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Introduction--- You may have come across some ominous writings of Edgar Allan Poe or may be familiar with supernatural beings from Harry Potter or Twilight,

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2 Introduction--- You may have come across some ominous writings of Edgar Allan Poe or may be familiar with supernatural beings from Harry Potter or Twilight, but have you ever written a suspenseful, macabre story of your own? Have you ever drawn a dark, melancholy picture? Have you ever known somebody better than yourself? Here is your chance to do all 3!ominous macabre Need Help? Email me at Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Intro

3 It is your job, working with a partner, to create a 2-3 page Gothic poem or short story. This work must include 2 illustrations that relate to the piece along with 2 character biographies that go along with characters involved. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Intro Note: You have one week to fulfill requirements * Poem should be centered in the middle of the page

4 Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Intro Note: There is no particular order to complete tasks genre To begin your journey of creating your own gothic story, an introduction to the literary genre is necessary. introduction Viewing some visual interpretations of Edgar Allan Poe can get you started on story topics and illustration ideas. Making your own character requires answering these questions. The more you answer, the more complete your character. questions *No need to do additional questions Also helpful, here are some vocabulary terms most associated with gothic writing. Use these to make your story or poem sharper. *Click play this game. Java plug-in is free. vocabulary terms Video 1 Video 2 Gothic Timeline

5 Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Intro DistinguishedProficientApprenticeNovice Character Biography Character is thoroughly developed, answering all of the questions from given website. Character has vital role in short story/poem Character is clearly developed, answering most of the questions from given website. Character has important role in short story/poem Character is partially developed, answering half of the questions from given website. Character has minor role in short story/poem, but does not contribute in a significant way Character has incomplete development and answers few to no questions from given website. Character does not appear in short story/poem Illustration Picture shows an impressive level of depth in relating to short story/poem, assisting in meaning and has clear connections to gothic imagery Picture relates to short story/poem, but lacks complete understanding of gothic imagery Picture identifies few connections to short story/poem with some attempt at resembling gothic imagery Picture is an incomplete attempt in relating to short story/poem content with minimal attempt at resembling gothic imagery Short story/Poem 2-3 pages double spaced, no mechanical errors, demonstrates extensive understanding of gothic themes and elements, uses proper Gothic terminology 2-3 pages double spaced, few mechanical errors, shows clear relation to gothic themes and elements, adds some Gothic terminology 1-2 pages double spaced, some mechanical errors, shows beginning understanding of gothic themes and elements, shows obvious attempt to add Gothic terminology 0-1 page double spaced, numerous mechanical errors, draws no accurate conclusions of understanding gothic themes, vague effort made to add Gothic terminology

6 Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Intro Conclusion!!! After completing the task of creating a Gothic work of fiction, a Gothic illustration, and a fully developed character, you and your partner should have a firm grasp of how the Gothic genre started and have a better understanding of how to create Gothic literature that conveys dark mental images, a sense of suspense, fear, or terror. Not only that, but the process of creating a short story should be better known, especially in creating characters. I hope you had fun Questions to ponder!!! How has the Gothic genre evolved? Check out http://www.tabula- What came before Gothic literature? Check out What are some good Gothic reads? Edgar Allan Poe, Rip Van Winkle, William Faulkner “A Rose for Emily”, Charlotte Perkins Gilman “The Yellow Wallpaper”, Mary Shelley Frankenstein, and Bram Stoker’s Dracula

7 Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Intro Core Content--- WS.6.9 a-h Create writing over extended timeframes. Grade 6: Conveying the main ideas and key details of literary or informational sources a.Orient the reader by establishing a situation, introducing characters, setting, and location, or by backfiling information after entering immediately into the storyline b.Create an organizing structure in which events are logically or casually sequenced c.In producing a story, create a plot with well-structured episodes d.Use a variety of temporal words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence, to shift from one time frame to another, and to show the relationships among events e.Use relevant, specific details and literary devices, such as imagery and metaphor, purposefully to develop setting, plot, and character f.Use techniques such as pacing, dialogue, or foreshadowing to highlight the significance of events or create particular effects g.Show internal mental processes to develop complex characters and convey their needs, motives, and emotional responses. h.Provide an engaging conclusion, such as a surprise ending, a reflection, or a conclusion that returns to the beginning. Objectives— 1. Students will create a piece that reflects Gothic themes and images and use Gothic vocabulary. 2. Students will create a character to fit into creative piece. 3. Students will draw or make an illustration that relates to the creative piece. 4. Students will use Gothic terminology to make their story more connected to genre. Accommodations— Tasks can be completed in any order. This is a long-term assignment, time can be altered. Students will be given computer lab time. Teacher Page

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