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The South African Human Rights Commission Strategic Plan: 2012-2015 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development.

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Presentation on theme: "The South African Human Rights Commission Strategic Plan: 2012-2015 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 The South African Human Rights Commission Strategic Plan: 2012-2015 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development

2 Contents 1. Introductory remarks 2. Strategic Plan: 2012-2015 3. Annual Performance Plan: 2012/13 4. Budget: 2012/13 5. Conclusion

3 An Overview of the Strategic Plan 2012-2015

4 Strategic Plan 2012-2015 Mission and Vision Vision Transforming society. Securing rights. Restoring dignity. Mission The Commission as the independent national human rights institution is created to support constitutional democracy through promoting, protecting and monitoring the attainment of everyone’s human rights in South Africa without fear, favour or prejudice. Values Integrity, honesty, respect, objectivity, Batho Pele principles and equality

5 Transforming society

6 Securing rights

7 Restoring dignity

8 Commissioners Strategic Focus Areas CommissionerStrategic Focus AreaProvinceUN Treaty Bodies Chairperson, M L Mushwana Asylum Seekers, Migration and Counteracting Xenophobia, Housing and Equality Northern Cape and Mpumalanga Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) Deputy Chairperson, P Govender Basic Services, Access to information Western Cape Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) L MokateChildren, Basic EducationFree StateConvention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) B MalatjiDisability, Older Persons North West and Limpopo Convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities (CRPD) S BaaiFood, Health CareEastern Cape J Love (part-time) Environment, Natural Resources, Rural Development Kwa-Zulu Natal International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) D Titus (part-time) Human rights and Law Enforcement, Prevention of Torture Gauteng Convention against Torture (CAT); International Covenant Civil & Political Rights (ICCPR)

9 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 1 Improve the quality of complaints handling Goal Statement Revise the complaints handling mechanism to enable greater access to and protection of rights, particularly by the most vulnerable

10 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 2 Improve the quality of monitoring, evaluation of and reporting on the realisation of human rights Goal Statement Streamline the monitoring, evaluation and reporting processes to effectively measure the realisation of human rights

11 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 3 Inculcate a culture of human rights through human rights advocacy Goal Statement Develop and implement an effective and efficient human rights advocacy plan

12 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 4 Strengthen organisational effectiveness and efficiency Goal Statement Restructure the Commission to ensure the effective and efficient utilisation of human and financial resources

13 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 5 Improve communication and stakeholder engagement Goal Statement Develop communication tools and key stakeholder relationships thereby enhancing the credibility, reputation, and accessibility of the Commission

14 Strategic Objectives 2012-2015 Strategic Objective 1Promote compliance with international obligations Strategic Objective 2Position the Commission as the focal point for human rights in South Africa Strategic Objective 3Strengthen advocacy and human rights awareness raising Strategic Objective 4Advance the realisation of human rights Strategic Objective 5Advance the right to equality and access to information Strategic Objective 6Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Commission

15 Performance Overview 2011-2012 LEADERSHIP Movement from previous assessment: 1.a Provide effective leadership based on a culture of honesty, ethical business practices and good governance, protecting and enhancing the best interests of the entity 1.b Exercise oversight responsibility regarding financial and performance reporting and compliance and related internal controls 1.c Implement effective HR management to ensure that adequate and sufficiently skilled resources are in place and that performance is monitored 1.d Establish and communicate policies and procedures to enable and support understanding and execution of internal control objectives, processes, and responsibilities 1.e Develop and monitor the implementation of action plans to address internal control deficiencies 1.fEstablish an IT governance framework that supports and enables the business, delivers value and improves performance

16 Performance Overview 2011-2012 FINANCIAL AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Movement from previous assessment: 2.a Implement proper record keeping in a timely manner to ensure that complete, relevant and accurate information is accessible and available to support financial and performance reporting 2.b Implement controls over daily and monthly processing and reconciling of transactions 2.c Prepare regular, accurate and complete financial and performance reports that are supported and evidenced by reliable information 2.d Review and monitor compliance with applicable laws and regulations 2.eDesign and implement formal controls over IT systems to ensure the reliability of the systems and the availability, accuracy and protection of information

17 Performance Overview 2011-2012 GOVERNANCE Movement from previous assessment: 3.a Implement appropriate risk management activities to ensure that regular risk assessments, including consideration of IT risks and fraud prevention, are conducted and that a risk strategy to address the risks is developed and monitored 3.b Ensure that there is an adequately resourced and functioning internal audit unit that identifies internal control deficiencies and recommends corrective action effectively 3.cEnsure that the audit committee promotes accountability and service delivery through evaluating and monitoring responses to risks and providing oversight over the effectiveness of the internal control environment including financial and performance reporting and compliance with laws and regulations

18 An Overview of the Annual Performance Plan 2012-2013

19 An Evolving Commission From rethinking to reimagining the Commission Rethinking Introspection and analysis Reviewing our mandate and performance Effective utilisation of resources Developing systems and tools Performance-driven Reimagining Evolving to remain relevant and responsive Long-term planning and analysis Towards a new kind of national human rights institution Setting the benchmark for local and international standards Impact-driven

20 Annual Performance Plan April 2012 to March 2013 Alignment with Strategic Objectives Commissioner-driven Annual Performance Plan Integrated planning model from Strategic Plan to individual performance agreements Key activities for 2012/13 Implementation of new complaints handling mechanisms Provincial hearings on access to water and sanitation National Conversation on the Right to Food Chairperson of the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions Chairperson of the Forum for Institutions Supporting Democracy Back-to-basics service delivery programme

21 Annual Performance Plan Back-to-basics service delivery programme Defining component of our mandate Protection of human rights Finalisation of the restructuring project Appointment of a new management team Finalise recruitment process Monitoring and evaluation of the restructuring project Training the Secretariat Induction of all staff Specialised training for legal and advocacy staff

22 Annual Performance Plan Building on our 2011/12 performance Complaints Backlog Project Just over 86% of backlog complaints settled Backlog reduced from 2209 to 295 at the end of March 2012 Organisational Performance At the end of 2009/10, performance was at 52% By the end of 2010/11, performance improved to 67% Currently, performance levels are at over 80% Impact-driven Approach Developed monitoring and evaluation tools S184(3) Report, Equality Report, Focus Area Report

23 An Overview of the Annual Budget 2012-2013

24 Parliament’s Recommendations 2010 Justice Report to the National Assembly The Portfolio Committee recommended that: The Commission should brief it on its Report on Access to Information separately Consideration is given to identifying ways to generally increase support for the Commissions work The Committee engages with the Office on Institutions Supporting Democracy and Related Institutions in the Deputy-Speaker’s Office to clarify its role in supporting these institutions. The Commission is generally under-funded. The Committee supports the need for additional resources to be allocated to it to be able to deliver on its mandate

25 Parliament’s Recommendations Impact of Parliament’s Recommendations The Allocation Letter provided for the following: R1,2 million in 2012/13, R1,3 million in 2013/14 and R1,3 million in 2014/15 allocated to the SAHRC for improved conditions of service R15 million in 2012/13, R15,8 million in 2013/14 and R16,5 million in 2014/15 allocated to Legal Aid for improved conditions of service R17 million in 2012/13, R22,1 million in 2013/14 and R27,2 million in 2014/15 allocated to the Public Protector for improved conditions of service Question: given it’s broad mandate, what can the Human Rights Commission do to ensure that it’s budget is also given the same level of priority as other institutions supporting democracy?

26 Budget April 2012 to March 2013 2011/12 BUDGET2012/13 BUDGET % INCREASE% ALLOCATION Personnel 56,103,430 66,270,87018.12%65.79% Commissioners 2,267,650 2,714,04419.69%2.69% CEO 3,033,000 1,273,000-58.03%1.26% Governance 250,450 384,21253.41%0.38% Finance 2,037,000 2,334,75014.62%2.32% Admin & SCM 17,990,951 18,069,0680.43%17.94% HR 2,186,800 2,626,14020.09%2.61% IT 2,140,000 3,434,09860.47%3.41%

27 Budget April 2012 to March 2013 2011/12 BUDGET2012/13 BUDGET% INCREASE% ALLOCATION PAIA 723,000 759,1505.00%0.75% Legal 686,319 836,76721.92%0.83% Research 930,000 757,500-18.55%0.75% Advocacy 551,400 676,40022.67%0.67% IA 723,000 600,000-17.01%0.60% PIAP 150,000 --100.00%0.00% 89,773,000 100,736,00012.21%100.00%

28 Budget April 2012 to March 2013 Budget Ideal Budget: R123 million Current budget: R100.736 million Shortfall: R23 million Rationalisation of Services Focus on human rights violations Scaling down on advocacy and research Developing collaborative relationships with C9s, civil society and corporate law firms Limitation on international engagements

29 Conclusion Recommendations and Way Forward While the Commission is recognised internationally by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights as an ‘A’ status institution, as Chair of Network of African National Human Rights Institutions, and has been approached to serve as Chair of the ICC, we do not appear to be given the requisite level of support at a domestic level Despite the Commission’s consistent improvement in performance, including clean audits, positive quarterly dashboard reports, and an overall increase in performance from 52% to over 80% in less than two years, we remain constrained by our budget

30 Conclusion Recommendations and Way Forward In order to achieve its objectives for the 2012/13 financial year, the Commission would like to call upon the Portfolio Committee to: Provide for specific budgetary increases in its report to the NA Support the Commission in hosting a public hearing at Parliament on access to water and sanitation in March 2013 Assist in increasing support to ISD through the OISD Assist in ensuring that the Commission fulfills its Constitutional obligations by encouraging government departments to cooperate with the Commission The Commission acknowledges the efforts of the Portfolio Committee to provide it with additional support, but notes that these efforts have had a limited impact

31 The South African Human Rights Commission Strategic Plan: 2012-2015

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