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Leads By Michael Flax. Leads Readers decide in the first _______ to ___ words whether or not to read a story. ___________________ Readers decide in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Leads By Michael Flax. Leads Readers decide in the first _______ to ___ words whether or not to read a story. ___________________ Readers decide in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leads By Michael Flax

2 Leads Readers decide in the first _______ to ___ words whether or not to read a story. ___________________ Readers decide in the first _______ to ___ words whether or not to read a story. ___________________

3 Lead The ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ –It conveys the main idea The ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ –It conveys the main idea

4 Leads for Hard News Stories Direct News Leads –Stories about ________, ____________________. –It gives the most important facts about the story. Direct News Leads –Stories about ________, ____________________. –It gives the most important facts about the story.

5 Leads for Soft News Stories ____________________ feature stories about __________ or about ______________ issues. The lead can be ______ ___________________. ____________________ feature stories about __________ or about ______________ issues. The lead can be ______ ___________________.

6 Direct News Leads Also known as the ________________ They answer most if not all of the questions Also known as the ________________ They answer most if not all of the questions

7 Prioritizing Information The Direct News Lead put the ______________ ____________________ ________. Deciding which fact to use to begin the lead is extremely important. –First seven to 14 words. The Direct News Lead put the ______________ ____________________ ________. Deciding which fact to use to begin the lead is extremely important. –First seven to 14 words.

8 Prioritizing Information (cont.) Leads that tell ____, ____ and ____ are popular because recognize prominent names, and they want to know _____________________ and what it ____________________.

9 Values that Make a Story News ________________

10 Summary Lead Beginning paragraph that ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ _____________________________.

11 Summary Leads It is a carrot to tempt the reader into reading the story. _____________________ ____________________. It is a carrot to tempt the reader into reading the story. _____________________ ____________________.

12 Indirect Leads A lead that ____________ _____________________ before letting the reader know the topic of the story. Used for _____________. A lead that ____________ _____________________ before letting the reader know the topic of the story. Used for _____________.

13 Indirect Leads (cont.) They entice the reader to read the article by introducing the ________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ____ of the story.

14 Delayed Lead An indirect lead in which the main information is placed after the first anecdote or main point. Used for hard or soft news. Also used for features, editorials and columns. An indirect lead in which the main information is placed after the first anecdote or main point. Used for hard or soft news. Also used for features, editorials and columns.

15 Storytelling Lead Another label for feature leads that begin by telling a story. Again, used for features and columns. Another label for feature leads that begin by telling a story. Again, used for features and columns.

16 Works Cited McCutheon, Randall; Schaffer, James; and Stofer, Kathryn T. Journalism Matters. “Chapter 6: Writing a News Story. Lincolnwood,” Il. 2001 Pgs 113-121.

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