercise and nutrition leads to wellness and health n Optimal function, not just the absence of symptoms or disease!

25 Literature supports efficacy of Chiropractic for: n Low Back Pain n Herniated Discs n “Whiplash” n Headache n “Sciatica” and other nerve entrapment syndromes n “Frozen Shoulder” n Carpal Tunnel Syndrome n TMJ Disorders n Sports Injuries and Performance

26 Some conditions commonly influenced in Chiropractic patients: n Pediatrics –Otitis Media –Colic –Enuresis –ADD –Asthma, Scoliosis n Obstetrics –Pregnancy discomfort –Breech presentations n Adult –Sexual Dysfunction –Hormonal Imbalance –Hypertension –Cognition –Diabetes –Immune Function (AIDS, Cancer)

27 Other points of consideration: n Chiropractors are Portal of Entry Physicians n Primary Care in Many States n Extensive History and Physical Examination

28 Co-Treatment and Referral n When given the chance, conservative Chiropractic care can often prevent surgical and pharmacological intervention n Co-treatment and referral is warranted in cases which do not show objective improvement, or are out of scope of practice

29 Not Adjustments Only! n In many offices: –Postural Analysis –Physiotherapy Modalities –Exercise and Nutrition Counseling n Home instruction –Home Exercises –Ergonomic Changes –Activity Modification

30 Chiropractic Education n 5 years or 3 1/3 continuous n Comparable pre-requisites to Allopathic n State and National Licensing Examinations n Additional Diplomates and Certifications n There are many similarities to Allopathic Medical training, but differences are VERY important

31 Chiropractic Education n Compiled as an average from 22 medical schools and 11 chiropractic colleges n Additional classes and clinic times vary according to school

32 Stay Healthy! Thank you.

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