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Hebrews, Phoenicians, and Lydians

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1 Hebrews, Phoenicians, and Lydians
Unit 2 Lesson 4 Hebrews, Phoenicians, and Lydians

2 The Hebrews According to the Hebrew Bible, Abraham was a shepherd who lived in the city-state of Ur. He is considered by Jewish people today to be the first Jew. Hebrews practiced monotheism= the worship of one god. Judaism was one of the first monotheistic religions. The Hebrews lived in Canaan (a new land they traveled to) for a long time before moving to Egypt.

3 The Hebrews The Egyptians forced the Hebrews into slavery.
Slavery= the practice of one person owning another person Moses was chosen to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt across the Sinai Desert to freedom, probably between 1200BC and 1400 BC. The Ten Commandments: Didn’t list a series of crimes and punishments (like Hammurabi’s Code) Provided guidance for worship Set down rules for moral behavior

4 The Hebrews How did Hebrews’ worship differ from that of other civilizations in the region? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _________________________________ Which leader led the Hebrews out of slavery? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _________________________________ How do the Ten Commandments differ from the Code of Hammurabi? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _________________________________

5 The Ten Commandments

6 The Hebrew Bible The Hebrew Bible was called the Torah, which means “to teach”. The Torah contains the first five books of the Hebrew Bible These books provide guidance and laws for the Jewish people The Torah is a very sacred, or holy, Hebrew text.

7 The Hebrew Bible Quick Summary:
The Torah contains the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. It is a sacred text that provides guidance and laws for the Hebrew people What is the name for the first five books of the Hebrew Bible? ________________________________________________________________________________________

8 Israel and Judah According to the Torah, the Hebrews settled in Canaan and lived in about a dozen various groups, or tribes They won several victories over the Canaanites (the people who lived in the region). In about 1000BC King David united the tribes and founded a new kingdom called Israel. Its capital was Jerusalem.

9 Israel and Judah David’s son, Solomon, built a temple in Jerusalem to house the Torah and do serve as a place of worship. Solomon was known as a wise ruler. During his reign there was peace and prosperity. After his death the kingdom split into Israel in the north and Judah in the south. The kingdom of Israel fell to the Assyrians in 722BC In 587 BC Nebuchadnezzar II conquered Judah and forced many of its people to live in Babylonia. The people continued to practice their religion and eventually returned to Jerusalem

10 Israel and Judah Important Hebrew leaders included:
Deborah- a judge who predicted a woman would help the Hebrews win the war with the Canaanites David- united the Hebrew tribes into a kingdom Solomon- David’s son who built a great temple and was a wise ruler. After Solomon’s death, the kingdom split into two kingdoms, Israel and Judah

11 Phoenicians and Lydians
Solomon formed trade partnerships with neighboring peoples, such as the Phoenicians The Phoenicians were known as adventurous traders and being expert sailors Most important trading port was at Carthage in North Africa

12 Phoenicians and Lydians
Phoenicians often sailed into the Atlantic Ocean and may have traded with places in Europe. It was not their goal to build an empire… through their trading they linked various parts of the ancient world. Trade promoted the exchange of new ideas and goods. One of the Phoenicians’ most important contributions was to help develop the modern alphabet

13 Phoenicians and Lydians
As traders, the Phoenicians faced difficulties with payment People usually bartered (exchanged goods and services for others) The Lydians, who lived in western Asia, invented the region’s first coins by 500 BC. Coins made trading easier. Soon other peoples began making their own coins.

14 Phoenicians and Lydians
What did the Phoenicians value more than building an empire? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________ Why did coins make trading simpler and easier? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________ Summary: The Phoenicians linked the world through trade and developed an alphabet with 22 characters. The Lydians developed coins to make trade simpler and easier.

15 Lesson Summary About 1800 BC- Abraham is considered to be the first Jew and practiced Judaism, which is a monotheistic religion About 1400 BC- The Phoenicians developed an alphabet About 1000 BC- David united the Hebrews About 500 BC- Lydians created the region’s first coins

16 Lesson 4 Review Questions
What is monotheism? What was one of the first monotheistic religions? What was the purpose of Solomon’s temple? What did the Phoenicians value? What did the Lydians invent that we use today?

17 Unit 2 Review- STUDY FOR YOUR TEST!!
Put these events in order: _______ Sumerians invented a system of writing called cuneiform _______ The first civilization arose in Mesopotamia along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers _______ Israel was founded _______ Hammurabi established the Babylonian Empire

18 Unit 2 Review- STUDY FOR YOUR TEST!!
Match these definitions: Civilization ______ Cuneiform ______ Empire ______ Irrigation ______ Monotheism _____ Polytheism _____ Group of people who have formed an advanced, organized society Large territory under one ruler Watering system Wedge shaped writing Worship of many gods Worship of one God

19 Unit 2 Review- STUDY FOR YOUR TEST!!
Explain the significance of each person/term Sargon Hammurabi Code of Hammurabi Nebuchadnezzar II Abraham David Judaism Ten Commandments

20 Unit 2 Review- STUDY FOR YOUR TEST!!
What are the characteristics of a city-state? How did the climate of southern Mesopotamia lead to the development of a new farming technique and what was it called? What effect did the invention of cuneiform writing have on other cultures? How was the Code of Hammurabi different from earlier Mesopotamian laws?

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