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Animals | Paws to Read | Summer 2014 November 3, 2013 Paws to Read Summer Reading for Children (K-5) Ideas for Programming and Partnerships.

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Presentation on theme: "Animals | Paws to Read | Summer 2014 November 3, 2013 Paws to Read Summer Reading for Children (K-5) Ideas for Programming and Partnerships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animals | Paws to Read | Summer 2014 November 3, 2013 Paws to Read Summer Reading for Children (K-5) Ideas for Programming and Partnerships

2 Partnerships - Increase Participation  Offer library Summer Reading as supplement to their programs  School district summer programs  If a school is too far, take SRP to the school  Local Park & Recreation  CBO summer programs (YMCA, local summer learning network, EBAYC) November 3, 2013Animals | Paws to Read | Summer 2014

3 Local Partners & Programming  Animal rescue groups, local animal shelter  Park naturalists talking about local fauna – urban wildlife  Therapy dogs for children to read to  Firemen to talk about safety and also about some of their favorite animal rescues  Mobile zoo  Petting Zoo November 3, 2013Animals | Paws to Read | Summer 2014

4 Programs - Library Animal Safari  New twist on scavenger hunt  Look for stuffed animals in library  Look for books about animals  Look for books with animal characters  Look for posters with animals on them  Prize – Animal Crackers! (or something else if you don’t want to give out sugar) November 3, 2013Animals | Paws to Read | Summer 2014

5 Programs - Nature Hike  Walk around library; watch for animals and plants  Are they indigenous? Are they brought in?  Score card with possible animals and wild card for something unexpected. November 3, 2013Animals | Paws to Read | Summer 2014

6 Stuffed Animal Adoption Program  Children bring in unused stuffed animals  Staff gives each a name, history, blankie, and puts the animals up for adoption  Take picture of new families  Have parade of children with their new stuffed animals  Can pair with local animal shelter presentation for parents November 3, 2013Animals | Paws to Read | Summer 2014

7 Programs - Movie Nights  Create filmography of animal-themed movies  101 Dalmations  Lady and the Tramp  Bambi  Ratatouille  Etc  Have popcorn and games afterwards November 3, 2013Animals | Paws to Read | Summer 2014

8 Program - TIGER Bingo  Bingo cards with TIGER at top  Numbers corresponding to Bingo numbers November 3, 2013Animals | Paws to Read | Summer 2014

9 Other Librariany Things to Do  Create leveled bibliographies with animal theme  Develop (or borrow) family storytimes with animal themes  Displays of animals, animal books, and where the animal lives  Have coloring pages (and crayons) available  Create book of summer experiences. Add to it throughout summer. November 3, 2013Animals | Paws to Read | Summer 2014

10 Balloon & Tissue Animal Puppets  Everyone loves balloons!  Supplies  Balloons  Helium  Tissue Paper  String (This idea is from Martha Stewart’s Favorite Crafts for Kids [2013]) ) November 3, 2013Animals | Paws to Read | Summer 2014

11 November 3, 2013Animals | Paws to Read | Summer 2014 Plaster of Paris Hand Prints  Hands are peoples’ paws  Supplies  Plaster of Paris  Paper Plate  Ribbon (optional)  Tempera Paint (optional)  You could also do pet paw prints

12 Animal Art Activities  Modeling Clay (Modeling Magic)  Puppets and puppet shows  Paper Bag  Wide popsicle sticks  Socks  Identify and draw different kinds of paws  Paper plate animal masks November 3, 2013Animals | Paws to Read | Summer 2014

13 Contact: Laurie Willhalm Oakland Public Library The California Summer Reading Program is a project of the California Library Association, supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. June 22, 2012Animals | Paws to Read | Summer 2014

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