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Wikispaces  Step One:  Step Two: Click on Create A New Wiki  Step Three: Type in Wiki Name  Step.

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Presentation on theme: "Wikispaces  Step One:  Step Two: Click on Create A New Wiki  Step Three: Type in Wiki Name  Step."— Presentation transcript:


2 Wikispaces  Step One: http://www.wikispaces.com  Step Two: Click on Create A New Wiki  Step Three: Type in Wiki Name  Step Four: Settings  Step Five: Create

3 Adding Pages  Click on New Page link located above the navigation menu  Title the new page  Tracking edits-click on recent changes located above the navigation menu  Can elect to be notified when changes occur (

4 Navigation Menu  On the left side of your wiki, you have a navigation menu  This menu will appear on all pages  Includes links to all pages  To edit the menu click on navigation link located at the bottom of your menu  Space menu will open for editing  Editing toolbar will appear-allowing you to add text, hyperlinks, images, and widgets. (

5 Editing  Basic Editing Functions: BoldNumbered List ItalicizeBulleted List UnderlineInsert Horizontal Line Text Color, Alignment, & Shading Insert Hyperlink (URL) Font SizeRemove Hyperlink (URL) (

6 Advanced Editing Functions  Insert images and files  Embed widgets  Insert table  Insert special characters  Insert code (

7 Inserting Images and Documents  Click on the Tree icon  Click Browse to locate your document and Upload to add it to the wiki server  Select if you want the document to be inserted as a file icon or as a hyperlink  Place your mouse on the page where you want your document to appear  Double click on the document’s icon on the menu (

8 Features  Adding Links  Discussion Boards  Images  Documents  Tracking Changes  Invitation (

9 Trouble Shooting  Video Tours Video Tours  Wikispaces Help Wikispaces Help

10 Themes/Colors  Manage Wiki  Settings  Look and Feel  Select Theme and Color  Upgrade for Stylesheet  Can Select a Logo

11 Wiki Resources  How to Create a Wiki Using PBWikis:  Different Types of Wikis:  Taking a Tour on Wikispaces:  The Wiki Way:  Wikispaces Educational Tutorial:  Help with Creating a Wiki:  Setting Up Wikispaces-picture diagrams: ispaces+Wiki+-+Rachel+Boyd.pdf ispaces+Wiki+-+Rachel+Boyd.pdf

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