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Robotics Research Laboratory Louisiana State University.

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1 Robotics Research Laboratory Louisiana State University

2  Class Robot Development Environment ◦ Programming Environment ◦ Major components  Microcontroller ◦ Overview of the features ◦ AVR Architecture ◦ PIN layout ◦ Timer / Interrupt  AVR-C basic ◦ Variable type, condition, loop

3  Programming ◦ OS : Linux ( Ubuntu ) ◦ Compiler: gcc-avr (avr-gcc in Ubuntu package) ◦ Required library : gawk, avr-libc ◦ Additional Software : subversion(svn), gtkterm  Robot parts ◦ AVR Stamp Module and Board ◦ Pololu USB AVR Programmer (1 ISP, 1 UART) ◦ TB6612FNG Dual Motor Driver (1A per Channel) ◦ Optical switch/ IR sensor ◦ Geared DC- Motor ◦ Jumpers (wires) ◦ 4 AA batteries, 1 battery holder, 2 wheels, 1 omni-wheel

4  Install Ubuntu  Update list of Ubuntu package ◦ sudo apt-get update  Install required package for AVR ◦ sudo apt-get install gcc-avr avr-libc gawk avrdude  Install additional packages ◦ sudo apt-get install subversion gtkterm  Download basic robot libraries – ◦ svn co buildroot/branches/projects/robostix robostix

5  Atmel : AT series ex) ATMega128  NXP : ARM series  Microchip : PIC series  TI (Texas Instrument) : MSP series  Motorola : 68HC908 Series

6  Advanced RISC Architecture – 8 Bit Microcontroller ◦ 133 Powerful Instructions – Most Single Clock Cycle Execution ◦ 32 x 8 General Purpose Working Registers ◦ Up to 16MIPS Throughput at 16MHz  128Kbytes of ISP Flash program memory  4Kbytes EEPROM, 4Kbytes Internal SRAM  Two 8-bit Timer/Counters  8 External Interrupt ports  Two Expanded 16-bit Timer/Counters  6 PWM Channels from 2 to 16 Bits  8-channel, 10-bit ADC  53 Programmable I/O Lines  4.5 - 5.5V supply power ; 0.2 W (16Mhz, 5.0V)  $5 ~ $12

7  64 pins  53 Programmable I/O Lines ◦ 8 ADC ◦ 6 PWM ◦ 2 UART ◦ 8 External Interrupts  PORT A, B, C, D, E, F, G

8 ◦ 64 Pins ◦ 4 ~ 20 Mhz ◦ 4 KB ◦ 0.2 W ◦ $5 ~ $10 ◦ 1175 Pins ◦ 1 ~ 4 Ghz ◦ 4 ~ 12MB cache ◦ 30 ~ 110 W ◦ $100 ~ $500  PINS :  SPEED :  Memory :  Power Consumption :  Price : ATMega128Intel Core i7

9  #include  #include “yourLibrary.h”  void yourFuctions(void) ◦ Declare prototype functions first  Main(){ ◦ initialize// initialize hardware ◦ while(1) {} // One main while loop  }  void yourFuction(void){}

10 uint8_t: 1 Byte  0 ~ 255 uint16_t: 2 Bytes  0 ~ 65535 uint32_t: 4 Bytes  0 ~ 2 32 - 1 char: 1 Byte int: 2 Byte  -32768 ~ 32767 double: 4 Bytes float: 4 Bytes *: pointer char[], int[], double[], … : Array, also multi- dimensional array

11  void functionName(void) ◦ No parameter, no return  void funcitonName(type parameter) ◦ ex) void funcitonName( int parameter) : One integer parameter, no return  type funcitionName(void) ◦ ex) int funcitonName( void) : No parameter, return integer  type functionName(type parameter) ◦ ex) double functionName( char parameter) - One char parameter, return double

12  If ( ){}else{} / else if( ){}  switch case  for( ; ; )  while( )  do{}while()

13  Make ◦ Build compiling environment with Makefile,, and ◦ Create required object files ◦ Compile the code to make a binary code (.hex)  Sending the binary code with bootloader ◦ avrdude –c stk500v2 –p m128 –P /dev/ttyACM0 –e –F –U flash:w:light-control.hex


15 #include "Hardware.h" #include "Timer.h" #include “Delay.h" int main(void) { InitHardware(); while (1){ ms_spin(1000); //1000 millisecond delay (1sec) TOGGLE_PIN(RED_LED);// first LED TOGGLE_PIN(BLUE_LED);// second LED TOGGLE_PIN(YELLOW_LED);// third LED TOGGLE_PIN(GREEN_LED);// fourth LED }

16 #include "Hardware.h" #include "Timer.h" #include “Delay.h" int main(void) { InitHardware(); int ledFlag=0; while (1){ if ( ledFlag == 0){ ms_spin(300); // 300 millisecond delay ledFlag=1 ; }else if ( ledFlag == 1){ ms_spin(500); // 500 millisecond delay ledFlag=2; }else { ms_spin(1000); // 1000 millisecond delay ledFlag = 0; } TOGGLE_PIN(RED_LED);// first LED TOGGLE_PIN(BLUE_LED);// second LED TOGGLE_PIN(YELLOW_LED);// third LED TOGGLE_PIN(GREEN_LED);// fourth LED }

17 #include "Hardware.h" #include "Timer.h" #include “Delay.h" int main(void) { InitHardware(); int ledFlag=0; while (1){ switch (ledFlag){ case (0) : ms_spin(300); // 300 millisecond delay ledFlag = 1 ; break; case (1) : ms_spin(500); // 500 millisecond delay ledFlag =2; break; default : ms_spin(1000); // 1000 millisecond delay ledFlag = 0; } TOGGLE_PIN(RED_LED);// first LED TOGGLE_PIN(BLUE_LED);// second LED TOGGLE_PIN(YELLOW_LED);// third LED TOGGLE_PIN(GREEN_LED);// fourth LED }

18 #include "Hardware.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "Delay.h" int main(void){ InitHardware(); while (1){ count++; if ((count % 1) == 0 ){ // every 2 second TOGGLE_PIN(RED_LED);// first LED } if ((count % 3) == 0 ){ // every 4 second TOGGLE_PIN(BLUE_LED); // second LED } if ((count % 2) == 0 ){// every 3 second TOGGLE_PIN(YELLOW_LED);// third LED } if ((count % 4) == 0 ){// every 5 second TOGGLE_PIN(GREEN_LED); // fourth LED } ms_spin(1000); }

19 #include "Hardware.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "Delay.h" int main(void){ InitHardware(); while (1){ count++; if ((count % 1) == 0 ){ // 1 millisecond TOGGLE_PIN(RED_LED); } if ((count % 10) == 0 ){ // 10 millisecond TOGGLE_PIN(BLUE_LED); } if ((count % 100) == 0 ){// 100 millisecond TOGGLE_PIN(YELLOW_LED); } if ((count % 1000) == 0 ){// 1 second TOGGLE_PIN(GREEN_LED); } ms_spin(1); }

20  Make LEDs blink with below patterns  (Bonus point) Make a led-control program which can control 4 led with different blinking time ◦ Using if else ◦ Using switch case RBYG

21  4 prisoners, The prisoner(A) is in Room-A, the others are in Room-B  Prisoners can’t see beyond the wall, and prisoners can see only front side  A guard put a black or white hat on each prisoner head as below picture  Let them know there are 4 prisoners and two white hats and two black hats.  Any one be released immediately if they can answer correctly what color hat on their head.  Who can answer this question correctly? Why? Wall Room A Room B

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