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Miss Tresley Classroom Procedures, Expectations and Rules.

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Tresley Classroom Procedures, Expectations and Rules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Tresley Classroom Procedures, Expectations and Rules

2 Procedures  Come in and drop off any electronic devices  Log on to computers  Lecture  Assignment  Whenever finished with the assignment for the day go back and make corrections to any assignments that require them  Hand in assignment due that day and any corrections made to previous assignments

3 Expectations  We each give each other the opportunity to learn and the opportunity to teach  Complete all assignments when due  Follow our social contract

4 Rules  All Electronic Devices (Iphones, Ipods,MP3 players etc) will be turned in beginning of class and picked up at end of class  Catching someone on one of these devices will be confiscation of the phone for the class period, if this occurs several times it will be confiscation for the rest of the day and if it is a persistent problem it will confiscated and your parents will need to come to the office and pick it up

5 Rules continued  Assigned Seats  At all times students are to come in and sit in their assigned seats for the whole class period (see 3 strike rule for violation of this rule)  Be Respectful when myself or your peers are talking to the class  See 3 strike rule for violations of this rule

6 Rules Continued  3 strike rule  Strike 1  Verbal warning/moving of seat  Strike 2  Call home to notify parents of violations of classroom/school rules  Strike 3  Referral to administration with further consequences such asloss of senior privileges or any trips ex. Chicago

7 Definition of a Social Contract  Agreement for behavior

8 Guidelines  School rules are separate from this since they are designed for a large number of students  This contract is just for those in this class

9 Goal: Create a self-managing group  Students have the right and responsibility to learn  This is YOUR class, so you are going to decide how we treat each other and you are going to help each other follow what you decide  The teacher has the right and responsibility to teach  I don’t have to nag AND the best part is that if you help each other, and I don’t have to get involved, there will be no consequences

10 Building the Social Contract  Four questions to be answered  1. How do you want to be treated by the teacher?  2. How do you want to be treated by each other?  3. How do you think the teacher wants to be treated by you?  4. How do we want to treat each other when there is a conflict?

11 Personal Responsibility  You, as a member of this class, are responsible for three things  Your thoughts  Your attitudes  Your actions

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