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Configuring Apache tomcat Specifying the server port NOTE: Edit the install_dir/conf/server.xml and change the port attribute of the connector element.

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Presentation on theme: "Configuring Apache tomcat Specifying the server port NOTE: Edit the install_dir/conf/server.xml and change the port attribute of the connector element."— Presentation transcript:

1 Configuring Apache tomcat Specifying the server port NOTE: Edit the install_dir/conf/server.xml and change the port attribute of the connector element from 8080 to 80 NOTE: this element varies a bit from one tomcat version to another. The easiest way to find the correct entry is to search for 8080 in server.xml Enable servlet reloading: this tells tomcat to reload servlets that have been loaded into the server’s memory but whose class files have changed on disk since they were loaded NOTE: Edit the install_dir/conf/server.xml and add the following to the top of the service element Turn on the invoker servlet: this permits you to run your servlets without making changes to your web.xml file NOTE: You drop your servlets into WEB-INF/classes and use the url http://host/servlet/ServletName NOTE: Uncomment the following mapping (invoker servlet’s servlet and servlet-mapping element ) in install_dir/conf/web.xml invoker /servlet/* Setting CATALINA_HOME: optionally set the catalina_home environment variable to refer to the base tomcat installation directory.

2 Testing the tomcat server Start the server by clicking on install_dir/bin/startup.bat Run the below url: http://localhost:8080/ Shutdown the server by clicking on install_dir/bin/startup.bat If you cannot get tomcat to run try going to install_dir/bin and type: calalina run This will prevent tomcat from starting a separate window and let you see error messages

3 Enabling the ROOT content The ROOT content is the default web application in tomcat To enable it uncomment the following line in install_dir/conf/server.xml

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