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Occupational Health, Safety & Environment Training Incident Reporting & Investigation.

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Presentation on theme: "Occupational Health, Safety & Environment Training Incident Reporting & Investigation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Occupational Health, Safety & Environment Training Incident Reporting & Investigation

2 Identify what an Incident is Initiate Initial Incident Response Report Incident to OHSE Advisors Investigate an Incident Identify Corrective Actions designed to prevent a recurrence Outcome

3 Our Safety Culture requires

4 An unplanned event that causes or had the potential to cause injury or damage to: - Project Personnel/ Public -Equipment -Property -Environment What is an Incident?

5 Would you class this as an incident?

6 Cooper & Oxley undertake reporting against 4 different levels of incident: 1.Near Miss 2.Injuries Sustained 3.Property Damage 4.Environmental Harm Types of Incidents

7 Incident Ratio Triangle An incident ratio pyramid shows the relative occurrence of different types of incidents. Minor Hazards and “near misses” are Leading Indicators

8 Incident Ratio Triangle Our current reporting does not identify minor hazards (or near misses). As a result, we only have few leading indicators to work with. If we investigate and prevent minor hazards from occurring, we will drastically reduce the likelihood of a major injury.

9 Managing an Incident It is the responsibility of the Site Manager/ Supervisor in control of any site, where an incident/injury has been reported, to: Take appropriate and immediate action to secure the scene and prevent further recurrence Ensure any injured person receives the appropriate treatment Report the incident/ injury to safety department immediately Complete the incident investigation report Provide feedback to the workforce (toolbox)

10 Initial Response Take appropriate and immediate action to secure the scene and prevent recurrence. Site Emergency Management Plan details Cooper and Oxley approach and procedures for the management of emergencies.

11 Initial Response Ensure any injured person receives the appropriate treatment Site First Aid Officer is to administer treatment. Before returning to full work duties, an injured person my first be cleared by a doctor.

12 Initial Response Obtain photographs, diagrams or maps Obtain written statements Collect Subcontractor paperwork (Competencies, SWMW, Plant Risk Assessments, Permits, Daily Plant Pre-Start Checklists etc.)

13 Incident Reporting All injuries, incidents, spills, work related illness and near misses regardless of how minor the impacts, are required to be promptly reported and documented. Some incidents require notification to Statuary Regulators such as Work Safe and EPA depending on severity.

14 Incident Reporting Types of injuries that must be reported to Work Safe: A fracture of the skull, spine or pelvis. A fracture of any bone in the arm, other than in the wrists or hand, or in the leg, other than a bone in the ankle or foot. An amputation of an arm, a hand, finger, finger joint, leg, foot, toe or toe joint. The loss of sight of an eye. Any injury other than those referred to above which, in the opinion of a medical practitioner, is likely to prevent the employee from being able to work within 10 days of the day on which the injury occurred.

15 Incident Reporting Complete incident investigation form.

16 Incident Investigation is the systematic process of knowing: What happened? (Incident Report) How did it happen? (Investigation) Why did it happen? (Root Cause) How can we prevent it from happening again? (Preventative Action) Incident Investigation

17 The potential severity of the incident determines the level of investigation and the composition of the investigation team. Any incident or near miss where the worst credible or reasonably foreseeable classification is:  1 – Catastrophic  2 – Major, a formal Root Cause Analysis investigation tool shall be used.

18 Corrective Action Corrective actions must be real actions that will eliminate, or control, the risk to prevent recurrence. Assign each task to one person who has the responsibility to carry out the specific corrective action Set realistic dates for corrective actions.

19 S.M.A.R.T.A Specific: What needs to be done – is it clear. Measurable: The action can be measured in some way and close-out verified. Attainable: Ensure the action is achievable. Realistic: Company resources must be able to complete the action. Time based: State the time period in which the action must be completed. Agreed Action: Actions must be communicated and agreed upon, especially by the person in charge of closing out the action.

20 Sharing Across Site Following an Incident Investigation, feedback must be given to site personnel during a toolbox talk. Discussion should include: –Incident causes, and –Control measures requiring implementation.

21 Conclusion Greater emphasis needs to be placed on reporting hazards as it provides us all with a greater ability to proactively manage safety. When we injure somebody, it’s too late!

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