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History of Industrial development in India - Ancient Period – Weapons - Bow and arrow Medieval Period – Blacksmith, Carpenter, Artisans Exchange of goods.

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Presentation on theme: "History of Industrial development in India - Ancient Period – Weapons - Bow and arrow Medieval Period – Blacksmith, Carpenter, Artisans Exchange of goods."— Presentation transcript:

1 History of Industrial development in India - Ancient Period – Weapons - Bow and arrow Medieval Period – Blacksmith, Carpenter, Artisans Exchange of goods and division of labour started

2 Medieval Industrial Age in the West - 1. Feudal system – Primary industry was agriculture 2. Guild system – Trade came into being 3. Domestic system – Head of family controlled the entire production Seen today in the form of cottage industries

3 Mughal Period - India Industrially advanced in the rule of Akbar and Jehangir Spices, cloth and Indigo exported to Europe Decline of Indian Industry – 1. Industrial revolution in the west 2. Competition from the foreign goods which were machine made

4 Modern Period - Began after the British took over 1850-60 – Jute Mills were established Railway system started at the same time Textile Mills established in Bombay And Ahemadabad 1911 – J.D. Tata – Steel Mill in Jamshedpur

5 Indian Industry during Wars - Sea routes blocked Impossible to Import and Export goods Real progress came after the II world war Post-Independence Period – Herculean efforts to develop the Indian industry Five year plans for industrial development

6 Industry and Social Institutions - Simple relations in Agricultural society Direct, close and personal Ex- Crafts – Worked at residences engaging all the members of family in the work No division of labour Modern – Complex and intricate relations

7 Industrialization and Society - 1. Customs and Traditions 2. Fashion 3. Manners 4. Ways and Mode of living 5. Religion, Moral, Marriage, Caste system

8 Characteristics of Modern Industry - 1. Big industries 2. Trade Unionism 3. Headache of Management 4. Amenities 5. Impersonal character 6. Stress on organisation 7. Division of labour 8. Problem of sale 9. Less manual labour 10. Stress on human relations 11. Adequate wages

9 Social problems & Industrialization - 1. Social adjustments 2. Setback to customs and traditions 3. Setback to handicrafts 4. Effect on Family system 5. Health problems 6. Problem of Moral standards 7. Disproportionate urban rural development 8. Problem of Taxation 9. Deterioration in urban environment

10 Impact upon Marriage - 1. Marriage is a social contract 2. Higher age of Marriage 3. Practice of Non – Marrying 4. Practice of love Marriages 5. Increase in Divorce

11 Impact upon Family - 1. Difference regarding function of Family 2. Breaking- up of joint family system 3. Small families 4. Change in the status of women 5. Disintegration of family 6. Difference in family goals

12 Impact upon Caste and Class - 1. Disintegration of caste system 2. Reduction in Brahmin's influence and power 3. Rise in Shudra 4. Abolition of caste based functions 5. Division of labour is non- proficiency oriented 6. End of control of castes 7. Hold of untouchability loosening 8. Prevalence of Inter- caste marriages

13 Impact upon Religion - 1. Decline of orthodoxy and superstitions 2. Development of Religious tolerance 3. Founding of secular states 4. Social aspect of religion

14 Impact upon Morals - 1. Development of rational outlook 2. Development of Materialistic outlook 3. Individualism 4. Liberalism in Sex morals 5. Increase in crimes 6. Loosening of social control

15 Impact upon Entertainment - 1. Entertainment outside family 2. Professional entertainments 3. Artificial entertainments

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