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Bioinformatics and PCR

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1 Bioinformatics and PCR
Jo Vandesompele professor, Ghent University co-founder and CEO, Biogazelle Bioinformatics for the Medical Molecular Laboratory HOWEST Brugge, 18 oktober, 2011

2 outlines introduction on (q)PCR
primer design and assay validation (17) reference gene selection and validation (7) cross laboratory data comparison using external standards (7) data-analysis (5) RDML data exchange and reporting (4) statistics (1)

3 polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
30-45 cycles of a 3-step process denaturation (95° C 15 s) annealing (50-70° C 15 s) 20bp ~1/ extension (72° C 1 min)

4 polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
exponential amplification 35 cycli 235 = 68 x 10E9 1 2 (21) 4 (22) 8 (23) 16 (24)

5 polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
endpoint detection (agarose gel electrophoresis) not really quantitative carry-over contamination laborious

6 real-time PCR principle

7 real-time PCR principle
continuous monitoring of PCR product accumulation i.e. measure every cycle the amount of fluorescence relationship between the time fluorescence increases above background and the initial amount of template i.e. the sooner fluorescence is visible, the more template was present, and vice versa

8 amplification curve exponential function (y=a^x + b)
sigmoid amplification curve

9 amplification curve

10 quantification cycle value: threshold method

11 quantification cycle value: 2nd derivative maximum method

12 comparative Cq quantification method
delta-Cq = 19 – 17 = 2 2^2 = 4

13 comparative Cq quantification method

14 comparative Cq quantification method
Relative Quantity (RQ) = E^delta-Cq (calibrator – unknown sample) amplification efficiency E normalization to correct for experimental differences NRQ = RQgoi/RQref

15 standard curve quantification method
y=a*x+b Cq 1 35 10 1 10 2 unknown sample 10 3 25 350 copies 10 4 10 5 10 6 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 log10 quantity

16 standard curve quantification method
slope (a) of the standard curve ~ efficiency of the PCR efficiency = 10^(-1/a) - 1 ideal efficiency 100 % 1 slope of 2 (base exponential amplification) !

17 real-time PCR advantages large dynamic range of linear quantification
sensitivity accuracy and reproducibility high-throughput absence of post-PCR manipulations

18 real-time PCR detection chemistries
double-stranded DNA specific binding dyes SYBR Green I, EvaGreen very well suited for quantification of a large number of different sequences detection of primer-dimer artifacts and non-specific amplification product differentiation (DNA melting curve analysis) (Ririe et al., 1997)

19 real-time PCR detection chemistries
double-stranded DNA specific binding dyes SYBR Green I, EvaGreen sequence specific probes hydrolysis probe (TaqMan), Molecular beacon, dual hybridization probes combined primer-probes Scorpion fluorescent primers Sunrise, LightUp, Lux probes are useful for multiplexing, genotyping and in diagnostics; for all other applications, ds DNA binding dyes are method of choice

20 SYBR Green I

21 SYBR Green I

22 SYBR Green I 65 70 75 80 85 90 melt curve analysis Tm 82.6 88.1 -dF/dT melting peak

23 uMelt -
prediction of melt peaks

24 hydrolysis probe

25 hydrolysis probe

26 hydrolysis probe FRET

27 hydrolysis probe

28 hydrolysis probe

29 hydrolysis probe

30 hydrolysis probe (TaqMan probe)

31 booming technology Higuchi et al., 1993

32 real-time PCR applications
gene expression analysis (gold standard) fusion gene detection (MRD) pathogen detection (e.g. viral load) genotyping (SNP analysis, mutation analysis) gene copy number quantification (e.g. oncogenes, exon deletions)

33 critical factors contributing to reliable results
Derveaux et al., Methods, 2010

34 assay design – probes vs SYBR
choose probes for multiplexing genotyping absolute sensitivity (detection past cycle 40) (e.g. clinical-diagnostic setting, GMO detection) choose SYBR Green I for all other applications low cost seeing what you do 34

35 assay design – design guidelines
location sequence repeats, protein domains (pfam database) splice variants intron spanning vs. exonic size short amplicons: bp primers dTm < 2°C identical Tm for all assays maximum 2 GC in last 5 nucleotides use software to design assays Primer3(Plus), BeaconDesigner, RTPrimerDB / primerXL 35

36 PCR assay design and validation
do thorough in silico assay evaluation BLAST/BiSearch specificity analysis mfold secondary structure SNP analysis of primer annealing regions splice variant specificity do experimental validation standard curve (range, # dilution points are important) formula 4 Hellemans et al., 2007, Genome Biology electrophoresis (agarose, polyacrylamide, microfluidic) (only once) melting curves (sequence) submit validated assay to public database, such as RTPrimerDB

37 Primer3Plus -

38 BiSearch -
developed for PCR specificity assessment faster due to indexing the genome

39 dbSNP -

40 mfold -

41 assay QC – in silico validation
101% 920% 41

42 RTPrimerDB –
database of experimentally verified qPCR assays in silico evaluation of custom assays Nucleic Acids Research, 2003, 2006, 2009

43 assay QC – in silico validation
step 1

44 assay QC – in silico validation
step 2

45 assay QC – in silico validation
step 3

46 assay QC – in silico validation
mfold Zuker et al., Nucleic Acids Research, 2003

47 assay QC – in silico validation

48 assay QC – in silico validation

49 assay QC – wet lab validation

50 primerXL – (not online yet)
Lefever et al., in preparation primer design for qPCR, resequencing, genotyping

51 reference gene variability
quantitative RT-PCR analysis of 10 reference genes (belonging to different functional and abundance classes) on 85 samples from 13 different human tissues 1 2 3 4 ACTB HMBS HPRT1 TBP UBC A B C D E F G 15 fold difference between A and B if normalized by only one gene (ACTB or HMBS)

52 our geNorm solution framework for qPCR gene expression normalisation using the reference gene concept: quantified errors related to the use of a single reference gene (> 3 fold in 25% of the cases; > 6 fold in 10% of the cases) developed a robust algorithm for assessment of expression stability of candidate reference genes proposed the geometric mean of at least 3 reference genes for accurate and reliable normalisation Vandesompele et al., Genome Biology, 2002

53 Data QC – reference gene stability
pairwise variation V (between 2 genes) gene stability measure M average pairwise variation V of a gene with all other genes gene A gene B sample 1 a1 b1 log2(a1/b1) sample 2 a2 b2 log2(a2/b2) sample 3 a3 b3 log2(a3/b3) sample n an bn log2(an/bn) standard deviation = V

54 geNorm software ranking of candidate reference genes according to their stability determination of how many genes are required for reliable normalization

55 Data QC – reference gene stability
geometric mean of 3 reference gene expression levels controls for outliers compensates for differences in expression level between the reference genes geometric mean = (a x b x c) 1/3 arithmetic mean = a + b + c 3

56 geNorm validation cancer patients survival curve
statistically more significant results 0.003 0.006 0.021 0.023 0.056 NF4 NF1 log rank statistics Hoebeeck et al., Int J Cancer, 2006

57 normalization using multiple stable reference genes
geNorm is the de facto standard for reference gene validation and normalization > 3500 citations of our geNorm technology > 15,000 geNorm software downloads in 100 countries

58 improved geNorm > genormPLUS
classic geNorm improved geNorm platform Excel Windows qbasePLUS Win, Mac, Linux speed 1x 20x interpretation - + ranking best 2 genes handling missing data raw data (Cq) as input

59 external oligonucleotide standards
synthetic control 55-60 nucleotides standard desalted – unblocked (<> Vermeulen et al., 2009) 5 points dilution series: molecules > 15 molecules FP stuffer RCRP

60 external oligonucleotide standards cross lab comparison
5 standards (triplicates) 3 reference genes + 5 genes of interest 366 samples

61 external oligonucleotide standards cross lab comparison
5 standards (triplicates) average ΔCq standards correction Cq samples Cq qPCR instrument 1, mastermix 1 Cq qPCR instrument 2, mastermix 2

62 external oligonucleotide standards cross lab comparison
5 standards (triplicates) Cq qPCR instrument 1, mastermix 1 Cq qPCR instrument 2, mastermix 2

63 external oligonucleotide standards cross lab comparison
ARHGEF7 gene 366 samples use of 5 standards (triplicates) for correction Cq 7900HT Cq LC480 abs (dCq)

64 external oligonucleotide standards cross lab comparison
5-15% better patient classification accuracy after calibration

65 external oligonucleotide standards cross lab comparison
Vermeulen et al., Nucleic Acids Research, 2009

66 problem of data-analysis
extraction of meaningful biological information from qPCR data

67 problem of data-analysis
extraction of meaningful biological information from qPCR data

68 universal quantification model with proper error propagation

69 qBase paper Hellemans et al., Genome Biology, 2007

70 qbasePLUS most powerful, flexible and user-friendly real-time PCR data-analysis software based on Ghent University’s geNorm and qBase technology up to fifty 384-well plates multiple reference genes for accurate normalization detection and correction of inter-run variation dedicated error propagation automated analysis; no manual interaction required

71 MIQE guidelines in Clinical Chemistry

72 MIQE checklist for authors, reviewers and editors
experimental design sample nucleic acid extraction reverse transcription target information oligonucleotides qPCR protocol qPCR validation data analysis

73 RDML data exchange format

74 RDML data exchange format
Lefever et al., Nucleic Acids Research, 2009

75 Statistical analysis & interpretations
sample size (~ power analysis) log transform gene expression data consider pairing parametric vs. non-parametric central limit theorem: parametric test better safe than sorry: non-parametic t-test Mann-Whitney Paired t-test Wilcoxon signed rank test ANOVA Kruskal-Wallis 75

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