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Working with Veteran Affairs Connecting Homeless Veterans to Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Working with Veteran Affairs Connecting Homeless Veterans to Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with Veteran Affairs Connecting Homeless Veterans to Resources

2 Goals End Veteran Homelessness by the end of 2015 Connections to appropriate permanent housing interventions Identifying the needs of Veterans Faster connections and bridges to mainstream services

3 Ending Veteran Homelessness by 2015 In 2009, President Barack Obama and then VA Secretary Eric K. Shinseki announced the goal of ending Veteran homelessness by the end of 2015. Together with partners and supporters nationwide In order to accomplish this goal, the VA invested heavily in programs such as HUD-VASH, and Supportive Services for Veteran Families

4 Veteran Affairs Permanent Housing Interventions Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Rapid Rehousing and Prevention Program SSVF offers support services and short term financial assistance to help homeless Veterans move as quickly as possible into housing and attain housing stability.

5 Veteran Affairs Permanent Housing Interventions HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Targets: Most Vulnerable chronically homeless Veterans, to include those with substance abuse disorders, medical and/or mental disabilities

6 Non VA Permanent Housing Interventions Permanent Supportive Housing Public Housing RRH VWWP

7 Identifying the Needs of Veterans Greater Richmond CoC Veterans Workgroup Created to bring Veteran service providers together in order educate and simplify access to services for Veterans. Veterans Helplink Outreach, In reach and assessment

8 Identifying the Needs of Veterans Veteran workgroup Partnering Agencies

9 Veteran Helplink Meets once a month as a group but coordinate weekly to insure proper linkage to proper housing resource Provide outreach to those who cannot make it into the Homeless Point of Entry Provides soft handoffs to Veteran service providers and mainstream resources Participates as a part of coordinated assessment process for Veterans

10 Veterans Helplink for Richmond CoC Area

11 Homeless Veteran Hotline Homeless Veteran in need of help? Call 1-877-4AID VET (1-877-424- 3838)

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