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Sharing experiences of working with PhDs at Ulster Dr Sharon Milner University of Ulster AHECS 30 th April 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Sharing experiences of working with PhDs at Ulster Dr Sharon Milner University of Ulster AHECS 30 th April 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sharing experiences of working with PhDs at Ulster Dr Sharon Milner University of Ulster AHECS 30 th April 2014

2 Agenda  Roberts Agenda – Funding  Doctoral Innovation Programme (DIP)  ILM accreditation / HEA associate membership  PhD destinations

3 Background  Government policy – Roberts Agenda 2 weeks training each year  Institutional Drivers: Corporate Plan and learning & teaching strategy  Funded by DEL – ring fenced

4 Structure of training programme  Originally PgCert in Professional Development  Restructured as Doctoral innovation programme (DIP)  DIP training aligned to student gaining their PhD

5 Doctoral Innovation Programme  Structured 3 year programme providing students with opportunities to develop and enhance research practice and their employability  Each year different focus to align with PhD process and CDC feeds into programme at strategic points  1 st year focus – familiarity with subject area  2 nd year focus – capturing data  3 rd year focus – writing up and refining the thesis

6 DIP Accreditation routes  ILM accreditation – gain 2 modules towards level 5 ILM qualification 6 months free membership of ILM  ‘First steps to teaching’ Associate membership of Higher Education Academy (HEA)  All of which is free to PhD Students

7 PhD training: Approx 700 PhD students at Ulster Generic: Not faculty or discipline specific Careers provision is targeted at strategic points each year Training in 1 st year (2 sessions: 1hour and 3 hours long) Training in 2 nd year (1 session: 3 hours long) Specific workshops in 3 rd year. (4 sessions 2-3 hours each) Students also have option of booking individual 1 hour guidance sessions.

8 1 st year training: 1 hour induction session in sept ‘starting your career plan’ Topics covered: Intro to CDC, process of career decision making, resources 3 hour session in March ‘strategically planning your career’ Topics covered: personal and professional development, exploration of skills, visualisation of their life plans/ ambitions, action plan Each of these sessions are part of ‘block training week’

9 2 nd year training: 3 hour induction session in sept ‘strategically building your career: adding value to your PhD’ Topics covered DLHE, labour market information and career management theory, alumni talks, travel scholarships, managing your online presence, action plan Part of ‘block training’ week

10 3rd year training: 2 hour session ‘professional cvs’ 3 hour session ‘assessment centres’ 2 hour session ‘introduction to interview skills part 1’ 1 hour session ‘interview skills part 2: practical’

11 PhD Destinations Jane, PhD Modern Poetry, gained a lot of organisational skills and increased her self-confidence during her research degree. As a result she felt able to go in a completely different direction after she left university. A.Development Officer, Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education B.Secondary school teacher, Our Ladys Grammar School Newry C.Business Development Manager, Ballycastle Enterprise Agency

12 PhD Destinations Nuala, PhD Chemistry, she enjoyed the research and teaching aspects of her thesis A.Development Officer, Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE) B.Career Development Consultant, University of Manchester C.Secondary school teacher, Our Ladys Grammar School Newry

13 PhD Destinations Elaine, PhD Psychology, explored the Health & Social services complaints system in relation to children. She thoroughly enjoyed the research aspects of her PhD.. A.Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Dept of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield. B.Lecturer, Nursing Research Institute, University of Ulster C.Secondary School Teacher, Our Lady’s Grammar School, Newry

14 Any questions?

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