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Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine Moheeb Alwarsh January 26, 2012 Kent State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine Moheeb Alwarsh January 26, 2012 Kent State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine Moheeb Alwarsh January 26, 2012 Kent State University

2 Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine 2  Installing VirtualBox  Importing Virtual OS to VirtualBox  Live Demo Outline

3 Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine 3 Installing VirtualBox  Virtualbox Download location  Windows Installation Run executable file “VirtualBox-4.1.8-75467-Win.exe" and follow instructions  Mac OS ( 4.1.8-75467-OSX.dmg) Run dmg file e file and follow instruction

4 Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine 4 Installing VirtualBox  Linux Prerequisites Qt 4.4.0 or higher SDL 1.2.7 dkms  Download Link ( Select the appropriate package for your Linux distribution x86/amd64 means 64 bit OS (Intel or AMD)  CentOS and Fedora yum install dkms rpm -ivh VirtualBox-4.1-4.1.8_75467_rhel5-1.i386.rpm rpm -ivh 4.1.8/VirtualBox-4.1-4.1.8_75467_fedora16-1.i686.rpm

5 Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine 5 Installing VirtualBox  Ubuntu sudo apt-get install dkms sudo dpkg -i VirtualBox-3.2_4.1.8_Ubuntu_karmic_i386.deb  Linux users (Make sure to add a user to VirtuaBox group if no default user add there. This user will be used to run virtualbox)

6 Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine 6 Importing Virtual OS to VirtualBox  Download Virtual OS from CS network (Node1.ova, “Node2.ova and Node3.ova are optional)  Run VirtualBox (from linux command line run "VirtuaBox")  Click on File → Import Appliance  Click on Choose the downloaded file (Node1.ova) then click next → Import  Repeat the import process for Node2 and 3 if you want to use Master and slave nodes

7 Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine 7 Importing Virtual OS to VirtualBox  If you have 2GB ram in your machine, click on RAM and reduce the size to 750 MB and 250 MB for Node2 (Note: Leave at least 1GB for the Host Machine and don't run Node3 if you have 2GB or less)

8 Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine 8 Running Virtual OS  Start Node2 and Node3 before starting Node1 if you decided to use slave nodes. Node1 will start tasktracker and nodename on slave nodes if the nodes are running (Note: add node3 to Node1:/opt/hadoop/conf/slaves if you want to use Node3)  Note:Start nodes sequentially and wait tell you see the logon screen for each node before starting the next

9 Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine 9 Running Virtual OS  Username: hadoop  Password : hadoop1123  Root: start a terminal as a hadoop user and run : sudo su password: hadoop1123

10 Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine 10 Running Virtual OS  Run "jps" command  If you see less than 6 processes SecondaryNameNode JobTracker Jps NameNode TaskTracker DataNode Then run this command./  Start eclipse when you finish  To shutdown all machines Run this command: sudo./ Note: add node3 to the script if you use it

11 Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine 11 Running Eclipse  Once you start eclipse, you will see DFS Locations which contains hadoop files. In this location you can view, upload, delete, download files, and create or delete directories using eclipse GUI  Second part is your java files that will be executed on HADOOP

12 Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine 12 Executing on HADOOP  To execute WordCount Example, right click on → Run As → Run on Hadoop  Click on HADOOP local Server → Finish

13 Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine 13 HADOOP Execution Output  You can monitor the execution output on Eclipse's Console

14 Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine 14 Output  Right click on Hadoop Local server and click on Refresh to see the output directory.

15 Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine 15 Live Demo

16 Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine 16 References    https://www.virtualbox.org

17 Integrating HADOOP with Eclipse on a Virtual Machine 17 Questions

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