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PURE Sweden A pilot study – first 158 men and women.

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1 PURE Sweden A pilot study – first 158 men and women

2 Sweden: 9 milj. inhabitants 20 persons/km 2 Göteborg: second largest city (500.000)


4 Sahlgrenska University Hospital/Östra Göteborg Sweden Population studies since 1963 – Data on ca 20,000 men and women Birth years: 1913 to 1978

5 PURE – Swedish collaborative effort Urban: Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborg Respiratory medicine – Prof Kjell Torén Dept of Work & Environmental Medicine Nutrition – Prof Lauren Lissner, Dept of Epidemiology and Community Medicine Cardiology – Prof Annika Rosengren, Dept of Cardiovascular and Emergency Medicine Rural: Skövde Rural populations – Dr Ulf Lindblad, dr Kristina Bengtsson, Dept of Family Medicine, Skövde

6 PURE Study

7 Görel

8 Anne

9 PURE – Sweden pilot Feb-May 2005Preparation, training April 2005Ethics approval May-June 20052 grants submitted Aug 2005Start of recruitment Sept-dec 2005156 subjects investigated Nov 20052 grants approved, partial funding

10 PURE – Sweden pilot * 164 visits scheduled for January/February URBANRURAL Total number of households surveyed (Contacted) 324- No of households with elgible subjects for the PURE Study 324- Total number of subjects eligible for the PURE study N/A- Total number of households responded 240 Total number of subjects for whom questionnaires were administered 158*- Total number of subjects for whom measurements were made 158- Total number of subjects for whom blood samples were collected 158-

11 Approach MONICA population, still living in Göteborg Subjects aged 25 to 44 in 1985, 1990 or 1995 + household members Random population sample + household members. Company/neighborhood approach: not feasible.

12 Plans for 2006 Investigation of 1200 Göteborg subjects Pilot for rural population Submission of grant for regional support for 2007. Random population sample of defined rural communities.


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