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Preparing Scotland’s first Records Management Plan Ava Wieclawska Records Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing Scotland’s first Records Management Plan Ava Wieclawska Records Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing Scotland’s first Records Management Plan Ava Wieclawska Records Manager

2 Overview Background RM Consolidation Programme Aims and Objectives Progress Challenges Lessons Learnt

3 Background Merger of NAS and GROS Records Management Provision Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011

4 Project Initiation Senior support and sponsorship Roles and responsibilities Key project outcomes Quality criteria Risks and tolerances Resources and competencies

5 Aims & Objectives Establish a new shared RM culture Compliance with legal and statutory obligations Improve business efficiency and communications Increase joined up working Transparency and accountability Produce exemplary, best practice guidance Meet the requirements of PRSA

6 Investigation and Assessment ‘To gain a comprehensive understanding of the organisation and working environment in order to inform the project strategy’ Identify key functions and activities Understand legislative environment Identify strengths and weaknesses Critical self-assessment Gap analysis

7 Self-Evaluation ARMS Framework (Q1-3) Interviews and Working Groups Business Process Mapping Information Audit Questionnaire


9 Key Findings

10 Strategic Development ‘To identify gaps in current service provision for RM, provide business cases to meet these and approve the strategic direction of the project’ Priorities Areas for improvement Key project outcomes Strategy

11 Design and Implementation ‘To consolidate existing and establish new, recordkeeping policies, procedures and systems in order to meet requirements identified in Stage 2, incorporate them into a Records Management Plan and implement them across the organisation.’ Design Consult and Develop Review Approve Implement Monitor and Review

12 Training and Awareness ‘To deliver the Corporate Training Plan for Records Management as well as inform the organisation and promote the project outputs in order to ensure the rapid and successful deployment of the new procedures.’ Corporate Training Plan Ongoing awareness Discuss effectiveness

13 Review ‘To measure the effectiveness of the new systems, establish milestones and key performance targets moving forward.’ Self-assessment Establish performance targets Monitoring programme Corporate objectives Long term responsibilities

14 Progress so far…. Records Management Policy Business Classification Scheme Retention and Disposal Schedule Destruction Arrangements Archiving and Transfer Arrangements Organisation wide review of information security Data Protection Policy and Code of Practice Managing E-Records Framework


16 Moving Forward Business Continuity Programme EDRM Steering Group Training Review and Assessment Long term RM Strategy

17 Challenges Timescales Priorities Outstanding merger issues Ownership Weight of expectation

18 Lessons Learnt Support Communication Consultation Opportunity

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