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Copyright By Morgan Cornelius This is true research.

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2 Copyright By Morgan Cornelius This is true research.

3 Copyright What happens if you breach? Jail for 10 YEARS!!! Is it worth it? No. What is the fine? £250,000 Can you get both at once? Yes, 10 years in prison if you cant pay And the fine of £250,000 Do you win? No. YOUR ONLY DIGGING YOURSELF A BIG HOLE IF YOU BREACH

4 Do not breach the copyright law and order act 1988 Copyright, Designs and Patents. Failing to follow the copyright law will get you fined and jailed. For breach.

5 What is copyright? Copyright is when you illegally copy some private films, movies or documentaries, music or and books. The fine and jail sentence you saw can and will be yours if you copy a film. If you see any logo with a C in it then it is copyright, therefor copying it will result in jail and fine. So the message is clear copyright will get you no where.

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