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 What is the Scientific Method?  Quantitative vs. Qualitative?  Natural Science vs. Social Science?  Ethnography ◦ “description of the way of life,

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Presentation on theme: " What is the Scientific Method?  Quantitative vs. Qualitative?  Natural Science vs. Social Science?  Ethnography ◦ “description of the way of life,"— Presentation transcript:


2  What is the Scientific Method?  Quantitative vs. Qualitative?  Natural Science vs. Social Science?  Ethnography ◦ “description of the way of life, or culture of a society that identifies the behaviors and the beliefs, understandings, attitudes, and values… found in that social world” [Emerson/Berreman] ◦ “…fieldwork committed to describing the social and cultural worlds of a particular group”

3  Studying Culture  Studying Meaning  Inductive vs. Deductive  Exploratory vs. Explanatory  Example: The use of force by Police?  Example: Religiosity?

4  Participating in order to observe ◦ “Get your seat-pants dirty.”  Observing in order to write  What to observe?  Ethnographer’s interpretation  Others’ interpretation  Ethnographers’ interpretation of others’ interpretation

5  Describe Settings  Describe People  Describe Events  Describe Meanings  Logging Data  Writing Field Notes

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