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Rights of older people & their advocates. Rights 1.Privacy and confidentiality 2.Dignity 3.Freedom of association 4.Informed choice 5.Complaints 6.Freedom.

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Presentation on theme: "Rights of older people & their advocates. Rights 1.Privacy and confidentiality 2.Dignity 3.Freedom of association 4.Informed choice 5.Complaints 6.Freedom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rights of older people & their advocates

2 Rights 1.Privacy and confidentiality 2.Dignity 3.Freedom of association 4.Informed choice 5.Complaints 6.Freedom of speech 7.Standard of care

3 Everyone has a right to privacy the following pieces of legislation are related to privacy: The privacy Act 1988 The Aged Care Act 1997 State specific laws eg Health Records Act 2001 (VIC)

4 Responsibilities and procedures As a support worker you will have access to a lot of personal information about your clients. You must not talk about these private details to other people such as your family and friends. You must only share information about your clients with authorised people. There will be specific policies related to privacy in your workplace. Always check with your boss if unsure about protecting a client’s privacy.

5 Dignity Older people have the right to dignity and respect when being cared for. Support workers can do a lot to look after the dignity of older people by making sure: The door is shut when they are getting dressed or showering Their clothing is suitable and clean Activities for older people are suited to their age

6 Freedom of Association Older people should be allowed to associate with whoever they choose. Support workers should facilitate this.

7 Informed choice Older people have the right to be fully informed about all decisions they make. This is as simple as choice for a meal or as complicated as choice involved in medical care. Part of the role of a support worker is to ensure that the older person understands all the choices that are available to them.

8 Complaints Everyone has a right to complain, including older people. There is a complaints resolution system in the Aged Care Act which sets out how a complaint from an older person should be processed.

9 Freedom of speech Older people must be able to express their views without fear that the services they receive will be negatively affected by them speaking up.

10 Standard of care Age care services have brochures and information about the standard of care that they provide. When the older person begins to receive the service they may need to sign an agreement to the level of care they will except.

11 Case studies

12 Access and Equity Access and equity in aged care = making services and care available to all older people in a fair way. Example: Aged Care services can be very expensive, the government funds services so that all who needs them can access them.

13 Client-centred approach Support workers who are focused on access and equity for older people often adopt a client- centred approach. This means that the service meets the needs of all older people who use it. The service should adapt to their needs, not vice versa.

14 Individual differences Older people will be different in terms of their: Financial status Social background Ethnicity Religion These differences mean that it can be very challenging to make one service client centred for all its clients.

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