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SALEIE - WP5 – POLICY CURRENT STAGE MALTA 27-28 MARCH 2014 Prof. Dr. Eng. Dorian Cojocaru University of Craiova, Romania MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY.

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Presentation on theme: "SALEIE - WP5 – POLICY CURRENT STAGE MALTA 27-28 MARCH 2014 Prof. Dr. Eng. Dorian Cojocaru University of Craiova, Romania MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY."— Presentation transcript:

1 SALEIE - WP5 – POLICY CURRENT STAGE MALTA 27-28 MARCH 2014 Prof. Dr. Eng. Dorian Cojocaru University of Craiova, Romania MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

2 WP5 - POLICY The objective of this work package is to bring together policy administrators from institutions across Europe to review current practices and to identify examples of best practice; to build a common understanding of governance and policy implications on the strategic changes associated with the project; and create a centre for excellence in the policy area. MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

3 The methodology will be to commence with an audit of current practices. The project partners will be used as the route to obtaining responses to these surveys from within their own institutions and their networks. The objective will be to achieve as broad a coverage of European higher education institutional responses as can be achieved. The results of the surveys were collated and anlysed. MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

4 Activities in this work package will include: - A survey of administrative practices across Europe in respect of the design, development, delivery, assessment and review of academic programmes. - Work package meetings in partner institutions - The identification of examples of BEST PRACTICE (HERE WE ARE !!!). MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

5 WP 5.1 Survey of Administrative Policies and Practices in EIE. WP 5.2 Best Practice Exemplars in administrative policy. (HERE WE ARE NOW !!). WP 5.3 Translation of best practice case studies. WP 5.4 Website Support Resources. MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

6 Delivrable: WP5.1 - Survey of Administrative Policies and Practices in EIE - Survey questionnaire - Month 6 – English. WP5.2 - Best Practice Exemplars in administrative policy - Written up case studies of best practice - Month 16 (JANUARY 2014 !!!) – English. WP5.3 - Translation of best practice case studies - Month 24 – English, French, Slovakian, Slovenian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Italian, German as a minimum. WP5.4 - Website Support Resources - Update to the website - Month 33. Starting month: OCTOBER 2012. MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

7 From engineering poit of view: DATA ACQUISITION: WP5.1 – MARCH 2013. DATA PROCESSING: WP5.2 – JANUARY 2014 (?!), WP5.3 – SEPTEMBER 2014, WP5.4 – JANUARY 2015. MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

8 First SALEIE meeting: YORK UK 29-30 December 2012 - Only few partners participated directly to the meeting dedicated to WP5, - Individual discussion regarding the organization of the WP5 activities. MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

9 After meeting: - Intense internet dialogue between WP5 leader and main partners for WP5, - Questionnaire design (many versions). MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

10 Second SALEIE meeting: Bordeaux F 18-19 April 2013 - Report regarding WP5 for SALEIE managers and for WP leaders - Asking help for a future survey analyse question by question MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

11 Third SALEIE meeting: CHANIA GR 28-29 MAY 2013 - An important number of partners participated directly to the meeting dedicated to WP5, -A new form for the WP5 questionnaire. -Two articles regarding SALEIE WP5 were presented to 24th Annual Conference of European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (one published in the proceedings and IEEE xplore indexed). MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

12 Cojocaru, D., Popescu, D, Tănasie, R.T, 2013, Policies for Higher Education Institutions in Electrical and Information Engineering, Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering, ISBN 978-960-99889-5-7, p187-192, 30-31 May 2013, Chania, Crete, Greece, IEEE xplore, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/EAEEIE.2013.6576527, INSPEC Accession Number: 13705031. Cojocaru, D., 2013, Electrical and Software Engineering Program vs. Demands of the Educational Market - A Study Case Romania, 24th Annual Conference of European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering, 30-31 May 2013, Chania, Crete, Greece, SALEIE Workshop. MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

13 After Chania meeting: - Final form of the WP5 questionnaire, - On-line SurveyMonkey questionnaire (Thank You Laura Grindei Cluj Napoca RO), - Collecting data, - Data analyzing: an article sent and accepted to EDUCON2014 – IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, 3-5 April 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

14 Dorian Cojocaru, Dorin Popescu, Marian Poboroniuc, Tony Ward, Educational Policies in European Engineering Higher Education System - Implementation of a survey, EDUCON2014 – IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, 3-5 April 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

15 Fourth SALEIE meeting: IASI RO 12-13 DEC 2013 -An important number of partners participated directly to the meeting dedicated to WP5, -The answers were analyzed question by question, -For each question, taking into consideration the answers received, an attempt to formulate a conclusion was performed, -For each conclusion, a degree of trust was evaluated, -Where was the case, corrections where formulated. MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

16 MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

17 Regarding the best examples identification two conclusions could be proposed: - Best practice examples must be defined according with EU objectives for higger education - In practice there are three major groups of countries inside EU: A - Hard - core of EU (Germany, France, Italy, Spain etc.), B - like UK education systems countries, C - new EU members from the east. - Countries from A group aplied the EU directives by adding new branches and categories to their teaching systems, keeping also the old versions. - Countries from C group try hard to apply exactly the EU directives. - Countries from B group having their huge, particular and succesful experience, applied selectively the EU directives. MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

18 MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

19 MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

20 Handbook of Public Policy Analysis – Theory, Politics, and Methods, edited by Frank Fischer, Gerald J. Miller, Mara S. Sidney, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2007 Useful subjects: - Comparative Public Policy - Policy Evaluation and Evaluation Research - Cost-Benefi t Analysis - Country Perspectives (UK, Netherlands, Sweden, German, India, Korea) MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

21 MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

22 - Eugene Bardach - “A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving” - Eightfold Path: Define the Problem Assemble Some Evidence Construct the Alternatives Select the Criteria Project the Outcomes Confront the Trade-offs Decide! You Story MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

23 Proposal for the WP5 working group in Malta: - Including in the group, but not only, the partner’s representatives that participated to the other WP5 meetings, - A presentation of the The Eightfold Path method and other similar if available - Evaluation question by question of answers received for the survey and identification for each case of the best example. - Selecting two or three groups of few partner’s representatives that will produce the reports for bachelor, master, doctoral and lifelong best examples. MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

24 MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

25 MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

26 MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

27 MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

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29 MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

30 THANK YOU !! MALTA 27-28.03.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

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