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S5. FUN WITH FOOD CHAINS Complete the following activities to learn about food chains and create your own! Make sure you answer the questions as you go.

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Presentation on theme: "S5. FUN WITH FOOD CHAINS Complete the following activities to learn about food chains and create your own! Make sure you answer the questions as you go."— Presentation transcript:

1 S5. FUN WITH FOOD CHAINS Complete the following activities to learn about food chains and create your own! Make sure you answer the questions as you go.

2 SHARK BAY W.A IS HOME TO PLANTS AND ANIMALS THAT MAKE UP AN ECOSYSTEM. Look at the Map of Shark Bay and think about what might live there. Q. What makes shark bay a bay?

3 SOME OF THE SPECIES THAT LIVE IN SHARK BAY Green sea turtles Tiger sharks Bottlenose dolphins Seagrass Dugongs & Fish

4 Draw one box at the top of the page. This box is for the biggest predator in the food web. Draw three boxes across the middle of the page. Draw two boxes across the bottom of the page. These boxes are for the lowest plants or animals in the food web. CREATE A FOOD CHAIN A food chain is a partial part of a food web. You will create a food chain using the creatures from the previous page. Remember you are drawing this food chain, you may use an app that allows you to draw or complete it on a piece of paper. The point of a food web is to display who eats who. Thinking about who eats who in shark bay label each of the boxes how you believe the food chain may work. Top predators go at the top of the food chain! NB: Use a pencil because you may change where you put you organisms.

5 THE FACTS Read the following facts about the organisms at shark bay and rearrange your labels if you decide to change them. Check you labels with Ms Loving. Tiger sharks eat almost anything alive or dead. Bottlenose dolphins will leave the waters where they like to eat if there are too many tiger sharks around. Dugongs and green sea turtles are among the tiger shark’s favourite foods. Dolphins eat fish. Dugongs and green sea turtles eat sea grass. Once you have your diagram approved draw a picture of each organisms inside the box. Now draw arrows from the lowest members to the highest members of your food chain. CONNECTIONS

6 Who eats whom? What is the top predator in Shark Bay? What happen if this predator were not there any more, or if its numbers declined? Which animal is the keystone species in the Shark Bay ecosystem? ANSWER THE FOLLOWING Q

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