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1 Concrete Poems.

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1 1 Concrete Poems

2 2 What is a Concrete Poem? A concrete poem is one in which the words make a shape. This picture shows an example. The poem is about a tree and the words are written so that they form the picture of a tree.

3 Info and History of Concrete Poem:
3 Info and History of Concrete Poem: The concrete poem is as much about the words as the look and shape of the poem itself. That's why it's sometimes known as shape poetry or calligrams. The Greeks wrote them first over two thousand years ago. A Greek poet might have written a poem about a tree and then made the actual shape of the poem look like a tree. You could do the same. Why not write a poem about a shark in the shape of a shark? You could write a poem in the shape of anything that has a good, strong outline. A bus? A guitar? .

4 4 Fact: Nearly eighty years ago the French poet Appollinaire wrote a poem about rain, so he made the letters trickle d o w n the page like raindrops. Concrete poems can change the shape or size of words or they can change the kind of letters used.

5 How to write your Concrete Poem:
5 How to write your Concrete Poem: First, you must pick a theme. Let's say that you want to write a poem for your parent or loved one. Your theme is love. Next, pick a shape Following our theme of love, you could pick a heart or a rose or even the letters: 'L' 'O' 'V' 'E'

6 6 DRAFTING THE POEM: Get out two pieces of paper. The one is for the final copy so place that aside. With the other piece, write your poem. Do not worry about the shape yet; just write your poem. Concrete poems don't have to rhyme. Think about what you love the most about them. Think about their qualities. Why you are attracted to them. Maybe find a picture of them and stare at that for inspiration. Whatever moves your heart will make a wonderful poem.

7 7 After poem is written: Now that you have your poem written, draw with a pencil the shape you choose from step 3. Write you poem into the shape. You may have to play around with the shape so that your poem fits. Add a photo or other colorful designs if you wish to complete your concrete poem.

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9 2/19/14

10 Websites for Concrete Poetry:
1010 Websites for Concrete Poetry: eractives/shape/

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