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Lesson 7-Going to the Festival Begin Going to the Festival. Congratulations! You are ready to go to the Festival! The Festival is a great day filled.

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2 Lesson 7-Going to the Festival Begin

3 Going to the Festival. Congratulations! You are ready to go to the Festival! The Festival is a great day filled with lots of terrific storytellers and fun! This is a free event and everyone is invited to attend. To see pictures from past Storytelling Festivals, click on the picture.

4 Festival Day! If you are a participant in the Festival, the first thing you will need to do is go to Registration and get your packet. In each packet, you will find the following: Program guide Storytelling schedule/Classroom assignment Coupon for a free book. Raffle tickets for door prizes. Free Storytelling Festival t-shirt. If you are a guest or family member of a storyteller, there are many events for you to enjoy. To see the schedule of events, please click here.

5 More Information For more information about the Tampa-Hillsborough County Storytelling Festival, click on the banner below. For information on storytelling clubs and workshops in your area, click on the banner for the Hillsborough County Library below. To set up storytelling workshops or evaluation sessions, please email us at

6 You have completed Lesson 7-Going to the Festival To go to the next lesson, click here or visit here

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