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Spanish First Level El abecedario First Level Significant Aspects of Learning Use language in a range of contexts and across learning Continue to develop.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish First Level El abecedario First Level Significant Aspects of Learning Use language in a range of contexts and across learning Continue to develop."— Presentation transcript:


2 Spanish First Level El abecedario

3 First Level Significant Aspects of Learning Use language in a range of contexts and across learning Continue to develop confidence and enthusiasm to communicate using the language being learnt Develop an awareness and understanding of patterns and sounds of language Begin to develop an understanding of, interest in and respect for other countries, cultures and languages Appreciate and understand the value of language learning Recognise familiar written words when listening Explore how gesture, expression and emphasis are used to help understanding. Listen, recognise and respond to familiar voices in short, predictable conversations Understand and respond to familiar spoken vocabulary Actively take part in daily routines Listen and join in with stories, song or poem Enjoy engaging with simple and familiar texts on my own and with others using resources to support learning Participate in familiar games, paired speaking and short role plays Take part in simple, paired conversations about themselves giving simple opinions and asking simple questions

4 Vocabulary 10. The Alphabet At First Level the focus should be on being able to say the alphabet in Spanish. L’alphabet the alphabet aahnene ñen-yay bbeooh csayppeh dday qcoo eayreray fefeses-say ggetteh hacheuoo ilong eev00 be jhoe-tahwoobe do bleh kkaxekis leleyeegree-ay-gah memezzetah

5 For First Level focus mainly on being able to say the alphabet in Spanish, working your way up to spelling in Spanish at 2 nd Level.

6 El abecedario en español

7 ah

8 be

9 say

10 day

11 ay

12 efe

13 ge

14 ache

15 Ee long

16 Joe-tah

17 ka

18 ele

19 eme

20 ene


22 oh

23 peh

24 coo

25 eray

26 Es-say

27 teh

28 oo

29 Oo-be

30 Oo-be-doo-ble

31 ekis

32 ee-gree-ay-gah

33 zetah

34 Embedding the language You could use the alphabet as a countdown in class for getting tidied up etc. You could ask pupils how something might be spelt in Spanish. This can really help to enhance their spelling English as they are thinking twice as hard about the letter sequencing of a word. When listening and talking with others, I am developing an awareness of when to listen and when to talk. I am learning new words which I use to share information about myself and others. MLAN 2-03a I can use familiar language to describe myself and to exchange straightforward information. MLAN 2-13b I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them. HWB 2-01a

35 Sample activities You will find a bank of sample activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.

36 At Second Level they should now be adding on asking how something is spelt. This can be embedded into any topic.

37 ¿Cómo se escribe? In this activity pupils all read aloud together “¿Cómo se escribe?” (How do you spell it?). A colour is then displayed. Pupils have to recall the word in Spanish. Pupils write the word on a whiteboard how to spell the word.and then spell it out aloud for their partner. Their parter peer assesses their spelling and their pronunciation. I explore comparisons and connections between sound patterns in different languages through play, discussion and experimentation. MLAN 2-07a I can read and demonstrate understanding of words, signs, phrases and simple texts containing mainly familiar language. MLAN 2-08b Listening and talking activity Writing Activity

38 ¿Cómo se escribe? A-Z-U-L

39 A-M-A-R-I-L-L-0

40 N-E-G-R-O

41 V-E-R-D-E

42 B-L-A-N-C-0

43 R-O-J-O

44 R-O-S-A

45 ¿Cómo se escribe? Conversación In this activity pupils walk around the room while the music is playing. When the music stops pupils ask each other what is your name and how do you spell it. I can take part effectively in prepared conversations by sharing information about myself and others or interests of my choice, using familiar vocabulary and basic language structures. MLAN 2-03b Listening and talking activity

46 Da una vuelta por la clase Cuando la música pare Hablad con un compañero.

47 ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cómo se escribe? Me llamo Michael M-I-C-H-A-E-L

48 Leed, dibujad, decid. In this activity, pupils read the word in Spanish. To demonstrate comprehension, they draw a picture of the word. Then they spell the word aloud for their partner. Their partner peer assesses – one point for correct picture, on point for correct pronunciation. I work on my own and with others to understand text using appropriate resources, demonstrating my understanding by matching written words to pictures and by reconstructing the text in a logical sequence, for example. MLAN 2-08a I can read and demonstrate understanding of words, signs, phrases and simple texts containing mainly familiar language. MLAN 2-08b Reading activity

49 Leed La palabra Dibujadlay Decid a tu compañero cómo se escribe. S-O-L

50 Gato

51 G-A-T-0

52 Elefante

53 E-L-E-F-A-N-T-E

54 Perro

55 P-E-R-R-0

56 Ratón

57 R-A-T-Ó-N

58 Tortuga

59 T-O-R-T-U-G-A

60 Mini-dictionary Pupils work with a partner to look up new words in the dictionary on a theme of their choice. E.G, sports, animals. Pupils should be encouraged to spell these new words out for their partner using the Spanish alphabet. Pupils create their own visual dictionary of new spanish words. I can understand how a bilingual dictionary works and use it with support. MLAN 2-11a Dictionary Skills!

61 Escuchad y escribid In this activity pupils write numbers 1 – 5. They listen to each audio file and they hear a word spelled out using the Spanish alphabet. They should write down as they listen each letter. If they write it down correctly it will spell a word for them in Spanish. I explore comparisons and connections between sound patterns in different languages through play, discussion and experimentation. MLAN 2-07a I can listen to and show understanding of familiar instructions and language from familiar voices and sources. MLAN 2-01c Listening activity Writing Activity

62 español martes junio azul siete 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Escuchad Escribid las palabras y

63 Songs and videos! You will find a bank of sample songs and videos which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.

64 La canción del abeceadrio A B C D E FG H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ahora conozco todas las letras del abecedario en español

65 La canción del abecedario


67 Canción del abecedario en español


69 You will find a bank of sample ICT activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. You will find a set of more supported activities in Early Feelings and more challenging activities in Level 2 Feelings. Each of the slides contains an image of the website page. If you click on the image it will take you to the page. Alternatively you can use a link address which you will find in the slide notes. ICT Resources online

70 El abecedario

71 Toca el dibujo correspondiente al sonido


73 Memory Machine

74 ¡ Adiós!

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