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Expanding your Brand A proposal for Channel Sponsorship on - India’s premier travel resource on the net.

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Presentation on theme: "Expanding your Brand A proposal for Channel Sponsorship on - India’s premier travel resource on the net."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expanding your Brand A proposal for Channel Sponsorship on - India’s premier travel resource on the net.

2 We see Your Brand as more than just a Product – its a Lifestyle Choice. It’s a choice that blends perfectly with Travel and all that Travel denotes We invite you to associate with Travel on, and promote Your Brand through this popular and universal lifestyle product. Invitation

3  The Internet is an effective tool for global marketers today allowing - quick reach-high recall - in an extremely contextual environment.  Internet Marketing is today an integral and effective part of overall brand strategy across various product categories.  Offline / online combinations increase Brand Metrics. Online campaigns reinforce TV, Radio and Print promotions dynamically.  Your Customer is also on the Net…. the web is a part of their lifestyle. So are you. You already know…

4 Facts you need to know ( is an information bank and a marketplace for travel on the internet that focuses on the consumers’ travel needs-offering access to: - -global travel and destination information - -choice of travel offers and service providers - -the convenience of exercising that choice on a single platform - is today India’s premier Travel resource on the internet and receives over 4,00,000 travel visitors a month providing a highly contextual and focused environment

5 Facts you need to know (contd.) Many prestigious partners have found value in JourneyMart’s original- cutting edge travel content : - - was associated with as their travel channel partner for one - - has also exclusively powered the travel section on - - is the travel fulfillment partner to - the Govt. of India-Department of Tourism’s website - - currently powers the travel newsletters to MSN India / Hotmail users, besides our own JourneyMail.

6 Targeted Internet Partnerships now offers Exclusive Channel Sponsorships on 4 of it’s most popular zones - - Great Getaways - -Going Places - -Reason to Travel - -Adventure Trails Prominently linked from the homepage, the zones offer focused branding opportunities to synergetic partners, keen to reach out to over 4,00,000 travellers who visit EVERY

7 The 4 Travel Zones on the Home Page

8 What the Zones will do for our partners z Build brand awareness z Enable online brand promotions z Provide information to users about the Partner z Offer an ability to interact & transact online

9 The entire Zone will be published as Your Brand Zone, announcing the sponsorship on the Home Page. See next slide for dummy representation Building Brand Awareness


11 The Zone Landing Page will feature Your Brand on the masthead and will feature links to the Zone, Your Website and Your Brand Interest pages. See next slide for dummy representation Building Brand Awareness


13 All Zone Sub-sections and information pages will feature Your Brand prominently. See next two slides for dummy representation Building Brand Awareness



16 All navigation links on to the Zone will feature the Zone as Your Brand Zone. See next slide for dummy representation Promotions - Cross Channel

17 Cross Channel Promotion

18 All non-sponsored channels on will feature links to Your Brand Zone. See next slide for dummy representation Promotions - Cross Channel

19 Cross Channel Promotion

20 Editorial Coverage - All related features on, associate channels and travel newsletters will lead to Your Brand Zone. See next slide for dummy representation Promotions - Cross Channel

21 Cross Channel Promotion

22 z 2 Online Mega Promotions or Contests per year. These could dovetail with the Sponsor’s Offline promotional activity. The Promotions would include: -Home Page presence -Zone Page makeover -Advertising banners and e-mailers. z Journey Mail- Travel Newsletter will promote ‘Your Brand Zone’ once every quarter. z 4 Branded E-Cards to Database - festivals / long weekends etc. z ROS Banners across - minimum 1 million annually See Following slides for dummy representation Online Brand Promotion





27 Take Advantage – Your Brand Zone can include: z Short, crisp and useful ‘Sections of Interest’ to your consumers. These can be developed by us together z Areas to Interact with your consumer – contact us / email links / FAQs z Dealer / Distribution network lists z Transaction capabilities can be discussed and developed – ability to insert a booking / order form, payment modes (credit card gateway), auto responders for your product and your consumer Ability to Interact & Transact

28 We look forward to welcoming you as our partner in Internet Brand Promotions.

29 Annexure 1 – Internet users 580 million internet users globally …source : Neilson / Netratings, Feb. 2003 5 million internet users in India ….. Source : Nasscom

30 Annexure 2 – Travel on the Internet The largest industry on the Internet today. z The Asian online travel spend slated to grow from 4.78 billion in 2002 to USD 13.3 billion in 2004 (source : Phocus Wright) z In USA, 64 million Americans research travel online. (source: TIAA) z Travel contributes to over 23% of net shopping in India and is the fastest growing category for B2C e-commerce. (source: IDC)

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