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 What are the five rules for Improv?  Say yes- and!,  After the ‘and’ add new information,  Don’t Block,  Avoid Questions,  Establish Character.

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Presentation on theme: " What are the five rules for Improv?  Say yes- and!,  After the ‘and’ add new information,  Don’t Block,  Avoid Questions,  Establish Character."— Presentation transcript:


2  What are the five rules for Improv?  Say yes- and!,  After the ‘and’ add new information,  Don’t Block,  Avoid Questions,  Establish Character and setting



5  What plays were based mainly on stories from the Bible? Mystery  What type of plays were based on the last week in the life of Christ? Passion  Which plays focused on the principles of right and wrong? Morality  Which pays dramatized the lives of the Saints? Miracle  What were short dramatized scenes added to the church services? Tropes  What were Medieval groups of trades and craftsmen called? Guilds

6  What was a multi-level cart that doubled as a stage called? Pageant Wagon  What is a series of short plays based on religious history called? Cycle  What is the main theme in a medieval morality play? Salvation  What does allegory mean? A symbolic narrative; the representation of abstract ideas by characters  Who is the main character in medieval morality plays? Everyman  Everyman is an example of what type of play? Morality

7  Why did the church revive theatre during the medieval era? To be able to teach the people about their faith.  Where did wealthy patrons sit in an Elizabethan theatre? galleries  The area in front of the stage in an Elizabethan theatre? Pit  People who paid a penny to stand and see a play in an Elizabethan theater were called? Groundlings  What was the name of Shakespeare’s theater? The Globe

8  How did people know a play was being presented in Elizabethan England? A flag was raised  Where and when was Shakespeare born? Stratford upon Avon, April 23, 1564  How many plays did Shakespeare write? 37  Who were the two reigning monarchs during Shakespeare’s time? Elizabeth I and King James  What is the name of the theatre troupe William Shakespeare joined when he first arrived in London in 1594? The Lord Chamberlain’s Men

9  What was the name of the roof over the stage area? Heaven  Who acted in the plays? Men and Boys  What were the plays like? 2 hours, fast paced, little to no scenery  When were Shakespeare’s plays published? Do not need to answer  What type of plays did Shakespeare write? Histories, Comedies, Tragedies  Describe what Shakespeare’s theatre looked like? (In your own words)  Who was William Shakespeare and why is he considered the greatest playwright of the English language? (In your own words)

10  Unity- A situation in which all elements of the set form a perfect whole, centering on the idea of the play.  Balance- The visual symmetry of the stage.  Emphasis- The focus of the audience’s attention on some part of the stage.  Proportion- Stage setting that takes the human being as the unit of measure.  Flat- A wooden frame covered with cloth or plywood.  Purple- mournful, mystic, rich, regal  Red- aggression, passion, bloody, strength, love

11  Black- power, melancholy, tragic, gloomy, death, mystery  Blue- calm, cold, formal, spiritual, truthful, depression  Scenic Designer- The person who is responsible for designing the physical appearance of the stage for a production.  Blocking- movement of the actors on stage.  Unit Set- a basic stage setting from which several setting can be created.  Permanent Set- a set that remains the same throughout a play, regardless of change of locale.  Box Set- a two wall or three wall set representing an interior of a room, often covered by a ceiling.

12  Fourth wall- the imaginary wall through which the audience watches the action of the play.  Theatre- a building used for the presentation of plays.  Purpose of Scenery- define time, setting, and provide the actors and area to act on.  Green- youthful, eternal, reborn, growth, jealousy  Brown- earthy, common, poverty  Orange- exhilaration, cheerful, lively  Yellow- cheerful, happy, youthful, cowardly  White- truthful, pure, innocent, peaceful

13  Backdrop- Large piece of fabric on which scenery is painted.  Texture- The appearance/ feel of a surface  Atmosphere- the environment of the play created by stage and lighting.  Stock Characters- a character with a recognizable set of traits that remain the same from play to play.  Renaissance- began in Italy, with a rediscovery of the classics. Means rebirth.  Brighalla- The tough guy servant, a good liar, always out for himself. Usually a shopkeeper.

14  Proscenium Arch- the arch opening between the stage and the auditorium.  Columbina- The wise-cracking maid, usually the smartest character; flirtatious, playful, servant to the leading lady and Arlecchino’s girlfriend.  Zanni- The poorest, stupidest, and hungriest, servant. Sleeps on the job, sneaks off to ear food and daydream. Cannot do what he is told very well at all.  Arlecchino- Nimble, acrobatic, tricky servant. Childlike, not too bright.

15  Innamorati- They were young, graceful, and attractive. They wore fashionable clothes and no masks. They were slightly vain and not too bright– in love with themselves a bit too much– but they were sincere.  II Captiano-a boasting, bragging macho soldier, who tells tall tales of victory but is actually a coward underneath.  II’ Dottore- the Doctor- a smug, “know it all” professor, who really knows nothing.  Pantolone- “Mr, Big Pants” A waalthy, miserly old man.

16  Italy- The birth place of the Renaissance and Commedia Del Arte.  Moliere- Most important playwright of the French Renaissance.  Lazzi-Joke, comic “bits” gags. Each character had his or her typical lazzi that they could draw on in any situation.  Scenario- Outline that the Commedia actors used for their skits. Actors improvised dialogue and action tailoring to the day’s audience.

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