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Leonardo da Vinci Multilateral Projects - European Priorities Priority: Quality and attractiveness of VET Projects that did it!

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Presentation on theme: "Leonardo da Vinci Multilateral Projects - European Priorities Priority: Quality and attractiveness of VET Projects that did it!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leonardo da Vinci Multilateral Projects - European Priorities Priority: Quality and attractiveness of VET Projects that did it!

2 Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation - European Priorities 1. Project code: LT/05/B/F/PP-171005 2.Project title: Development of Internal Quality Assurance System for Practical Training in VET Institutions.

3 Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation - European Priorities 3.Why the project was necessary? (needs addressed - problems solved): -Practical training is a very important part of vocational education and training. -In most cases, the success of integration of students into labour market depends on the quality of training process. -Lithuania does not have a consistent and refined internal quality assurance system. Therefore, current quality of practical training is insufficient to meet the labour market needs.

4 Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation - European Priorities 4.How did the project do this? (process – implementation): - Analysing the situation of practical training in partner VET institutions. -Summarizing procedures and criteria for internal quality assurance for practical training. - Identifying indicators which influence the transparency in practical training. - Recommendations for transferring partners experience and preparation of the products. - Draft version of the products. - Products improved according recommendations gathered from testing, internal and external evaluation. - Products integrated into practice of VET institutions in partner countries. - Active project dissemination implemented and transferred to at least two TOI projects.

5 Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation - European Priorities 5.Who implemented the project? (actors): Lithuania - Vilnius Builder Training Centre - Vilnius Pedagogical University - Panevėžys College Germany - ITF – Schwerin (Methodology Centre for Vocational Training) - Staatliche Berufsschule Waldkirchen (VET school) Spain - Centro Homologado de Formacion Profesional Concertado (VET Centre) Sweden - Viskastrandsgymnasiet (Vocational Gymnasium) Scotland - Cumbernauld College Italy -Eurosportello - Unioncamere del Veneto

6 Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation - European Priorities 6. What did the project achieve? (results with regard to European priority): Manual On Internal Quality Assurance System in Practical Training Description of Concept and Model of Quality Assurance in Practical Training Set of Criteria and Indicators for Quality Assessment in Practical Training Self-assessment Questionnaire for VET Institution Examples of Practical Training Implementing Quality Assurance Model

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