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Jill Bond Text: 510-926-0762

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1 Jill Bond Text: 510-926-0762

2  Take out your phone  Share a picture with table partner

3 Daily Lessons  Word Work  Read Aloud  Reading Workshop  Guided Reading/Conferring  Math Workshop  Writing Workshop  Math Facts  Community Building Specials  PE  Science (Life, planets, energy)  Social Studies ( Our community and world geography)  Art  Library  Computers

4 Mini Lesson  Teacher Model, Guided Practice, Check for Understanding Reading Workshop  Book Bag  Reader’s/Writer’s Notebook  Guided Reading/Writing  Conferring

5 Mini Lesson  Teacher Model, Guided Practice, Check for Understanding Math Workshop  Independent Practice – Explain work in writing  Reaching for Consensus – Explain work orally Academic Language  Presentations – Explain work orally  Closure

6 Homework is given daily. All homework is due the first day back after the weekend. Reading Log (Starting Sept. 15 th )  80 minutes a week  Online log (parents may type for students)  Paper log on back of homework log Math  6 math problems with explanations/proof  Worksheet  Math Facts or Review (possibly online)  Enrichment worksheet Writing (starting in October)  Students will be keep a writing journal that will be due on Friday  A peer, staff member, or myself will respond to each student every week Science/Social Studies  Study for assessment  Watch online videos (online access)  Comprehension Passages  Graphic Organizers

7 Behavior standards & class incentives  Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Kind  Team Points are earned to receive “Granny’s Wacky Prize Bag”, “PAT” time Communication with parents  Email, phone calls, notes, and Friday Folder notices.  Text Messaging – for simple YES/NO questions  Newsletters are posted monthly on the school website to inform parents about our upcoming activities. Snacks & Birthday Treats: NO NUTS  Morning snack  Water bottle on their desk.  Birthday treats no food items – Toy/School Supply Goodie bags, classroom game, books Organization  Come to school with purple homework folder everyday  Students have folders, notebooks and book bags in their desk or cubby.  Work sent home on Fridays  Most class work is done in journals

8  Homework  Reading log  Math Websites  Printable documents  Spelling list  Volunteer sign up

9  Forest Home Farms  Tassajara One-Room Schoolhouse  San Ramon Passport Adventure

10  1 point for a 60 page book  1 point for a book report When a child has earned 16 points they will earn a Mustang Reading Patch from Mrs. Snow. An additional 16 points must be earned to receive a Mustang Reading Club Star. Students are encouraged to earn as many STARS as possible

11  THANK YOU for your class donation! Your donation pays for …  nonfiction periodicals  Supplies  class projects  music instruction  Technology  aide support  field trips  Art and Rainbow Programs  Reading and Math Specialists  Science lab and English Language Instruction

12 Questions, comments, and concerns please contact me right away!

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