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Published byWilfred Boone Modified over 9 years ago
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 1 Most of us have heard the old expression "ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law". If courts of law
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 2 accepted the idea that ignorance was an excuse for breaking the law, then any criminal could just claim that they were ignorant of the law and it would become impossible to convict anybody of any
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 3 crime. Sometimes people blame spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people for having weak spiritual and psychological structures. They might say that the more spiritually and psychologically vulnerable
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 4 members of society, who tend to be antisocial, are a threat to everybody in the society because sometimes antisocial people blow up and commit violent crimes against other people. The vulnerable antisocial people
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 5 might argue that they should not be viewed as being a threat to society if they have not actually committed any crime. They might have trouble understanding why other people often treat them like they are guilty when they
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 6 believe that they are innocent. These vulnerable people might believe that spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people should not have to take the blame for their weak spiritual and psychological
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 7 structures and that society should take some of the blame and should help them to become stronger.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 8 In recent years it has become more and more common for society as a whole to refuse to take any of the blame for the problems of people who are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable. In fact, many
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 9 people today have studied the findings of the psychological research that has been done into what damages other people psychologically and they have used that information to not only not help people who
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 10 are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable but they have used that information to further damage people who are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable. For this reason
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 11 there is a danger that in the coming years more and more spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people will fall apart psychologically. Being as society as a whole seems to have little interest in helping
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 12 spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people become stronger, those people are going to have to learn how to become stronger before they are ripped apart spiritually and psychologically by people
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 13 who are not only trying to hurt them but who have also acquired enough advanced psychological knowledge to be able to do a lot more damage to the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people than people were
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 14 capable of doing in the past (when less knowledge was available about psychological weaknesses). If things continue at the present pace it might become possible that at a future date it might become illegal to be
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 15 spiritually and psychologically vulnerable. If that were to happen and if a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person were to explain to the judge that they were not aware of (or were ignorant of)
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 16 the techniques for becoming stronger spiritually and psychologically, the judge would probably rule that they were guilty of the crime of being spiritually and psychologically vulnerable,
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 17 claiming that ignorance was not an excuse for breaking the law.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 18 You may have heard the old saying that when a warrior takes another person's life, that person's soul then becomes a part of the warrior's soul. In our society
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 19 today we don't really kill other people like the ancient warriors did, but we sometimes hurt other people emotionally. When we hurt another person emotionally (by killing part of their life force), that person's soul then
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 20 becomes a part of our soul. Spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people often get hurt by other people who steal their spiritual energy from them and in doing so make the more vulnerable person into
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 21 their spiritual slave. One of the ways that people steal spiritual energy from other people is by doing something unfair to the other person or saying something unfair about the other person and then denying that they have
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 22 done anything wrong. Spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people have a lot of trouble breaking free from their spiritual slavery because they don't understand the complex nature of spiritual forces and
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 23 the dynamics of what happens when another person steals their spiritual energy. The person who steals their spiritual energy is probably just using the spiritual energy that they take from the spiritually and
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 24 psychologically vulnerable person to help them cheat somebody out of something to gain some sort of a temporary personal gain. By merging their own spiritual energy with the spiritual energy that they have taken
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 25 from the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person, they are able to spiritually overpower and control the person who they are trying to cheat because their spiritual levels will be higher after taking the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 26 vulnerable person's spiritual energy than the spiritual energy levels of the person who they are trying to cheat. The individuals who steal spiritual energy from spiritually and psychologically vulnerable
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 27 people know that the more vulnerable people tend to think that things of a spiritual nature must be divine and altruistic so they know that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person will not be able to
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 28 understand how the other person is using the spiritual energy that they are stealing from the vulnerable person. Due to the fact that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person does not know how
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 29 their spiritual energy is being used by the person who stole their spiritual energy, it will be hard for them to develop enough insight into the situation to be able to avoid having their spiritual energy
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 30 stolen from them by that person (and by other people) in the future.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 31 At this point in history there does not seem to be any logical or justifiable reason for one person to steal the spiritual energy of another person. At the present time when one person takes another person's spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 32 energy they just use the extra energy they gain to cheat somebody out of something for a temporary personal gain. But there was a time in history when there was a very real danger that another country might invade your
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 33 country and that you might be killed in the invasion or that you might have your property and your wealth taken away from you. At those times it might have been logical for some members of a society to serve as the spiritual slaves
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 34 for other members of society. For example, by some people serving as spiritual slaves and giving some of their spiritual energy to the stronger members of society, those stronger members of society might
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 35 have been able to at that point have enough extra spiritual energy to overpower and fight off a foreign enemy that had the potential to take over the country and do great damage to everyone in that country. In that example,
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 36 the spiritual slaves might have possibly benefitted from giving up some of their spiritual energy because by doing so they would have helped to save their country from a foreign invasion.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 37 The spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person might have given something up but they also might have gained something in return for what they had given up.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 38 In our present world when our spiritual energy is taken by another person we do not get anything back in return for what we have given up. Some people might try to fool the spiritual slaves by making them believe that
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 39 their spiritual energy is going towards a good cause but due to the fact that the person who steals the vulnerable person's spiritual energy is not using that extra spiritual energy that they steal to do anything that could possibly
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 40 benefit the person whose spiritual energy has been taken, anyone observing the situation will have to conclude that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person is foolishly giving away their spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 41 energy when there is really no good reason for them to be giving away that spiritual energy. Anyone observing the situation will conclude that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 42 person is guilty. They are guilty of being foolish. Breaking free from a pattern of being a spiritual slave and having your spiritual energy stolen from you is not an
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 43 easy thing to do. Spiritual forces are complex and can be very difficult to understand. But once spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people come to understand that in our present world
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 44 there is no divine or altruistic reason to let another person take your spiritual energy, the vulnerable person should hopefully be able to, with insight into the situation, start to regain some of the spiritual energy that they have been
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 45 giving up to other people through the years. There is a lot of pressure in life and if we let other people take too much of our spiritual energy, we will not have the levels of
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 46 spiritual energy that we need in order to deal with the pressures in our own lives.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 47 It has often been said that it is difficult to fight a war on two fronts (or against two enemies). The problems that you encounter with one enemy weaken you to the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 48 point where it is difficult to deal with the other enemy. Spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people are fighting a war on two fronts in that some of their enemies will try to make them feel guilty for the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 49 spiritual and psychological weaknesses that they have developed through the years and some of their other enemies will try to make them feel guilty for foolishly believing that there is some sort of divine or altruistic
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 50 thing happening when another person steals their spiritual energy. Some people view spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people as being weak. Other people view them as being foolish for incorrectly
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 51 believing that something divine or altruistic is happening when another person steals their spiritual energy. And a third group of people (the ones who pose the biggest danger to people who are spiritually and
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 52 psychologically vulnerable) view spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people as being both weak and foolish. When a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person says that society is
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 53 responsible for making them weak and that they themselves are not responsible for their problems, the people who are dangerous will use the vulnerable person's
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 54 foolishness (in regards to their not understanding that spiritual things in today's world are not divine and are not altruistic) as an excuse for why society should not have to take the responsibility for the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 55 weaknesses of the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people. The dangerous people might claim that due to the fact that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people are not only weak but
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 56 also are foolish by nature, there is nothing that anybody could do to help them and that society therefore had done everything that was possible in the past to help the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 57 people and that society owed them nothing now and owed them nothing in the future.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 58 There is a problem with the argument that spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people have no one but themselves to blame for their weaknesses and for their foolishness in regards to
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 59 the nature of spiritual things. The problem with that argument is that the weaknesses that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people develop when their spiritual energy is stolen
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 60 from them also weaken their powers of observation. The weaknesses that have been imposed upon spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people have limited their powers of observation to the point where it is hard for
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 61 them to understand things of a spiritual nature. It can be argued that if they had not been deprived of their spiritual energy (and as a result lost some of their powers of observation) they would have understood that
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 62 things of a spiritual nature are not divine and are not altruistic and for this reason they would not have become foolish in regards to their understanding of things of a spiritual nature. Spiritually and psychologically
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 63 vulnerable people were weakened by society when their spiritual energy was stolen from them and their powers of observation were also weakened when their spiritual energy was stolen from them. For this reason
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 64 it can be argued that if society were to start helping spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people to overcome the spiritual slavery that makes them weak and that makes them foolish in regards to the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 65 nature of spiritual things, then spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people could start to become stronger and they could start to play more useful roles in society. Copyright 2009 Don Bergquist
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