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Robert E. Bauman JD Legal Counsel.  Robert E. Bauman JD  International Living, The Sovereign Society 

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Presentation on theme: "Robert E. Bauman JD Legal Counsel.  Robert E. Bauman JD  International Living, The Sovereign Society "— Presentation transcript:

1 Robert E. Bauman JD Legal Counsel

2  Robert E. Bauman JD  International Living, The Sovereign Society  Email:

3  * Define your objectives  * Actions in entity name, not your name  * Open bank account  * IRS reporting extensive  * Get professional advice, US and offshore  * Get cost estimate now and future  * Greater privacy; TIEAs, MLATs  * Beware Tinkertoy Schemes

4 What is a trust? What Can it Do? How Does it Work? ◦ Protect Your Assets by Giving Them Away ◦ 1)Grantor 2) Beneficiary 3) Trustee ◦ US Taxes, Reporting ◦ What Assets Can be Placed in the Trust? ◦ Offshore Asset Protection Trust (APT) ◦ Management

5  Structure: Founder, Council, Beneficiaries  * Family Members Only, blood or marriage  * No business management  * Make, manage investments, distribute  * Much greater control  * Treated as a trust by IRS  * Panama, Liechtenstein, Bahamas, Belize  * Cost: $1500, annual $1000

6  * LLC like a partnership  * Manage business, hold title  * Single or multiple member  * Members assets exempt from claims  * Better asset protection; charging order  * Nevis, Cook Islands, Isle of Man  * Cost: $750-$1000

7  * IBC used for multiple purposes  * CFC pays US taxes  * Panama, no taxes on offshore income  * The IRS per se list  * US owners taxed, reporting required  * Cost: $750-$1000, annual maintenance $1000  * Panama, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bermuda, Isle of Man, Switzerland (cantons)

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