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February 13, 2013. From NEW to MAINSTREAM 6.7 million students took at least one online course in the Fall 2011. 32% of all higher education students.

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Presentation on theme: "February 13, 2013. From NEW to MAINSTREAM 6.7 million students took at least one online course in the Fall 2011. 32% of all higher education students."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 13, 2013

2 From NEW to MAINSTREAM 6.7 million students took at least one online course in the Fall 2011. 32% of all higher education students. 572,512 more than the previous year. Over the past 15 years it has moved from something new and strange to a regular part of most institutions. 86.5% of all institutions offer some online courses. Private non-profits with fully online programs has grown from 22.1% to 48.4% in the past ten years.

3 Requires an Integrated Review Each team member needs to include a review of the online program/courses within each of the Standards and many of the Essential Elements. The report must include reference to online. Use the Online Distance Education Best Practices document to help with specifics and wording.

4 Administration- Standard 1 Is the program consistent with the institutions role and mission? Does the mission statement include the opportunity to offer online courses/programs? Is the online program a mission fit?

5 Administration – Standard 3 Do the promotional materials accurately reflect the online operations and programs? Do the student and faculty handbooks provide necessary guidance for online students, courses, and programs? Are the procedures for student complaints and student discipline consistent and appropriate? Is there equitable and consistent treatment? Compensation and human resource management?

6 Administration – Standard 4 Does the program adhere to legal and regulatory requirements? (Standard 4) Financial Aid State Authorization?

7 Administration – Standard 5 Is there an adequate organizational structure for development, coordination, support, and oversight of the online program/courses?

8 Academic – Standard 2a Are the online programs properly assessed? Are student learning outcomes being assessed? The online program/courses should be integrated into the institutions overall assessment plan, with explanation.

9 Academic – Standard 11 Is there a means for determining the appropriate rigor for the level of work being done? Seat Time? Learning Outcomes? Is there evidence of proper course sequence? If there are online programs that are not offered f2f, is the curriculum consistent with all essential elements? Is there a spiritual formation program for online students?

10 Academic – Standard 11 Do online students get consistent academic advising? Is the online calendar appropriate? Are there FERPA safeguards in place?

11 Financial – Standard 2b Is the online program being assessed as a part of the overall institutional effectiveness and planning process? Is there assessment data available?

12 Financial – Standard 6 Are there adequate human resources? Admissions, curriculum, students services Are there adequate financial resources? Course development, technology, student services Are there adequate physical resources? Equipment, outsource Are there adequate technological resources? Training and support (students and faculty)

13 Library/Faculty – Standard 9 Are all online faculty in compliance with all faculty qualifications, development, and welfare? Does the faculty handbook cover online? Is there a good evaluation system for online faculty? Have faculty been trained in online teaching? Are there ongoing development opportunities for online faculty? Do online programs/courses fall under the normal faculty decision making processes?

14 Library/Faculty – Standard 10 Do the written policies and procedures include online students and programs? Are there adequate resources to meet the learning needs of online students? Do online courses require the use of learning resources and a means to acquire them?

15 Student – Standard 7 Does the institution marketing/enrollment plan include online programs? Are there adequate resources for online recruitment? Is all needed information available to potential online students? Are admission processes for online students consistent with institutional policy? Are financial policies for online students in place? Are retention practices in place for online students?

16 Student – Standard 8 Are there comparable student services available for online students that are consistent with those offered to face-to-face students? (Textbooks) Are online students included in the regular system of assessing needs, experiences, and levels of satisfaction? Are there opportunities for online students to be involved in institutional decision-making? Do online students know the procedure for initiating a complaint or grievance?

17 Specific Issues Student Authentication Username and Password State Authorization Engaged time equivalent to face-to-face All federal compliance issues

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