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Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole Polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France March 2008 status MPPC TEST LLR S.

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1 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole Polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France March 2008 status MPPC TEST BENCH @ LLR S. Chollet A. Debraine Y. Geerebaert L. Guevara F. Moreau J-C. Vanel

2 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France MPPC : Multi-Pixel Photon Counter  What do we have to measure ? –Reverse current vs Vop & T° (Vbr+ΔV) –Gain vs Vop & T° –Dark Noise Rate vs Vop & T° –Photo detection efficiency P.D.E. (relative to PMT) Where do we find those information with new packaging ?

3 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France Test bench Setup  Setup for calibration (orange) and MPPC Parameters measurement (Blue) 20 dB Attenuator 0 to 12 dB Attenuator Calibration Pulse generator Voltage Amplifier Gain 38.5 dB BW 1 GHz C 68.4 pF LED Pulse generator MPPC Oscilloscope 1 GHz, 10 Gs/s Trigger (or trigger on signal it-self) 10 KΩ Vpol 100 nF BLUE LED OPTICAL FIBERS PM Tube High Voltage Dark box Ambient temperature measurement  Data from Source Meter :  I reverse =f(V op )  Data from oscilloscope :  GAIN : Histograms of integrated pulses (in the dark, with few photoelectrons & calibration)  DNR : V=f(t) during 2 ms. (1ns/sample)  PDE relative to PMT Trigger on: pulse in the dark LED pulse generator Calibration pulse generator I=f(V) GPIB Source meter

4 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France Automatic reverse current measurement I=f(V op )  Data from Source Meter :  I reverse =f(V op )  Determine normal/geiger mode limit:  Define a Vop range for next measures  Measure leakage current in normal mode

5 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France MPPC Gain measurement  Gain = Qin/1.6 10 -19  Correspond to 1 photoelectron peak  Qin = V.ns / Calibration V.ns/e -  Measured Gain = 7.67E+05  To be compared with value on MPPC bag M=7.50E+05

6 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France MPPC dark noise rate (DNR) measurement  From V=f(t) records, counting the number of pulses above a given threshold A view of stacked pulses Threshold (mV) Counting rate (kHz) DNR 350 KHz (value on MPPC Bag : 378 kHz) Optical Crosstalk : 25 kHz (value on MPPC Bag : 25 kHz) Number of Pulses in 1 record (2ms)

7 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France LLR MPPC Test bench  What have changed since November 2007 ?  PDE measurement  Measurements @ LAL  Validation for different parts of final test bench  Measurements with LAL Readout ASIC  FPGA evaluation board  Communication with PC for automation  Light distribution design  Design of final test bench setup  Actual design  What is done  To-do list

8 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France Trigger PDE Measurement (relative to PMT)  Setup for Photo detection efficiency measurement Voltage Amplifier Gain 38.5 dB BW 1 GHz LED Pulse generator MPPC Oscilloscope 500 MHz, 5 Gs/s 100 KΩ Vpol 100 nF BLUE LED OPTICAL FIBERS PM Tube High Voltage Dark box Ambient temperature measurement  Data from oscilloscope :  PDE : MPPC integrated pulse divided by PMT integrated pulse Trigger on: LED pulse generator I=f(V) GPIB Source meter

9 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France Measurements @ LAL  To crosscheck with our data, measurements for 3 MPPC (2x 100pix & 1x 400pix) have been done by LAL instrumentation group (N. Dinu).

10 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France LLR MPPC Test bench  What have changed since November 2007 ?  PDE measurement  Measurements @ LAL  Validation for different parts of final test bench  Measurements with LAL Readout ASIC  FPGA evaluation board  Communication with PC for automation  Light distribution design  Design of final test bench setup  Actual design  What is done  To-do list

11 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France  Setup for MPPC gain measurement LED Pulse generator MPPC Oscilloscope 1 GHz, 10 Gs/s Trigger 10 KΩ Vpol 100 nF BLUE LED Dark box Ambient temperature measurement Source meter LAL ASIC 100 nF 50 Ω Test of Sipm readout ASIC from LAL

12 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France Test of Sipm readout ASIC from LAL  Evaluation of Sipm readout chip from LAL with a 400 pixels MPPC. MPPC is in the dark box LAL Sipm ASIC evaluation board Power supply FPGA for ASIC control T° measurement Oscilloscope Source Meter LED pulse generator

13 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France Test of communication between FPGA, PC and ASIC  We will use a simple FPGA evaluation board to control ASIC, interface with instruments and communicate with PC. Slow control Communication with PC (RS232) ASIC control Select channel, gain, shaper, etc… Interface with instruments trigger, trigger enable, etc…

14 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France Design of light distribution  One LED to 36 MPPC with 36 fibers  Same length, same path for each fiber  Same light intensity at the beginning of each fiber  2 light diffusion layers Noise events/total number of events

15 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France MPPC Test bench GPIB PyMySQL Test Bench Application RS485 Eth. 1 Eth. 2 RS232 Source Meter T° Monitor Pulse Generator GUI Device LOG INGRID DB Web Browser FPGA Eval. board

16 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France Design of final test bench  General view of final test bench

17 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France Mechanical view of MPPC Test bench  Front-end electronic  MPPCs  T° sensors  Fibers  Light diffusion layers  Blue LED A. Cauchois A. Bonnemaison

18 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France “Support_MPPC” board  Design of board “support_MPPC” (6 PCBs are foreseen for 4 April).  2 layers,  minimal gap : 150 µm  Thickness : 3.2 mm  50 Ω coplanar waveguide design for MPPC signals  Mechanical accuracy of +/- 0.05 mm all over the board  Will hold 72 HOLTITE socket

19 Yannick Geerebaert LLR Ecole polytechnique CNRS IN2P3 Palaiseau France INGRID Meeting / March 2008 / France To-do list  Design of SAKE board (Sipm Analyzer for a Kamiokande Experiment) –Mother board (support MPPC is daughter board) –2 Sipm ASICs –36 relays to switch on/off HV for I reverse measurement –Interface with FPGA board –foreseen to be at LLR in May  Debug hardware electronic  Writing VHDL code for the automation of the test bench  Finalize the mechanical design, machining all parts of the test bench  Calibration of entire system  MPPC production test

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