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Hill House Energy Audit Grace Baldwin, Andrew Beacham, Julian Boed, Fred Bower, Chi Do, Albertha Ladina, and Spencer Martin EC278 2015, Colby College.

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Presentation on theme: "Hill House Energy Audit Grace Baldwin, Andrew Beacham, Julian Boed, Fred Bower, Chi Do, Albertha Ladina, and Spencer Martin EC278 2015, Colby College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hill House Energy Audit Grace Baldwin, Andrew Beacham, Julian Boed, Fred Bower, Chi Do, Albertha Ladina, and Spencer Martin EC278 2015, Colby College

2 Overview of Hill House (2) ●Three floors o Basement: storage, desk, washer and dryer o First floor: Kitchen + Living Room and two rooms (two bathrooms) o Second floor: two rooms (two bathrooms) 1

3 Overview of Hill House Peak months: March and November Low months: January, August, December Average per month: 51 Total per year: 609 Guest per day: 1.67

4 Yearly Whole House Results Home Energy Saver Pro

5 Investment Productivity (3) Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) Net Present Value (NPV) Simple Payback Cashflows Which investment figure is the BEST?

6 3 Year Payback (4) Attic Insulation Cost= $281.72 Savings per year = $607. Payback=.5 years. Shower Heads Cost =$159.96 Savings per year= $270. Payback=.59 years. Sinks Faucets Cost= $45.00. Savings per year= $48. Payback =.92 years. Smart Thermostats Cost=$490. Savings per year 612.5. Payback=.8 years.

7 5 Year Payback Lighting Cost=$383. Savings per year = $110. Payback = 3.5 years. Natural Gas- Cost= $12,500.00. Payback= 4.00 years. NPV= $33,590.62. LCOE= $0.09/kwh.

8 10 Year Payback Heat Pumps - Cost=$18,150.00. Payback= 7.00 years. NPV= $26,418.81. LCOE=$0.09/kwh Windows - Cost=$11,050. Payback=11.23 years NPV=2309.29 Heat Loss Savings=75%

9 Air Tightness (6) Blower Door Test and Walk Through Analysis Pressure (Pa) Flow (CFM) 202000 302852 403560 503988 604500

10 Air Tightness If cut air leakage by 10% Pressure (Pa) Flow (CFM) 201800 302567 403204 503589 604050

11 Remediation: ●It is recommended that caulk be applied to the various holes and obvious signs of air leakage throughout the house. ●Ensure that fireplace chimney is equipped with stopper ●Replace the insulation in the attic.

12 Roof The current roof needs to be replaced, so adding insulation to the attic while the roof was removed would be less costly and much easier.

13 Insulation After initial inspection it is estimated that the overall attic insulation is rated at R-6. With a R-value of R-6, the annual heat loss from the attic is 28,779,348 BTU. In order to produce that energy it takes 208 gallons of #2 Oil. If insulation rated at R-60 is blown into the attic, the annual heat loss from the attic would be 2,877,935 BTU. This is the equivalent of 20 Gallons of oil. The total cost to complete would be $281.72.The yearly savings are $607, leaving a payback period of ½ of a year. SIR= 21.6

14 Windows (7) Current Windows: -Roughly 266 ft^2 of window space -26 - 2.5’x4’ windows -R-values for the leaky old windows about R=1 Upgraded Opportunity: -Replace the 26 2.5’x4’ windows with double layered, Low E glass, argon filled windows. -Maintain the structure and character of the house -Increase the insulation to R=4 Current Heat Loss -Using Heating Degree Days (HDD) for the last 12 months and a base temp. of 65 °F -52,446,475 BTU annually -More than $1,300 in heating fuel lost Heat Savings With Upgrade -Using Heating Degree Days (HDD) for the last 12 months and a base temp. of 65 °F -Now only 13,111,140 BTU lost annually. -Saving, $983.38 in fuel annually. -75% decrease in heat loss from windows!

15 Investment Double Layered, Low E glass, Argon filled windows -Same 2.5’x4’ size window -Increased R value from 1 to at least 4 -Maintains the look and character of the Hill House while adding significant heating cost savings -Cost: Roughly $425 per window - TOTAL INVESTMENT: $11,050 Productivity (Extended Timeline 20 yrs.) Oil Price: Low Moderate Fuel savings over 20 years: $19,667 $23,200 Savings - Investment Ratio: 1.779 2.099 Simple Payback: 11.23 years 9.25 years Net Present Value: $2,309 $4,307

16 Water Usage (8) The installation of low flow water fixtures in the Hill house would cut annual water usage by 42%. This cut is accomplished with the replacement of 4 toilets, 4 showerheads, and 5 sinks. 3 different upgrade can achieve this Low Flow Showerheads Sink Flow Extension Low Flow Toilets

17 Water Usage: Showerheads Initial Investment: $159.96 Ten-year savings: $2,702.25 NPV: $1,251.67 Savings to investment ratio: 16.89 Payback period: 0.59 years

18 Water Usage: Sinks Initial Investment: $45.00 Ten-year savings: $486.90 NPV: $225.53 Savings to investment ratio: 10.82 Payback Period: 0.92 years

19 Water Usage: Toilets

20 Initial Investment: $428.56 Ten-year savings: $918.63 NPV: $425.50 Savings to investment ratio: 2.14 Payback period: 4.67 years

21 Water Usage: Totals When all the changes are implemented: Initial Investment: $633.52 Ten-year savings: $4,107.78 NPV: $1,902.70 Savings to investment ratio: 6.48 Payback period: 1.54 years 42% water reduction Making these changes would reduce water usage, and as shown by the different calculation, would be a very attractive upgrade with large savings to investment ratios, 1 and a half year paybacks, and a net present value of almost $2000.

22 Lighting and Appliances (10) List of Appliances: Microwave, Coffee Maker, Toaster, Refrigerator (2), Freezer (2), Computer, Fax Machine, Printer, Hair dryers (4), Phones (6), Minifridge, Washer, Dryer, Televisions (4), Alarm clock (4), Iron (4), Vacuum cleaner Suggestion: Power strips (with switches) for appliances

23 Lighting and Appliances (13) ●Current energy usage of lights and appliance: 1029 kWh/year ●Cost to replace all lights with LED: $383 ●LEDs’ life span = 50 times Incandescent ●Amount energy saved: 801 kWh/year ●Amount of money saved: starting at $108/ year ●Payback Period: 3.5 years

24 Programmable Thermostat (14) Programmable Thermostat ●Cost: $99.98 x 5 = $499.99 ●7 day programmable with 4 periods per day ●Computer, iphone, ipad, etc.

25 Prog. Thermostats Assumptions: Savings per Degree of Setback: 3% Lifetime of Thermostat: 15 years Heating Efficiency: 85% In-Use Temperature: 70 Degrees Out-Of-Use Temperature: 62 Degrees Nighttime/Asleep Temperature: 62 Degrees Discount Rate: 4%

26 Heating and Cooling (15) ●Current furnace: 77% efficient oil burning furnace o Plus air leakage: 73% ●Jan. 2014 - Dec. 2014 burned 1,205.20 gallons of oil o Current Energy Demand: 1.68 x 10^8 BTUs ●Raw Energy Demand: 1.22 x 10^8 BTUs

27 Heating and Cooling Options: ●Heat pumps ●Oil burning furnace ●Natural Gas ●Pellet Boiler ●Geothermal (not really an option) ●Solar Thermal (not really an option)

28 Heating and Cooling (16,18) Shortest Payback: System 2000 Natural Gas Least CO2: Wood Pellet Boiler Our Suggestion: Replace with Heat Pumps ●Advantage: high efficiency, affordable, Green Energy ●Payback: 7.49 years

29 Heating and Cooling (15,16) ● Annual energy used: 4900 KWh (170,000,000 BTU) ●Current cooling system: 5 air conditioners -3 large (energy star efficient) and 2 small ●EER Rating: 10.2 (combined); (Heat pumps ~12.5 EER) ●Assumed usage: 3 months, 12 hours a day (1080 hours) ●Current Annual Cost: $750; can lower it to ~$570

30 Heating and Cooling Calculations from Home Energy Saver Pro: ●Green column is savings with upgrades ●24% reduction in cost, electricity needed, and emissions ●Savings consistent with heat pump installation

31 Heating and Cooling (20) Supplementary Excel Sheet

32 Heating and Cooling (22)


34 Heating and Cooling (23) Alteration 1: Make gas prices $2.70 increasing at 2% Heat pumps Natural gas Pellet boiler Oil boiler Payback 10.686.3911.9645.49 NPV $28,526.79$35,698.59$14,425.27($5,897.21) Cumulative Cashflows $42,383.84 $50,167.36 $22,647.83 $(4,191.54) LCOE $0.09 $0.12$0.15 Heat pumps Natural gas Pellet boiler Oil boiler Payback 747over 25 NPV $26,418.8 1 $33,590.6 2 $12,317.3 0 ($5,197.54) Cumulativ e Cashflows $37,584.9 6 $45,368.4 9 $17,848.9 6 $(3,462.96) LCOE $0.09 $0.12$0.14

35 Heating and Cooling (24) Alteration 2: Electricity Inflation at 3.3% Heat pumps Natural gas Pellet boiler Oil boiler Payback 7 years4 years8 years Over 25 years NPV $20,768.59$28,216.28$3,513.64($5,197.54) Cumulative Cashflows $29,537.02 $37,713.52 $5,309.40 $(3,462.96) LCOE $0.11$0.10$0.14$0.15 Heat pumps Natural gas Pellet boiler Oil boiler Payback 747over 25 NPV $26,418.8 1 $33,590.6 2 $12,317.3 0 ($5,197.54) Cumulativ e Cashflows $37,584.9 6 $45,368.4 9 $17,848.9 6 $(3,462.96) LCOE $0.09 $0.12$0.14

36 Heating and Cooling Alteration 3: Replace heat pumps after 15 years Cumulative Costs $104,016.76 Cumulative Savings $55,734.96 Net Present Value $12,933.10 Cumulative Cashflows $21,612.16 Levelized Cost of Electricity $0.11 / kwh

37 Heating and Cooling (25) Summary:

38 Heating and Cooling (26) Recommendation: Replace with Dual Fuel Heat Pumps (5 zone) ●Include Heat Pump Water Heater (included in cost) o Green energy o Replace AC: comfort in Summer o Payback 7 years o multizone system o LCOE = $0.09 / kwh ●Back up: Keep Oil Furnace for when below -10 degrees o But when need to replace furnace hook up to Natural Gas

39 Heating and Cooling

40 Conclusion Attic Insulation Cost= $281.72, Savings per year = $607, Payback=.5 years. Shower Heads Cost =$159.96, Savings per year= $270, Payback=.59 years. Sinks Faucets Cost= $45.00, Savings per year= $48, Payback =.92 years. Smart Thermostats Cost=$490, Savings per year 612.5, Payback=.8 years. Lighting Cost=$383. Savings per year = $110. Payback = 3.5 years. Heat Pumps - Cost=$18,150.00. Payback= 7.00 years. Savings per year = $2,613.01. NPV= $26,418.81. LCOE=$0.09/kwh.

41 Acknowledgements We would like to thank first and foremost, Professor Whitney King and Professor Michael Donihue who organized the chance to conduct the audits. Additionally, we would not have been able to complete this audit if not for the heavy support by Colby College, especially Gus Libby, Kevin Bright, and the whole Physical Plant Department.

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