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Quality of Life Survey: Racial Climate Results. Black history month participation.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality of Life Survey: Racial Climate Results. Black history month participation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality of Life Survey: Racial Climate Results

2 Black history month participation

3 Class year

4 Gender

5 Ethnicity

6 Participation in International Student Council events

7 Class Year

8 Gender

9 Ethnicity

10 Participation in other diversity events on campus

11 Class Year

12 Gender

13 Ethnicity

14 Participation in diversity courses at WPI

15 Class year

16 Gender

17 Ethnicity

18 Diversity exposure in Academic Coursework

19 Class year

20 Gender

21 Ethnicity

22 Exposure to racial/ethnic groups and relations through informal interactions & conversations w/ friends

23 Class year

24 Gender

25 Ethnicity

26 Exposure to racial/ethnic groups and relations through meetings or activities in WPI student organizations

27 Class year

28 Gender

29 Ethnicity

30 Exposure to racial/ethnic groups and relations through other WPI programs or activities

31 Class year

32 Gender

33 Ethnicity

34 Since Coming to WPI, I have learned a great deal about other racial/ethnic groups and their contributions to American Society

35 Class year

36 Gender

37 Ethnicity

38 I have felt pressure from members of my own racial/ethnic group not to develop friendships with students from other racial ethnic groups

39 Class year

40 Gender

41 Ethnicity

42 The WPI environment makes it difficult to interact with students from other racial/ethnic groups

43 Class Year

44 Gender

45 Ethnicity

46 Being at WPI has made me aware of the complexities of racial/ethnic inter-group relations

47 Class Year

48 Gender

49 Ethnicity

50 My relationships with students from different racial/ethnic groups has been positive

51 Class Year

52 Gender

53 Ethnicity

54 WPI's focus on diversity puts too much emphasis on differences between racial/ethnic groups

55 Class year

56 Gender

57 Ethnicity

58 WPI's emphasis on diveristy discourages open conversation about ethnic racial and gender issues

59 Class year

60 Gender

61 Ethnicity

62 Rating the extent of Racial Conflict on Campus

63 Class Year

64 Gender

65 Ethnicity

66 The Respect of Faculty for students of color

67 Class Year

68 Gender

69 Ethnicity

70 Respect by Campus Police by students of color

71 Class Year

72 Gender

73 Ethnicity

74 Respect by Staff for Students of Color

75 Class Year

76 Gender

77 Ethnicity

78 Presence of Interracial Tension in the Residence Halls

79 Class Year

80 Gender

81 Ethnicity

82 Presence of friendships between students of color and white students

83 Class year

84 Gender

85 Ethnicity

86 University commitment to admit more students of color and develop an environment that is conductive to their success

87 Class Year

88 Gender

89 Ethnicity

90 The degree of racial/ethnic separation on campus

91 Class Year

92 Gender

93 Ethnicity

94 Students of color are given advantages that discriminate against other students at colleges and universities

95 Class Year

96 Gender

97 Ethnicity

98 Bringing multiculturalism into the curriculum would enhance student's learning

99 Class year

100 Gender

101 Ethnicity

102 Affirmative action for people of color, despite its underlying concern for equality, has helped reduce the academic standards of colleges and universities

103 Class year

104 Gender

105 Ethnicity

106 The hiring of more faculty of color should be a top priority for this university

107 Class Year

108 Gender

109 Ethnicity

110 Despite our concerns over racial injustice, colleges and universities do not have a primary responsibility to correct the situation

111 Class year

112 Gender

113 Ethnicity

114 How do you think your opinions on issues of race relations compare with most of the students at WPI?

115 Class Year

116 Gender

117 Ethnicity

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