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Digital Storytelling Human beings are naturally predisposed to hear, remember And to tell stories. The problem-for teachers, parents, government leaders,

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Storytelling Human beings are naturally predisposed to hear, remember And to tell stories. The problem-for teachers, parents, government leaders,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Storytelling Human beings are naturally predisposed to hear, remember And to tell stories. The problem-for teachers, parents, government leaders, friends, and computers- is to have more interesting stories to tell. -Roger Schank, Tell Me A Story Why Digital Storytelling -Storytelling aids in the development of a student’s ability to interpret events beyond his immediate experience. -Students need wide experience with verbal, visual and textual communication, if they are to achieve success

2 Digital Storytelling Expectations Each Team will construct Storyboard of project Design Details of story Rubric to assess story Project Checklist Multimedia story Each Team will utilize Search Engines Reference Information sheet Design Checklist Planning Checklist Inspiration Software Authoring Software

3 Rubrics Samples: Tech4Learning Handout HyperStudio Classroom Activities Handout Websites: Kathy Schrock’s Educators webpage Techtrekers webpage Design your own: Create Groups Now!

4 Storyboarding What is a Storyboard? A storyboard is a combination of outlines and visual sketches that map out the contents and direction of a project. Use a storyboard to plan projects that involve outside resources such as video, multimedia or webpages. Storyboarding resources:

5 Helps you think about how a project is going to look when it is completed Helps you create a direction or flow for the project Helps you in a group by assuring that you are all in agreement and responsible Helps to remind you of your goals so you don’t get side-tracked Can save you hours of editing and prevents you from creating cards or slides that you won’t use. Questions to address while storyboarding: Who is the audience How do you want the audience to react What do you want the audience to learn How do you want the audience to feel Where do you want the user to begin and end the project Why Storyboard??

6 Using Inspiration to Storyboard

7 Gathering Resources a. Internet Search Techniques Using tutorial on Internet searching U b. Multimedia Resources Using for graphics Using AltaVista for graphics

8 Start your Projects Brainstorm story/project theme Design Rubric Fill out Project Overview Worksheet Create Storyboard Research project – use reference worksheet Detailed Card Plan Worksheet Create Project Presentation Peer Review

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