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By: Barber and Matthews. Simon, from American Idol, is always lambasting many singers on the show because of that person’s so called “bad” skills. LAMBASTE.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Barber and Matthews. Simon, from American Idol, is always lambasting many singers on the show because of that person’s so called “bad” skills. LAMBASTE."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Barber and Matthews

2 Simon, from American Idol, is always lambasting many singers on the show because of that person’s so called “bad” skills. LAMBASTE – v - attack, usually with words, criticize (someone or something) harshly

3 James reached an impasse on his way to work because he tried to take a short cut and ended up at a dead end IMPASSE – N - A situation in which no progress is possible, esp. because of disagreement; a deadlock

4 Lil’ Wayne uses a lot of jargon in his music, even though he is very well educated. JARGON – n - slang

5 Prison walls and fences deter prisoners from escaping or leaving, even though many people have tried DETER – v – prevent, block

6 The owner and his dog, had a very tenuous relationship because he did not properly feed him. TENUOUS – adj - weak, thin

7 After drinking six cans of monster, you can become vigorous and get the jitters. VIGOROUS – adj. - energetic, powerful

8 Sarah and Annie’s amity was so strong that nothing or no one could ever break them apart. AMITY – n – friendship

9 Gravitas-n-high seriousness

10 As the little kitten looks the mirror, he sees himself as a lion which states that he has a emphatic feeling about himself. Emphatic-adj-assertive, confident

11 When a girl and a boy like each other, they show vehement by spending a lot of time together. Vehement-adj-showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense

12 Preeminent- adj - superior, outstanding, distinguished, above the rest

13 we must have a spiritual resurgence in order to be redeemed by god the spirit. Resurgence-n-rebirth

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