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Digital Alternatives to Transcribed Records at FAO IAMLADP Working Group on Technology for Conferences, Languages and Publications Task Force on Digital.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Alternatives to Transcribed Records at FAO IAMLADP Working Group on Technology for Conferences, Languages and Publications Task Force on Digital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Alternatives to Transcribed Records at FAO IAMLADP Working Group on Technology for Conferences, Languages and Publications Task Force on Digital Alternatives to Transcribed Records June 23-25, 2008

2 Content Traditional transcription process Issues with traditional process New system: hardware New system: software Workflow Results obtained Replacing transcribed records with digital files at High-Level Conference Dissemination, preservation and retrieval of digital records Preliminary conclusions

3 Traditional Transcription Process Analog cassette recording operated by two short- term personnel Manual log of details of recordings by two Staff Monitoring of proceedings by two Staff in the meeting room Cassettes and the log file carried to transcribers FAO Basic Texts: Conference and Council Verbatim Records produced within 24 hrs Multilingual Verbatim Records in English, French and Spanish

4 Issues with traditional transcription Difficulty in renting tape equipment Low sound quality Workflow manual and slow Large-scale logistical operation High production cost of Verbatim Records (~ USD 145,000 in 2006-07)

5 New system: hardware Digital audio converter and mixer: EDIROL – up to 10 audio channels Recording done by PC with normal sound card and FireWire port FAO Conference: one laptop for Plenary (7 channels); another for two Commissions; a third backing up all meetings Floor back-up on DVD recorders

6 New system: software Audio recording software (VRS by NCH) − Records digital signal in several formats and quality levels − Built-in compressors and filters − Individual treatment of each channel and file storage in preferred location (network drives, FTPs or e-mail) − Sound files of any length − Automatic recording at certain sound level − System operated also remotely via Internet − Creation of database of logs Transcription: ExpressScribe (Freeware) Sound editing software

7 Monitors Technical Supervisor En Ed Assistant Typists Fr Ed Assistant Sp Ed Assistant Typists Operator En Ed Assistant Fr Ed Assistant Fr Ed Assistant Monitors Technical supervisor Recording and log Distribution Transcription Quality control Release Workflow coordination Workflow Files could be sent for web posting

8 Results obtained Excellent sound quality and flow of recordings 15-20 min saving on 90 min cassette Full control over workflow Savings from not employing temporary staff and not renting equipment (~ USD13,000) Cost of equipment and software offset by savings from one Conference session Digital audio archive of all meetings

9 Recent experience of replacing transcribed records with digital files High-Level Conference 3-5 June 2008 Digital recording of Plenary and Committee sessions (in all languages) Digital recording of individual statements (in original language) for web posting Collection and scanning of statements Real time webposting of audio and text files

10 HLC Web Page

11 Lessons learned from the HLC Successful replacement of transcribed records Positive feedback from delegates Excellent sound quality and flow of recordings Sound editing when needed Webposting of written statements and sound files in real time

12 Some figures from HLC 23,516 website visits during the three days of the Conference. Top 10 visited pages contain documentation information and webcasting Human resources: 6 staff members Savings: ~ USD 29,000

13 Next steps: dissemination, preservation and retrieval of digital records 1.Corporate media archive 2.Podcasing 3.Webcasting

14 Digital recordings can improve workflow and/or be a viable alternative to transcribed records Digital alternative dependents upon nature and format of meeting Adoption of webcasting and webposting should be considered for all major meetings. However - constraints in internet capacity and interpreters' rights Preliminary conclusions

15 Thank you

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