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The Great Ball Game A Muskogee Story Let’s Predict… What could this story be about? Predicting: Good readers predict what will happen next. When reading.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great Ball Game A Muskogee Story Let’s Predict… What could this story be about? Predicting: Good readers predict what will happen next. When reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great Ball Game A Muskogee Story Let’s Predict… What could this story be about? Predicting: Good readers predict what will happen next. When reading they make predictions, then confirm or revise those predictions as they go.

2 MUSKOGEE (CREEK) Nation - HISTORY The Muscogee (Creek) people are descendents of a remarkable culture that, before 1500 AD, spanned all the region known today as the Southeastern United States. Early ancestors of the Muscogee constructed magnificent earthen pyramids along the rivers of this region as part of their elaborate ceremonial complexes. The historic Muskogee later built expansive towns within these same broad river valleys in the present states of Alabama, Georgia, Florida and South Carolina, then later moved to Oklahoma. Later, we will look at slides of this American Indian Nation.

3 The Great Ball Game… Is a folktale written as a play. A play is a story that is written to be acted out in front of other people. In a folktale, the author will try to explain why something happens in nature.

4 Drawing Conclusions Good readers “READ BETWEEN THE LINES”. Readers use the information the author gives them to get a bigger picture about a character or event.

5 Vocabulary… Words to know: argument creature penalty prove fair goalposts swift stumbled proud Can you tell what they mean AND use each in a sentence? Penalty proud swift stumbled goalposts fair

6 Visualizing Good readers form what is happening in the story in their mind. They create mental images as they read. They picture the setting, characters, and the action in the story.

7 Here’s some photos that will help you visualize the story… ( 7 slides ) Bear

8 Are you visualizing? Crane

9 Picture this in your mind. Fox

10 Visualizing brings the story to life! Hawk

11 Are you ready for this one???

12 Imagine its REALLY happening! Bat

13 A nice visualization to end on… Deer

14 Have a Purpose! As you read… Think about who’s playing. What are the rules? Who will win the game?

15 ? Focus Questions ? 1. Why do birds fly south every winter? 2. How would you feel if you wanted to play a game and weren’t allowed? 3. Why is it important to include everyone who wants to play in a game?

16 Let’s Read Now! Remember to follow along with you eyes and your finger! I’m watching you!!!

17 Checking Comprehension 1.What did the Birds and Animals decide to do to see which group was better? 2.Why didn’t the Birds accept Bat on their team? 3.Who won the game and what was the penalty?

18 Discussing the Selection 1. How was playing a game used to settle an argument? 2. How did Bat prove to be a good team player for the Animals? 3. Why do birds fly south for the winter and bats fly at dusk?

19 Theme Connections 1.How did the teams choose their players? 2. Why was it interesting that Bat won the game? 3. In what other story did the characters learn to get along with each other? 4.How is the Great Ball Game like games you’ve played. Explain.

20 Creek Indians belong to any of 19 tribes that once occupied much of what are now Alabama, Georgia, and Northwest Florida. The largest Creek tribes were the Alabama, Muskogee, and Seminole.Muskogee The Creeks were given the "Creek" name by the European settlers because of the tribe's custom of establishing their villages by a creek. By the 1500's, several Creek tribes had joined together to form the Creek Confederacy. Most Creeks were farmers. During the early 1800's, the Creeks fought a series of wars with white settlers who wanted their lands. In the 1830's, the U.S. Government forced the Creek to move to the Indian Territory in what is now Oklahoma. Many Creek hid to escape resettlement.

21 This is a creek. creeks

22 Muskogee Nation Muskogee Nation MenewaMenewa, Chief of the Redstick Muskogee (Upper Creek) born probably at Okfuskee, about 1766, died in the Creek Nation west, but year of death not known. Creek leader Hopothle Mico 1790. William McIntosh was a leader of the Creek Nation from Coweta. Creek Indians History…THE PAST

23 Let’s learn about the Muskogee Nation

24 Here’s some facts about The Creek Indians. Government The chief, also known as micros, was the leader of the village. The leader forms a council. Shelter The shelter of these Native Americans is two different kinds. One of them is the winter house. The winter house was enclosed, with NO windows. Another one is the summer house. It was on four poles to support the thatched (roof made of straw), the poles were 40 feet tall. They also had a kitchen, a granary and storeroom. Food The Creek Indians got their food from the creek. They ate fish, clams, oysters, and game to survive. Mayan introduced northern corn. Some other animals they hunted were big game, birds, and caribou [deer]. Sometimes they would make a fire at a part of the forest to flush the deer into the open. Language/Communication They developed there own language. For Example: dress =honnv and wild = honece Clothing Women used deer skin for skirts and grass shawl on their shoulder. Children didn't wear clothes until their 12 or 13 years old.


26 Native American Symbols

27 American Idol & Muskogee Nation Carrie Underwood, the country singer who stole the hearts of Americans and American Idol judges won two Grammy Awards. One for "Best Female Vocal Performance" and "Best New Artist.“ Underwood was born in Muskogee, Oklahoma and grew up in the Creek Nation town of Checotah. She is a tribal member of Muscogee Creek Nation of Oklahoma and attended Northeastern State University in the Cherokee Nation's capital of Tahlequah, Oklahoma. The PRESENT


29 Games we play… Sports Board games PE games Learning games Video games Card games Word games

30 Let’s Write! Now you can write about YOUR favorite game. *write how to play it *write about a a memorable game *write about why you like it *write about a team you’ve been on *write about what you’d like to play when you get older

31 Game Over

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