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Published byPaul Ross Modified over 9 years ago
1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities George Ganetis, Electrical Engineering Group Leader Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities ASAC Review of the NSLS-II Project Feb 1-2, 2012
2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Outline Power Supplies Summary Tables Main Dipole, Multipole, Corrector Power Supplies Power Supply Controller – Controls System Interface Pendant 1 Integration & Installation Sequence Power Supply Procurement Summary Power Supply Summary Electrical Utilities - Descriptions Mezzanine Rack Layouts AC Power Connections Electrical Utilities Procurement Summary Electrical Utilities Installation Status Electrical Utilities Summary
3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Summary Table – Storage Ring Power Supplies Power Supply -Model QtyMax. Voltage Max Current Configuration Stability / Resolution ppm of max I Operation Main Dipole11200 V 450 AUnipolar Switch-Mode, Digital Regulator center point tied to GND 25 3.8 DC 1 Quadrant Quadrupole -A -B -C -D 60 120 60 16 V 22 V 30 V 175 A 200 A Unipolar Switch-Mode Analog Curr. Regulator – 2 DCCTs 1 PS per Magnet 50 3.8 DC 1 Quadrant Sextupole -A -B -C 40 5 9 40 V 60 V 16 V 120 A 165 A 120 A Unipolar Switch-Mode Analog Curr. Regulator- 2 DCCTs Model A & B = 1 PS per 6 Magnets Model C = 1 PS per 2 Magnets 100 15 (3.8) DC 1 Quadrant Global Horz. & Vert. Correctors -A 9024 V 1.25 A2 Channel Bipolar Linear Analog Curr. Regulator - 4 Shunts 100 15 (3.8) 2000 Hz 4 Quadrant Insertion Horz. Correctors -B 1230 V 30 AUnipolar Switch-Mode Analog Curr. Regulator – 2 DCCTs 50 3.8 DC 1 Quadrant Skew Quad Corrector-C 3020 A Bipolar Linear Analog Curr. Regulator – 2 DCCTs 100 15 (3.8) DC 4 Quadrant Alignment Horz. & Vert. Correctors -D 18025 V 22A 2 Channel Bipolar Linear / Pre-Regulator Analog Curr. Regulator - 4 DCCTs 25 3.8 3 Hz 2 Quadrant Dipole Trim – Corrector -E 2715V 1.25 A 2 Channel Bipolar Linear / Pre-Regulator Analog Curr. Regulator – 4 Shunts 100 15 (3.8) DC 4 Quadrant Dipole Trim – Corrector -F 320 V 10 A 2 Channel Bipolar Linear / Pre-Regulator Analog Curr. Regulator – 4 DCCTs 100 15 (3.8) DC 4 Quadrant There is a total of 997 power supply channels used for the storage ring FL
4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Main Dipole Power Supply The Dipole Main power supply has been designed in sections. There will be two 450 Amp 600 Volt very low noise power converters that will be supply by a vender. Preliminary design from the vender (Applied Power Systems) has been accepted and Final Design Review is scheduled for mid-February. The overall controls and digital current regulator has been designed by BNL and components are in house. Minor hardware and software development remains. Complete system should be ready for installation by ~ August of this year.
5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Multipole, Corrector, & Transport Line Power Supply Configurations Power supplies are of a modular design. The same components are used for different types of power supplies. The current regulator chassis have three models that cover all the different power supplies (1 channel slow, 2 channel fast, 2 channel slow, time constant boards will add more variations). The PSI chassis have two models – 1 channel & 2 channel versions. There are various AC input module - They are sized for the different power converters used. There are only four different sizes of commercial power converter used, this allows the same mechanical design to be used for the different power supplies. There are only three different models of bipolar power amplifiers. Two low power versions and a high power version that uses a pre-regulator. The pre-regulator is one of the commercial power converters. The low power version will have different raw power supplies but use the same circuit board. The ~1800 DCCTs are a single 200 A model that will have different turns going through them for different power supply current ratings. There are about 5 power supplies that require a 400 amp DCCT. We are buying (and testing) separate components and assembly the power supply in their final locations and then test the completed systems in place.
6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Multipole & Transport Line Unipolar Power Supplies This configuration is used for Quadrupole, Sextupole, & Transport Line magnet circuits. Two DCCTs are used, one for feedback and the other for redundant monitoring. Power Supply Controller – Performs all high level functions for the power supply – setpoint /ramp generation and diagnostic monitoring. There are no local controls for the power supplies. Everything has to go through the control system. All the power supply components will be tested separately at BNL or at the vender. Final testing of the complete power supply is when they are assembled in the equipment racks. The design incorporates a large amount of monitoring instrumentation that will be used for initial testing and operations. Power Supply is made up of standard building blocks
7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Multipole & Transport Line Unipolar Power Supplies Power Supply Interface Power Supply Regulator DCCTs Output Terminals AC Input Module Power Supply Interface Power Supply Regulator Power Converter This is a standard configuration for all the 3 & 4 kW unipolar power supplies
8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES 10 ppm Current Signal + 2.5 ppm This is a unipolar power supply current signal shown for 10 minutes. Data was collected with the DMM/Scanner using the NSLS II control system Multipole & Transport Line Unipolar Power Supplies The current stability is well within the power supply requirements. 4V=70A
9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES SR Alignment Corrector Power Supplies Two channel scheme developed to reduce cost. This block diagram is for corrector model D in the Storage Ring and Corrector A in the BSRTL (Highlighted) Design uses DCCTs for current feedback and has a redundant DCCTs for each channel. Multiple turns through DCCTs is used to reduce noise levels. The design shares some main components of each ps channel to reduce costs. It requires the addition of components in the regulator and PSI to make it a 2 channel version. This two channel configuration is also used for corrector models F. Model F is used for 90 mm dipole magnet trim coils. An over-voltage crowbar circuit is also added between the power amplifier and DCCTs.
10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Alignment Corrector Power Supplies ½ Rack Commercial Power Converter ½ Rack Commercial Power Converter ½ Rack DC Powered Bridge Amplifier ½ Rack DC Powered Bridge Amplifier Single PCB for Power and Controls This is the power amplifier that will be used in the 2 channel alignment power supply
11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES This power supply is used for the low current fast global corrector magnets, the 35mm aperture dipole trim coils and the LBTL corrector magnets. The power supply can have a high bandwidth depending on the application. The power amplifier has a bandwidth of 100 kHz. The low current of this ps and the use of shunts as the feedback element will also allow a higher bandwidth than what could have been achieved with DCCTs. The stability requirements are relaxed compared to the alignment correctors. This design will use the same 2 channel regulator and psi chassis as in the alignment correctors. Low Current Corrector Power Supplies
12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Low Current Corrector Power Supplies This is the 2 channel power amplifier that will be used in the 2 channel low current power supply Single PCB for Power and Controls High Reliability Raw Power Supplies House Keeping Power Supplies
13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS II Controls System Interface to Power Supply Systems Power Supply & Controls Groups worked very closely together in developing this interface. Software development is ongoing and has been tested in equipment being assembled in test racks in Bldg 902. and is being used in Linac phase 1 testing.
14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS II Controls System Interfaces to Power Supply Systems 1-Wire Interface Moxa – Serial Interface Power Supply Controller - PSC Network Switch DVM/ Scanner This is the standard controls configuration that will be used in all the power supply equipment enclosure. This installation is in the Linac/Booster service building that is being used for Linac phase 1 testing.
15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Power Supply Integration & Installation for Pendant 1 and LINAC Phase 1 Installation will have to be done in various stages in Pendant 1 and possibly Pendant 2 depending when parts are delivered. The corrector power amplifiers and harness are the main issues. Testing power supplies system components before they are installed in the machine has taken a considerable amount of resources. There are automated test station for regulators, PSIs. PSCs. and ACICMs, built and production testing is in progress. Detailed test documentation has been developed for these components. Power converters, equipment shelves, and mounting hardware have been installed in most of P1 and some of P2. Testing of some of the power supply controls will start when the network becomes available some time next month. This also requires the computer room to be operational. A large effort was spent in getting the transport line power supplies installed and tested for LINAC phase 1. There was a steep learning curve that we had to go through to get the components ready for installation. Biggest issue was the wiring harness construction and the preparation of the regulators and corrector power amplifiers. As the corrector power amplifiers get delivered they will be installed and tested. High current testing can not start until DI water systems become available by mid February. The complete installation of Cell 25 is our next short term goal. We should have everything for installation except the fast power amplifiers.
16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Power Supply Procurement Status Qty NeededQty Delivered Power Converters (RFP) 825 Procurement Complete DC Power Amplifier (Build to Print – RFQ) 4240 Production Documentation just finished, Long lead items are ordered. Expect 1 st Delivery in March. AC Power Amplifier (Build to Print – RFQ) 1330 Production Documentation almost finished, Long lead items are ordered. Expect 1 st Delivery in July. Regulators (Build to Print – RFQ) 783625 More then enough units on hand for installation. Procurement should be complete in a couple of months PSIs (Build to Print – RFQ) 820680 More then enough units on hand for installation. Procurement should be complete in a couple of months PSC Cards (Build to Print – RFQ) 15621250 All Transition Cards are delivered. Vender should complete shipment of Main Cards in three months. PSC Chassis (RFQ) 105 Procurement Complete DCCTs (RFQ) 1825 All DCCTs have been tested and sorted for stability requirements RIC Assemblies (Build to Print – RFQ) 645 Procurement Complete Output Cables (RFQ) 198 kft. All Output cables are delivered and being installed. DVM/Scanner (RFQ) 100 Procurement Complete
17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES DescriptionQty NeededQty Delivered Remote I/O Interlock Chassis (Build to Print – RFQ) 333 First Articles are tested. Expected delivery of first production group by February. Vender has all parts. Polarity Reversal Chassis (Build to Print – RFQ) ( Transport Line PS only) 206 First Articles are tested. Production deliveries has started. Vender has all parts. Final deliveries should be by March. 1-Wire Interface Chassis (Build to Print – RFQ) 100 Procurement Complete Back Panel Assembly (Build to Print – RFQ) 78330 Parts are on order to make P1 requirements in-house. Staff in place to produce requirements for P1 Rest of order will be placed with a local vender. Harnesses (Build to Print – RFQ) 78316 Parts are at BNL to make P1 requirements in-house. Staff in place to produce requirements for P1. Rest of order will be placed with a vender. Power Supply Procurement Status The following have been issues with the procurements over the past year: Parts shortages and excessive lead times beyond historical norms. Venders are not able to maintain schedules – No incentives in small contracts. Design work required to fix minor problems after first article testing – Not included in schedule. Late procurements due to lack of engineering and design resources. (Corrector Amplifiers & Harnesses).
18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Power Supply Summary Power Supply designs are all done, some procurement documentation is still required for ac powered amplifiers (needed for fast correctors and 35 mm Dipole Trim Coils), cable harnesses, and Magnet Thermal Switch Interface back panel. Procurements are well under way. Most of the large procurement are either complete or are in the last stages of deliveries. All remaining procurements are simple build to print RFQs. Venders are line up and are ready to submit bids. Long lead items have been already purchased. Test systems have been built for all major sub system and are being used for pre-installation testing. The rack layouts of the power supplies are of a mature design. First article components have been installed in test racks in bldg 902 to check for fit and to do final harnessing. Software for power supply control and monitoring is operational and has been tested in bldg 902 rack setup. Tests done of first article unipolar power supplies show the performance meets all technical requirement. A large effort was made to get the power supplies for Linac phase 1 ready for testing. All power supplies will be operational when the water system is available. (Mid-February) Storage ring installation sequence will depend on availability of the different power supply components. Procurement and installation schedule is not ideal for P1 but should not be a problem for the rest of the machine.
19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Equipment Enclosures Design & supply equipment enclosures (racks) for all ASD equipment that fits into standard 19” racks. Enclosures will have chilled water to air heat exchangers to maintain a constant air temperature to the equipment in the racks of ~ + 1 º C (Some beam instrumentation racks will have ~ + 0.1 º C temperature stability). Cable Trays & PPS Conduits Design & supply cable tray between all ASD equipment enclosures or standalone equipment to the devices they control or power. Cable tray has to meet NEC 2005, OSHA, BNL codes and regulations. It is the responsibility of the subsystems to specify the cable that gets installed in the tray. EU group will check to make sure all cables meet code requirement. Maintain a detailed database of all installed cables – working with Controls Group in setting this up. EU will install and label all cables in tray, to ensure the installation meets codes. Installation of all the conduits dedicated for use in the Personal Protection Systems (PPS). AC Power Connections Design & supply cable, tray & switch gear (if needed) for the connection of AC power from conventional facilities load panels or circuit breakers to ASD electrical equipment. Develop and maintain drawings and documentation of the AC power connections. Special AC Power Equipment Supply UPS power for critical loads for ASD equipment. Electrical Utilities - Description
20 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES SR Mezzanine - Equipment Area – 1 Cell out of 30 3-D Model of Equipment Enclosures & Cable Tray Power Supply RG C Power Supply RG B Beam Instru. RG D Vacuum & EPS RG E Insertion Device RG F PPS Cabinet Power Supply RG A Power supplies are installed in equipment enclosures located on the Storage Ring mezzanine ( Above the SR tunnel). The power supplies along with almost all other accelerator equipment are installed in temperature controlled enclosures.
21 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES SR Mezzanine - Equipment Area – Top View Front of enclosures This is one of 30 Cells Conduits to Tunnel AC Power Distribution 30 KVA UPS & UPS Power Distribution AC Power Distribution Centers supply both normal power & UPS power to racks and various pieces of standalone equipment. UPSs will be used for power supply controls and control system equipment.
22 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES AC Power Connections One line diagram for mezzanine storage ring cell There is a separate drawing for each of the 30 cells One line diagrams also exist for SR main dipole, SR RF, SR Service Bldgs., & Booster and LINAC. Power feeds to ASD equipment enclosures & UPS, also feeds experimental beam lines. The design uses motorized circuit breakers to minimize arc flash hazards
23 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Electrical Utilities Procurement Status Qty NeededQty Delivered Equipment Enclosures (RFP) 190 Rack Groups Procurement Complete Low Precision Temperature Controllers 312 Procurement Complete High Precision Temperature Controllers 330 Used for BPM racks. Waiting for procurement documentation to be complete. All long lead items are in-house. Process Chilled Water Connection Hardware 624 Procurement Complete AC connection cables106 k Feet Procurement Almost Complete Some small amounts still needed for booster AC Switch Gear12 Procurement Almost Complete. New scope will be added by RF Group Cable Tray for SR & Injector Complex Most material is in-house. Main storage ring tray is being done by the building contractor. UPS & MBS3835 Almost Complete.
24 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Pendant 1 SR Mezzanine - Equipment Area - Status All Equipment Enclosures (Racks) are installed in P1 & P2 Normal & UPS AC power is installed in P1 & P2 Process Chilled Water has been connected to the rack heat exchangers in P1 & ½ P2 Power Supply Output Cable Installation is complete for P1 has started in P2 Most other system cables are installed for P1. Front end & magnet thermal switch cables still need to be pulled in P1.
25 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Other Areas – Electrical Utilities Status Computer Room AC power distribution required a considerable effort to design the system for this area. All racks, cable tray, and AC power has been installed. A new UPS configuration has been designed and installed in an adjacent room. Process chilled water has been connected to the rack heat exchangers and the temperature controllers have been commissioned and are operational. RF Building Ac power has been connected to the two large transmitters. The connection was done to remotely operated circuit breakers that minimize arc flash hazards. Instrumentation cable tray and AC power still has to finish design and then needs to be installed. Injector Complex LINAC cable tray has been installed using BNL staff. NSLS-II engineering was greatly involved in the final design. This ensured that the installation would meet electrical codes. Transport Line cable tray for the LINAC to Booster is installed and all cables for phase 1 are installed and over half for phase two is done. Equipment enclosures have been installed for the LINAC transport line. Process chilled water has been connected to the heat exchangers, and cooling system is operational. Work is continuing in the rest of the injector building for the rest of the cable tray and AC power distribution for the Booster and the Booster to Storage Ring Transport Line. Due to the limited space this installation is proving to be very difficult and is requiring more resources then originally planed.
26 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Storage Ring Mezzanine Cable tray installation work done by the building contractor is progressing well. P1,P2, P3 & P4 are complete and P5 should be started in early February. AC power connections for standard equipment enclosures in P1 & P2 are completed. Work has started in P3. Work on the SR mezzanine is greatly slowed due to lack of Electrician resources. Once the work in the Linac & Booster is done, the rate of work in the mezzanine will greatly increase. Installations to date have been inspected for NEC compliance and there have no issues. Storage Ring Tunnel Some minor design work still need to be done for front ends and straight sections. Work will be required to install very small trays for vertical cables going to the girders. Linac/Booster The Linac cable tray and AC power connection required more resources then originally planed. Installation of all electrical utilities in this area is more difficult than other areas due to the limited space and existing building utilities. More resources will be needed to finish the installation. Cable pulling is also more difficult due to the limited space. It was critical to do detailed planning to ensure the correct cables are installed in the correct sequence. RF Service Bldg & Computer Room RF Transmitter connected to Sub-station. Instrumentation cable tray and power to be installed next. Computer room installation is complete, all electrical utilities are complete. Summary for Electrical Utilities
27 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Backup Information Slides The rest of the slides in this presentation are the following: Summary table for transport line power supplies. Dipole magnet circuit. More details in the configurations for different power supply models. Some other pictures of first articles components. Simple description of the thermal switch interlock used to protect the magnet loads Power supply rack layouts for SR mezzanine Equipment Enclosures Information UPS Information Electrical Utilities pictures
28 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Summary Table - Transport Line PS Transport line power supplies will use same hardware as the storage ring. Current Regulator, PSI, PSC, DVM /Scanner, 1-Wire devices, Corrector Power Amplifiers & Commercial Power Converters. Certain dipole power supplies have to be modified to service as critical devices for PPS system. There is a total of 89 power supply channels used for both Transport Lines Power Supply -Model QtyMax. Voltage Max Current Configuration Stability / Resolution ppm of max I Operation LBTL Dipole – A - B 2 1 60 V 60 165 A Unipolar Switch-Mode Analog Curr. Regulator Model B uses a special AC input chassis needed for PPS critical device. 100 15 (3.8) DC 1 Quadrant LBTL Quadrupole – A - B - C 872872 16 V + 16 V 22 V 175 A + 175 A 175 A Unipolar Switch-Mode Analog Curr. Regulator 1 PS per Magnet Model B has relay reversing switch. 100 15 (3.8) DC 1 Quadrant- A &C 2 Quadrant- B LBTL Corrector - A Dipole Trim - B 10 1 + 15 V + 25 V + 4 A + 20 A 2 Chan. Bipolar Linear Analog Curr. Regulator 2 Channel Bipolar Linear / Pre-Regulator 100 15 (3.8) 3 Hz 2 Quadrant BSRTL Dipole – A - B - C 3 1 40 V 15 V 40 V 375 A 500 A 375 A Unipolar Switch-Mode Analog Curr. Regulator Model B is for Inj. Str. DC Septum Model C uses a special AC input chassis needed for PPS critical device. 100 15 (3.8) DC 1 Quadrant BSRTL Quadrupole – A - B - C - D 3 7 3 22 V + 22 V 30 V + 30 V 175 A + 175 A 200 A + 200 A Unipolar Switch-Mode Analog Curr. Regulator 1 PS per Magnet Models B & D have relay reversing switches. 100 15 (3.8) DC 1 Quadrant – A & C 2 Quadrant – B & D BSRTL Correctors - A 9+ 25 V + 24 A 2 Channel Bipolar Linear / Pre-Regulator Analog Curr. Regulator 100 15 (3.8) 3 Hz 2 Quadrant FL
29 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Dipole Magnets Electrical Circuit Note: Large aperture dipole trim power supply no longer needed. Adequate trim is provided by local trim coils. Magnet circuit load =1.561 H + 2.404 Ω Dipole circuit is “folded” so there is not a large cabling loop. Every Dipole magnet has a trim coil that will be powered. Small aperture magnets has a 1% trim, large aperture magnets have a 3% trim.
30 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Sextupole magnet circuits have either 6 or 2 magnets in series. Storage Ring Sextupole Power Supplies For the sextupole power supplies a global PLC is used to monitor all magnet thermal switches and then will shut down the correct sextupole power supply if an over- temperature condition occurs..
31 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Transport Line PS - Quadrupole With Polarity Reversal This configuration is used for Quadrupole magnet circuits needing polarity reversal. Standard commercial power converters are being used. Same ones as SR. Two DCCTs are used, one for feedback and the other for redundant monitoring. The 2 nd DCCT is located on other side of reversing switch to confirm polarity. These ps are designed to be installed in the same temperature controlled racks as SR. PSIs, PSCs, AC input modules, instrumentation and controls are the same as SR. Operation of polarity reversals will be done through PS controller. There is a free wheeling diode on the output of the power converters
32 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Transport Line PS Low Power Corrector PS This ps uses the AC power amplifier which is the same basic model as the SR corrector model E. The magnets are natural convection air cooled and do not have thermal switches. The functions of the AC control module is incorporated into the power amplifier chassis.
33 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Power Supply First Articles First Article Power Supply Interface - Single Channel First Article Power Supply Regulator Controller - Dual Channel Power Supply Controller
34 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Series Magnet Circuits Thermal Interlock System Ethernet SCADA/Control Network Power To Magnet Input From Thermal Switches Interlock Relay To Power Supply Controller INPUT MODULE OUTPUT MODULE Power Supply Regulator/Controller POWER SUPPLY MAGNET Thermal Switches Single PLC located in computer room This system is used when multiple magnets are powered in series. (Dipole & sextupole) One Interlock Chassis is located in each cell.
35 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Power Supply Rack Group B Configurations Within each of the 30 cells of the storage ring there are 3 power supply rack groups. A,B&C (~90 rack groups total) Network switches and a PS IOC share one rack bay in rack group B. There is only a small amount of cables that leave a PS rack group – network, timing, PS output, Thermal Switch, & 1-wire. This configuration is for Rack Group B About 10 kW of heat is dissipated in each power supply rack group.
36 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Power Supply Rack Group A & C Configurations This configuration is for Rack Group B Cables between the PSI & Regulator will be done with simple & reliable flex circuits. Most other cables will be short in length to connect the DCCTs, Power Converters, Amplifiers, & AC input Modules. Almost all of cables will be pre- tested before installation.
37 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Equipment Enclosure Cooling System System has a closed loop air cooling system. Equipment inlet air temp. is held constant at 24 °C. System is design to remove ~ 5 kW of heat from each heat exchanger using 13°C chilled water. Two temp. control systems are available. Low precision + 1°C High precision + 0.1°C Equipment installed in the enclosure should take advantage of the front to back cooling flow.
38 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Equipment Enclosure Details Water & power connection to heat exchanger Rotex Cable Seals Front Plenum Fans Heat Exchangers Equipment Enclosures are NEMA 12 Can install either 19” or 24” panels. Transparent front & solid rear doors. Depth of enclosure is 40” from outside front door face to rear door face. Available installed equipment height is 42 U (73.5”) The number of racks in the enclosures can be 2,3,4,& 5. 3 to 5 rack enclosures will have 4 Heat Exchangers (20 kW Cooling Capacity) 2 rack enclosures will have 2 heat exchangers ( 10 kW Cooling Capacity) Enclosures will be mounted to the floor using vibration isolation mounts. Enclosures are insulated to minimize heat load to the facility. All enclosures will have temp. sensors, humidity sensors, & smoke detectors. Fans are in each heat exchanger Front Plenum is the space between the Lexan door and the front panel of the installed equipment
39 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Number of Equipment Enclosure Configurations Rack ConfigurationQuantity Number of Racks 2 RG HPTC3162 2 RG LPTC1122 3 RG LPTC89267 4 RG LPTC52208 5 RG LPTC315 Total Racks =574 RG = Rack Group HPTC = High Precisions Temperature Control LPTC = Low Precision Temperature Control There are one set of each rack group as spares for a total of 588 racks The quantities include all Storage Ring and Injector Systems requirements. Baseline estimate is 480 racks, there is an increase of 94 racks. ~ 43 BI,~ 20 Booster, ~ 12 Controls, ~ 8 RF. Baseline did not include the High Precision Temperature Control used for SR Beam Instrumentation
40 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Special AC Power – UPS There are 31 – 30 KVA UPS units located in the storage ring mezzanine. One for each Cell & Injection Straight. There are 2 30 KVA UPS for Injector Systems, One for SR RF, and three for the Computer Room. The SR RF cryogenic system recovery compressors, cryogenic systems controls, and computer room are on emergency generator power. The UPSs are for powering control systems and have a very short hold up time. (Minimize battery replacement costs.) Just enough for the controls to do an orderly shutdown of the system. They also serve as a power line conditioner.
41 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES 800 Amp Motor Operated Circuit Breaker to RF KSU Transmitter Computer Room & RF Service Bldg. Computer Room Server Racks UPS Room FL
42 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Booster Tunnel Cable Tray Equipment Racks in the L/B Service Bldg. Injector Complex FL
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