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EuroTraffic Language Training Questionnaire - results 29.2.2012 _____________________________________________________________________________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "EuroTraffic Language Training Questionnaire - results 29.2.2012 _____________________________________________________________________________________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 EuroTraffic Language Training Questionnaire - results 29.2.2012 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ EuroTraffic Language Training (ETRALT) Agreement N°. 2011- 7932 Project N°. 2011-1-SI1- LEO05-02789

2 Questionnaire EuroTraffic Language Training Leonardo da Vinci project-Transfer of Innovation - I am Individual recipients: 341

3 Questionnaire EuroTraffic Language Training Leonardo da Vinci project-Transfer of Innovation - I can use a foreign language to solve communication problems on the road. Individual recipients: 342

4 Questionnaire EuroTraffic Language Training Leonardo da Vinci project-Transfer of Innovation - Why can't I use a foreign language? Individual recipients: 120

5 Questionnaire EuroTraffic Language Training Leonardo da Vinci project-Transfer of Innovation - My preferred language learning style is: Individual recipients: 337

6 Questionnaire EuroTraffic Language Training Leonardo da Vinci project-Transfer of Innovation - I like to learn languages: Individual recipients: 339

7 Questionnaire EuroTraffic Language Training Leonardo da Vinci project-Transfer of Innovation - I would need more language skills in the following situations (you can tick more than one option) Individual recipients: 344

8 Questionnaire EuroTraffic Language Training Leonardo da Vinci project-Transfer of Innovation - It is more important for me: Individual recipients: 338

9 Questionnaire EuroTraffic Language Training Leonardo da Vinci project-Transfer of Innovation - Knowledge of one or more foreign languages can help me to find a (better) job: Individual recipients: 335

10 Questionnaire EuroTraffic Language Training Leonardo da Vinci project-Transfer of Innovation - I am ready to improve my work-related foreign language knowlegde: (You can tick more than one option) Individual recipients: 344

11 Questionnaire EuroTraffic Language Training Leonardo da Vinci project-Transfer of Innovation - I am available to assist with testing the online material in the period of October 2012-April 2013. Individual recipients: 337

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