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Airway Pressure Release Ventilation (APRV)
Objectives Provide the definition and names for APRV
Explain the four set parameters. Identify recruitment in APRV using exhaled CO2. Recommend appropriate initial settings for APRV Make adjustments based on arterial blood gas results Discontinue ventilation with APRV
Introduction Airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) is a relatively new mode of ventilatory support that, although outlined in 1987, did not become available in the United States until the mid-1990s. APRV augments alveolar ventilation. Airway pressure is released from an elevated baseline pressure to produce an expiration. The elevated pressure facilitates oxygenation, while the pressure release increases minute ventilation.
Introduction APRV has been successfully used in neonatal, pediatric, and adult forms of respiratory failure. Experimental and clinical use of APRV has been shown to facilitate spontaneous breathing and is associated with decreased peak airway pressures and improved oxygenation/ventilation when compared with conventional ventilation. Additionally, improvements in hemodynamic parameters, splanchnic perfusion, and reduced sedation/neuromuscular blocker requirements have been reported.
Introduction APRV may offer potential clinical advantages for ventilator management of acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome and may be considered as an alternative “open lung approach” to mechanical ventilation. Whether APRV reduces mortality or increases ventilator-free days compared with a conventional volume-cycled “lung protective” strategy will require future randomized, controlled trials
APRV Description A mode of ventilation along with spontaneous ventilation to promote lung recruitment of collapsed and poorly ventilated alveoli. The CPAP is released periodically for a brief period. The short release along with spontaneous breathing promote CO2 elimination. Release time is short to prevent the peak expiratory flow from returning to a zero baseline.
APRV (Airway Pressure Release Ventilation)
Provides two levels of CPAP and allows spontaneous breathing at both levels when spontaneous effort is present Both pressure levels are time triggered and time cycled
AKA BiVent – Servo APRV – Drager BiLevel – Puritan Bennett
APRV – Hamilton Etc.
Lung Protective Strategies
Acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) Keep plateau pressures < 30 cm H2O Use low tidal volume ventilation (4-6 mL/kg IBW) Use PEEP to restore the functional residual capacity (FRC)
Lung Protective Strategies
As recently as 1993, the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) consensus conference failed to agree on an optimal mode of ventilation for any disease state or an optimal method of weaning patients from mechanical ventilation. The ACCP agreed that well-controlled clinical trials that defined the indications and uses of specific modes of ventilation were lacking. Now, quite a few years later, the hard science out there is still a bit scarce, but, we have learned a few things.
Lung Protective Strategies
Recently, discovery of the potential for mechanical ventilation to produce ventilator-associated lung injury has resulted in the development of new lung protective strategies. Lung protective strategies include those described in the open lung approach promoted by Amato et al. The open lung approach uses reduced tidal volumes (6 mL/kg or less) to prevent high-volume lung injury and over-distension of alveoli. In addition, Amato et al. used elevated end expiratory pressure (average positive end-expiratory pressure [PEEP] 16 cmH2O), to prevent low volume lung injury from cyclic airway closure and re-opening.
Open the Lung and Keep it Open
ARDSNet study compared conventional tidal volume (mL/kg) to reduced tidal volume (6 mL/kg). The results of the ARDSNet trial and a study conducted by Amato et al. suggest an association between reduced tidal volume and improved outcome. Improved outcomes seen in the ARDSNet study were a result of not only reduced tidal volumes, but also increased PEEP As a result, ARDSNet Assessment of Low tidal Volume and Elevated end-expiratory volume to Obviate Lung Injury (ALVEOLI) study was conducted to evaluate the role of higher levels of PEEP on survival, results were inconclusive
Lung Recruitment Complete recruitment exceeds the lower inflection point used by Amato et al. to determine optimal PEEP levels. Recruitment begins at the lower inflection point and continues to the upper inflection point. Therefore, elevated baseline airway pressure during APRV may produce near complete recruitment, thus minimizing low volume lung injury from cyclic recruitment. APRV is less likely to produce over-inflation or high-volume lung injury, as airway pressures are lowered (released) in order to accomplish ventilation.
Lung Recruitment Maintaining a constant airway pressure may be advantageous for several reasons. Constant airway pressure facilitates alveolar recruitment; enhances diffusion of gases; allows alveolar units with slow time constants to fill, preventing over-distension of alveoli; and augments collateral ventilation. Van Allen et al. noted that complete obstruction of an airway unit did not always result in collapse of the alveoli and, therefore, hypothesized that alternative pathways must exist.
Lung Recruitment The pores of Kohn, located in the septa of the alveoli and open only during inspiration, first were believed to be responsible. However, two additional pathways were later credited with playing a role: (1) Lambert's canals connect terminal and respiratory bronchioles with adjacent peribronchial alveoli, and (2) channels of Martin interconnect respiratory bronchioles and serve to bypass the main pathway
Keeping Plateau Pressure < 30 cm H20
What do you do if CO2 is rising and the plateau pressure is at 30 cm H2O? Change to pressure control/increase rate/sedation Permissive hypercapnia? Low VT/high rates? HFVO? APRV…
Goals with APRV include the following:
Avoiding extension of lung injury Minimal oxygen toxicity with high mean airway pressure Recruiting alveoli & preventing de-recruitment Minimizing peak airway pressure Preventing atelectasis Using sedation and paralysis conservatively
Why APRV Clinicians have learned that cyclical opening and closing of injured lung units damages them (particularly if tidal volumes are large). We would prefer if the patient could be ventilated at the top of the volume pressure curve, at high lung volumes, without phasic changes. This can be achieved using high frequency oscillation, but adult oscillators are not widely available. For the majority of patients, increasing mean airway pressure without increasing peak pressure means prolonging the inspiratory time in a pressure control mode. The longer the inspiratory time (Ti), the better the oxygenation benefit
Indications Primarily used as an alternative ventilation technique in patients with ARDS. Used to help protect against ventilator induced lung injury.
Indications The main causes of hypoxemia associated with ALI are shunting due to alveolar collapse and reduction in functional residual capacity. Therefore, a primary goal of the treatment of ALI is recruitment of alveoli and prevention of de-recruitment. Sustained plateau pressure is used to promote alveolar recruitment, while being maintained at an acceptable level [no more than 30 cmH2O, if possible]. In addition, the number of respiratory cycles is minimized to prevent both the repetitive opening of alveoli and alveolar stretch that may result in lung injury. Patients in early-phase ALI often do not have impaired respiratory muscle strength or inadequate respiratory drive. Frequently, CPAP alone is sufficient to restore lung volume and increase lung compliance. However, when assistance with ventilation is required, APRV can be used. Intermittent airway pressure release allows alveolar gas to be expelled via natural lung recoil.
Goal To provide the lung protective ventilation supported by the ARDSnet research. Use an “Open lung” approach. Minimize alveolar overdistension. Avoid repeated alveolar collapse and reexpansion. Restore FRC through recruitment and, Maintain FRC by creating intrinsic PEEP.
Consider APRV when the Patient Has --
Bilateral Infiltrates PaO2/FIO2 ratio < 300 and falling Plateau pressures greater than 30 cm H2O No evidence of left heart failure (e.g. PAOP of 18 mm Hg or greater) In other words, persistent ARDS
Possible Contraindications
Unmanaged increases in intracraneal pressure. Large bronchopleural fistulas. Possibly obstructive lung disease. Technically, it may be possible to ventilate nearly any disorder.
Terminology Four commonly used terms include: pressure high (P High), pressure low (P Low), time high (T High), and time low (T Low). P High – the upper CPAP level. Analogous to MAP (mean airway pressure) and thus affects oxygenation. P High is the baseline airway pressure level and is the higher of the two airway pressure levels. Other authors have described P High as the CPAP level, the inflating pressure, or the P1 pressure (P1), also called High Peep.
P-High p-High is the upper CPAP or pressure setting when utilizing APRV. p-High regulates end-inspiratory lung volume & is analogous with mean airway pressure
Terminology PEEP (Also called Plow or Low Peep) is the lower pressure setting. P Low is the airway pressure level resulting from the pressure release. Other authors may refer to P Low as the PEEP level, the release pressure, or the P2 pressure (P2).
P-Low Servo I: Bi-Vent Draeger Evita
The p-Low setting, sets the lower level of CPAP during the release phase. The term "p-Low" is used in Draeger & Hamilton medical ventilators. PB 840 BiLEVEL
T-High T High- is the inspiratory time IT(s) phase for the high CPAP level (P High). T High corresponds with the length of time for which P High is maintained
T-High Allows for sustained recruitment allowing for improved gas exchange by increasing alveolar surface area.
T-Low T Low is the length of time for which the P Low is held (i.e. for which the airway pressure is released) T High plus T PEEP (T low) is the total time of one cycle. I:E ratio becomes irrelevant because APRV is really best thought of as CPAP With occasional releases
T-Low The t-Low sets the time interval for the low pressure/CPAP phase (p-Low). Allows for intermittent release in airway pressure, providing paCO2 removal. Partially unloads the patients work of breathing associated with pure CPAP breathing. The name "t-Low" is used in both Draeger and Hamilton ventilators. note- t-Low should not be considered "expiratory time" as the patient may exhale throughout the entire inspiratory phase. When using Bi-Level on the PB 840 there is no setting to set the low pressure interval. The operator must change frequency & "TH" to set a t-Low. This can become problematic when trying to precisely set a t-Low interval.
APRV: Setting P-High based on the Static Pressure Volume Curve
Some newer mechanical ventilators provide the operator with automated tools to obtain a static Pressure Volume (P/V) Curve in the ventilated patient. These tools provide the clinician a simple, safe, and reproducible method to assess the P/V curve for various pulmonary conditions.
APRV: Setting P-High based on the Static Pressure Volume Curve
For example many Respiratory care practitioners utilize the P/V to identify the lower and upper inflection points. “The lower section of the P/V curve, where the compliance is less favorable, corresponds to a condition in which a given number of alveolar units are collapsed” It is common for the practitioner to set Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) 1-to-2 cmH2O above the lower inflection point to prevent de-recruitment and minimize injury related to shear stress from the repetitive opening and closing of the alveoli. The upper inflection point indicates a decrease in lung compliance and may specify over-distention of the lung units. The assessment of the static P/V curve can provide insight on how well a patient will respond to the application of Airway Pressure Release Ventilation. Evaluation of the “hysteresis” (difference between the inflation and the deflation limb) can indicate the extent of potential lung units that may be recruited. If the patient has very little probability for alveolar recruitment then APRV is less likely to be beneficial and unjustified.
APRV: Setting P-High based on the Static Pressure Volume Curve
If the patient meets indications for utilizing APRV, the operator can use points on the P/V to safely set P-High. P-High should be set always below the pressure which generated the “Upper Inflection Point”. P-High can be set 1-to-2 cmH2o above the “Lower Inflection Point”. The practitioner can calculate “Best Compliance” and set P-High according to the pressure that generated the best compliance (some P/V tools automatically calculate this). The static P/V curve provides a more diagnostic and patient tailored approach to setting P-High.
P/V Tool for more intelligent patient assessment
The automated P/V Tool uses an empirical and repeatable method to find best PEEP, based on respiratory mechanics. It also enables sophisticated lung recruitment maneuvers and therapy assessment. This maneuver records the static pressure/volume curve quickly and easily at the bedside. It employs an adjustable pressure ramp, in which airway pressure is slowly increased to an upper limit as resultant volume and pressure are recorded. After the maneuver, the cursor function lets you inspect inflection points so that you can easily visualize the linear portion of the compliance curve.
Advantages of APRV Uses lower PIP to maintain oxygenation and ventilation without compromising the patient’s hemodynamics (Syndow AJRCCM 1994, Kaplan, CC, 2001) Shown to improved V/Q matching (Putensen, AJRCCM, 159, 1999) Required a lower VE suggesting reduced VD/VT (Varpula, Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2001)
APRV vs. PCIRV Although both modes increase PAW, PCIRV usually requires higher PIP and heavy sedation/paralytic, whereas APRV allows for spontaneous breathing Increases cardiac index Decreases central venous pressure
Additional Advantages - Compared to PCIRV
APRV increases oxygen delivery and Reduces the need for sedation and paralysis APRV also improves renal perfusion and urine output when spontaneous breathing is maintained. (Kaplan, Crit Care, 2001; Hering, Crit Care Med 2002)
Conventional vs APRV
Advantages of Spontaneous Breathing
The benefits of APRV may be related to the preservation of spontaneous breathing. Maintaining the normal cyclic decrease in pleural pressure, augmenting venous return and improving cardiac output. (Putensen, AJRCCM, 1999) The need for sedation is decreased.
Preserve Spontaneous Breathing
The dashed line in each figure represents the normal position of the diaphragm. The shaded area represents the movement of the diaphragm. (Froese, 1974)
Spontaneous v.s. Paralyzed
Spontaneous breathing provides ventilation to dependent lung regions which get the best blood flow, as opposed to PPV with paralyzed patients. ((Frawley, AACN Clinical Froese, Anesth, 1974). Maintaining spontaneous ventilation tends to improve ventilation-perfusion matching by preferentially providing ventilation to dependent lung regions that receive the best blood flow.
Spontaneous v.s. Paralyzed
During PPV (paralyzed patient), the anterior diaphragm is displaced towards the abdomen with the non-dependent regions of the lung receiving the most ventilation where perfusion is the least.
Other Advantages of Spontaneous Breathing
Reduces atrophy of the muscles of ventilation associated with the use of PPV and paralytic agents. (Neuman, ICM,2002)
Another Advantage During PPV atelectasis formation can occur near the diaphragm, when activity of this muscle is absent. (paralysis) However, if spontaneous breathing is preserved, the formation of atelectasis is offset by the activity of the diaphragm. (Hedenstierna, Anesth, 1994)
Initial Settings – P High
P High – Set a plateau pressure (adult) or mean airway pressure (pediatric) Typically about cm H2O. In patients with Pplateau at or above 30 cm H2O, set at 30 cm H2O
Setting Phigh Over-distention of the lung must be avoided. Maximum Phigh of 35 cm H2O. (controversial) Exceptions for higher settings – morbid obesity, decreased thoracic or abdominal compliance (ascites).
Setting Thigh The inspiratory time (Thigh) is set at a minimum of about 4.0 seconds In children, others use lower settings (Children’s Med Ctr. Uses 2 sec.) Thigh is progressively increased (10 to 15 seconds (Habashi, et al) Target is oxygenation.
Setting Thigh Progress slowly. For example, 5 sec Thigh to 0.5 sec Tlow, a 10:1 ratio. Increasing to 5.5 sec to 0.5 sec is an 11:1 ratio; not a big change. Old patients may be fragile.
Release Time - TPEEP Currently, with ARDS thinking is not to let exhalation go to complete emptying, i.e. do not let expiratory flow returning to zero. (McCunn, Crit Care 2002) Thus, regional auto-PEEP a desirable outcome with APRV FLOW
Setting PEEP or Plow in APRV
Set PEEP at zero cm H2O. This provides a rapid drop in pressure, and a maximum DP for unimpeded expiratory gas flow. (Frawley, AACN Clin Issues 2001) Avoid lung collapse during Tlow.
Establishing T PEEP (Time at low pressure)
Set T PEEP (T low) so that expiratory flow from patient ends at about 50 to 75% of peak expiratory flow. This can be determine saving a screen and calculating peak expiratory flow. Or, it can be estimated
Expiratory Flow
T PEEP – Setting The Time
Adults 0.5 to 0.8 seconds Pediatric/neonatal settings 0.2 to 0.6 seconds. Or one time constant. (TC = C x R)
T PEEP – Using the Tc
Release Time in ARDS Atelectasis can develop in seconds when Paw drops below a critical value in the injured lung. (Neumann P, JAP 1998, Newmann P, AJRCCM 1998, Frawley, 2001; McCunn, Internat’l Anesth Clinics 2002). Too long a release time would interfere with oxygenation and allow lung units to collapse.
Initial Settings P high cm H2O, according to the following chart. T High/T low releases T High (s) T low (s) Freq. P/F MAP < < < T high range 4-6 sec. PS- as indicated with special attention given to PIP. T low = 0.5 sec and P low = 0
Review of Settings
Waveform Review Airway Pressure Release Ventilation (APRV) showing the characteristic long inspiratory time (TIMEH) (A) and short "release" time (TIMEL) (B). Note that all spontaneous breathing occurs at PEEPH. [Note: Our module on APRV applies generally to all variations popularly used].
Bi-Vent Settings Set Releases and I:E Create releases and I:E
Bi-Vent Ventilation P High T PEEP T High
Spontaneous Breathing
Spontaneous Breaths (On P High) Patient Trigger (On P High)
Spontaneous Breathing w/PS
Spontaneous Breaths w/PS
Identifying Lung Recruitment – CO2 Monitoring
Making Changes in APRV Settings Based on ABGs
Control Settings for CO2
DP (Phigh – Plow) determines flow out of the lungs and volume exchange (VT and PaCO2). Some clinicians suggest a target minute ventilation of 2 to 3 L/min. (Frawley, 2001). Optimize spontaneous ventilation.
CO2 Elimination To Decrease PaCO2:
Decrease T High. Shorter T High means more release/min. No shorter than 3 seconds Example: T High 5 sec. = 12 releases/min T High 4 sec = 15 releases/min Increase P High to increase DP and volume exchange. (2-3 cm H2O/change) Monitor Vt PIP (best below 30 cm H2O) Check T low. If possible increase T low to allow more time for “exhalation.”
To Increase PaCO2 Increase T high. (fewer releases/min)
Slowly! In increments of 0.5 to 2.0 sec. Decrease P High to lower DP. Monitor oxygenation and Avoid derecruitment. It may be better to accept hypercapnia than to reduce P high so much that oxygenation decreases.
Management of PaO2 To Increase PaO2 Increase FIO2
Increase MAP by increasing P High in 2 cm H2O increments. Increase T high slowly (0.5 sec/change) Recruitment Maneuvers Maybe shorten T PEEP (T low) to increase PEEPi in 0.1 sec. increments (This may reduce VT and affect PaCO2)
Weaning From APRV FiO2 SHOULD BE WEANED FIRST. (Target < 50% with SpO2 appropriate.) Reducing P High, by 2 cmH20 increments until the P High is below 20 cmH2O. Increasing T High to change vent set rate by 5 releases/minute
Weaning From APRV The patient essentially transitions to CPAP with very few releases. Patients should be increasing their spontaneous rate to compensate.
During Weaning Add Pressure Support judiciously.
Add Pressure Support to P High in order to decrease WOB while avoiding over-distention, P High + PS < 30 cmH2O.
Pressure Support with APRV
Pressure Support with APRV
PEEPHigh + PS P aw cmH 2 60 -20 PEEPH PEEPL
Weaning Bi-Vent Lower Rate Longer T High Add PS Lower P High
Weaning Bi-Vent Lower Rate Longer T High Add PS Lower P High
Perceived Disadvantages of APRV
APRV is a pressure-targeted mode of ventilation. Volume delivery depends on lung compliance, airway resistance and the patient’s spontaneous effort. APRV does not completely support CO2 elimination, but relies on spontaneous breathing
Disadvantages of APRV With increased Raw (e.g.COPD)
the ability to eliminate CO2 may be more difficult Due to limited emptying of the lung and short release periods. If spontaneous efforts are not matched during the transition from Phigh to Plow and Plow to Phigh, may lead to increased work load and discomfort for the patient. Limited staff experience with this mode may make implementation of its use difficult.
The End Lesson 1 Lab: Setup and manipulation of APRV on the Galileo ventilator and BiLevel on the PB 840. Use of clinical scenarios will be used to guide decision making. Lesson 1 assignment: Analyze current evidence based research on the use of APRV as a measure to decrease mortality in the ARDS patient. Write a minimum of 3 pages utilizing peer reviewed articles and APA referencing to support or refute APRV use as primary means to decrease mortality.
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