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8/14/2015 11:50 PM 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy 1 India’s Energy Security – The Role of Nuclear.

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1 8/14/2015 11:50 PM 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy 1 India’s Energy Security – The Role of Nuclear Energy Ratan K. Sinha Distinguished Scientist and Director, Reactor Design & Development Group, BARC Guest Lecture at Petroleum Federation of India, New Delhi May 27, 2005

2 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy2 Organisation of Atomic Energy Commission

3 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy3 19 Groups 71 Divisions 14900 Total Staff Strength 4130 Scientists/ Engrs. 200 Acres Area 10000 sq. m. developed gardens. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

4 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy4 Indigenous development of nuclear technology - for generating energy - for non-power applications Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment - RD3 - Fruits of research handed over for exploitation on industrial scale by NPCIL, NFC, HWB, IREL, UCIL AND ECIL Pursue excellence in all areas of nuclear science and technology - Utilisation of research reactors - Front and back end of nuclear fuel cycle - Production of radioisotopes and development of radiation technology Goals of R&D Activities in BARC

5 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy5 Scope of my talk today In the available time, I intend to cover the following: Energy Security and Nuclear Energy The Physics behind Nuclear Power The Indian Nuclear Power Programme and its Rationale. The Indian Advanced Heavy Water Reactor – An illustration of the Philosophy Behind Design & Development of Advanced Nuclear Reactors. The Indian Programme for Generation of Hydrogen using Nuclear Energy

6 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy6 Energy Security and Nuclear Energy

7 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy7 “There is no power as costly as no-power” – Homi Bhabha

8 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy8 Nuclear Power is the greatest facilitator of energy security in countries with inadequate domestic energy resourcesREACTOR Requirement of natural uranium for a 1000 MWe Nuclear Power Plant: ~ 160 t /Year. Requirement of coal for a 1000 MWe Coal fired plant ~ 2.6 million t / Year (i.e. 5 trains of 1400 t /Day)

9 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy9 'The ice is melting much faster than we thought' “Even if they (opponents of nuclear energy) were right about its dangers, and they are not, its worldwide use as our main source of energy would pose an insignificant threat compared with the dangers of intolerable and lethal heat waves and sea levels rising to drown every coastal city of the world. We have no time to experiment with visionary energy sources; civilisation is in imminent danger and has to use nuclear - the one safe, available, energy source - now or suffer the pain soon to be inflicted by our outraged planet.” - Eminent Environmental Scientist, James Lovelock, The Independent, May 24, 2004 Greenland Picture:

10 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy10 Nuclear Power in the World Today First commercial nuclear power stations started operation in 1950s. 440 commercial nuclear reactors operating in 31 countries 360,000 MWe is the total capacity. Supply of 16% of the world's electricity 56 countries operate a total of 284 research reactors.

11 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy11 Development of Nuclear Power - Chronology 1970's – Oil Shock 1979 - TMI Accident 1986 - Chernobyl Accident Major Events Affecting Growth of Nuclear Power 1990's – Liberalisation of electricity market and availability of cheap gas

12 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy12 Some Data for the Top Twelve GDP Ranking Countries CountryGDP Rank Electricity Prodn. Rank Per Capita Elec. Gen. (kWh/yr) bn kWh Nuclear 2003* % Nuclear Reactors under constn. Installed MWe per Te U/Yr reqd. USA 01 12824763.72004.4 China 02 110479.01.435.1 Japan 03 8152230.83935.8 India 0405 61016.43.79 (8 now)8.5 Germany 0507 6616157.43005.6 France 0608 8642420.77806.2 UK 0709 600685.32204.9 Italy 0812 4462000 Russia 0904 5858138.41666.9 Brazil 10 176513.34.006.1 S. Korea 11 6020123.33925.3 Canada 1206 1758170.31207.1 WORLD235616295.4 Sources: 1. Uranium Information Centre, Australia 3. *WNA 2. CIA World Fact Book 2003 (Electricity Prodn. 2001, Population 2003)

13 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy13 We can draw some interesting inferences from the data for the twelve top rankers GDP and Electricity Generation ranks more or less match – A Strong Correlation. Exceptions – countries with a very cold climate (Russia and Canada) All the twelve countries have (or have had) a significant nuclear power programme Countries with no active nuclear construction programmes today have either high per capita electricity generation or access to alternative energy options (cheaper in the short term). Japan : High PCEC, but no domestic fuel resources - active programme. Brazil: Low PCEC, but large hydro resources – dormant programme. Italy: Shutdown its existing four Nuclear Power Plants, but imports 20% of its electricity from neighboring France, which produces 80% of its electricity using Nuclear. Acid rain damaging Italian lakes. The selection of nuclear reactor technology has a large bearing on the efficient utilisation of available Uranium. India (PHWRs) tops the list in this regard.

14 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy14 Perspective of a country on nuclear energy depends on domestic realities “In general, the perspective of a country on nuclear energy – and degree of public acceptance – could depend on where you are on these curves, on the availability of fossil and hydro resources, and on technological development capacity.” - R. Chidambaram, 2003

15 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy15 The three basic concepts of the Physics behind Nuclear Power

16 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy16 1. Fission Natural uranium that is mined from the ground is 0.7% U-235 and 99.3% U-238. Slow Neutrons can initiate a fission of uranium 235 (U-235), an isotope of uranium that occurs in nature. The result of the fission is Fission products that are radioactive, Radiation, Fast neutrons (~ 2.5 neutrons per fission) Heat.

17 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy17 92 U 235 + 0 n 1 36 Kr 92 + 56 Ba 141 + 3( 0 n 1 ) + Energy 92 U 235 + 0 n 1 42 Mo 95 + 57 La 139 + 7( -1 e 0 ) + 2( 0 n 1 ) + Energy Mass 'm1'= 236.0526 gMass 'm2'= 235.8332 g Difference in mass Δm = 0.2194 gm E = Δm * c 2 c, velocity of light = 3 x10 8 m/s Fission of 1 gm of U-235 per day generates ~1 MW Power Neutron Nucleus n Radiation Fission Fragments ~200 MeV of Energy Compound Nucleus in an excited state of high internal energy Fast-n The fission reaction

18 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy18 2. Moderation The fast neutrons have a low probability of inducing further fissions (but used as such in fast reactors), and hence generating more neutrons thus sustaining a chain reaction. So in thermal reactors, we need to slow down the neutrons (i.e., thermalise or moderate them), which we do by using a moderator such as water (Heavy Water or Light water).

19 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy19 Slowing down (thermalisation or moderation) of fission neutrons facilitates lower critical mass, but leads to some loss of neutrons through absorption in the moderator Energy distribution of fission neutrons peaks at ~ 0.7 MeV with average energy at ~ 1.9 MeV. Variation of fission cross- section (barns) of U-235 with neutron energy (eV) Thermal Reactors Fast Reactors Cross-section: The effective target presented by a nucleus for collisions leading to nuclear reactions. 1 barn = 10 -24 cm 2

20 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy20 3. Conversion Uranium-235 is the only naturally occurring fissile isotope. Plutonium-239 and Uranium-233 are man-made fissile isotopes which can be produced in a reactor. Uranium 238 (99.3% of natural uranium) on absorbing neutrons in a nuclear reactor, gets converted to Plutonium-239. Thorium-232, another naturally occurring element, on absorbing neutrons in a nuclear reactor, gets converted to Uranium-233. The converted fissile materials (Pu-239 and U-233) can be recovered by reprocessing the spent fuel coming out of a reactor.- Closed Nuclear Fuel Cycle In breeder reactors (practically, Fast Breeder Reactors) it is possible to produce more fissile material than that gets consumed.

21 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy21 Conversion of fertile material to fissile material is made possible by neutron capture reactions 92 U 238 + 0 n 1 92 U 239  +  (Fertile)  93 Np 239 +     (Fissile) 94 Pu 239  +    (n,  ) 90 Th 232 + 0 n 1 90 Th 233  +  (Fertile)  91 Pa 233 +     (Fissile) 92 U 233  +    (n,  )

22 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy22 Nuclear reactors operating on fission are broadly classified into two types Classification of Reactor Systems Thermal Reactors  Fission is sustained primarily by thermal neutrons ( E ~ 0.025 eV).  Moderator (Ordinary water, heavy water, graphite, beryllium) is required to slow down the high energy fission neutrons. Large core.  Very high fission cross-section for thermal neutrons, less fuel inventory. Fast Reactors  Fission is sustained primarily by fast neutrons (E ~ 1 MeV)  No moderator used. Compact core. High core power density – liquid metal or helium gas as coolant.  Higher number of neutrons available for capture in fertile material. Breeding possible.

23 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy23 There are two options for a “Nuclear Fuel Cycle” : “Open”, and “Closed” FRESH FUEL RECYCLED FUEL FABRICATION REPROCESSING REFINING (U & Th CONCT.) 235 U ENRICHMENT NUCLEAR POWER PLANT SPENT FUEL WASTE CONDITIONING MINING U & Th ORES CLOSED CYCLE OPEN CYCLE WASTE DISPOSAL Th 232, U 238 U 233, Pu 239 FISSION PRODUCTS ENERGY

24 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy24 Main attributes of nuclear energy relevant for electricity and hydrogen generation Very large resource Suitable for large unit sizes for meeting urban and concentrated industrial demands No CO 2 emissions Relatively insensitive to fuel price increase Capability to produce very high temperature process heat

25 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy25 The Indian Nuclear Power Programme and its Rationale

26 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy26 Our Goal Our dream to realise a quality of life for people commensurate with other developed countries - - Needs generation of 5000 kWh per year per capita, - Demands a total capacity of 7500 billion kWh per year for a population of 1.5 billion by 2050, - Calls for a strategic growth in electricity generation considering: Energy resources, self sufficiency, Effect on local, regional & global environment, Health externalities, Demand profile & energy import scenario. Our study indicates a necessity to meet more than 1/4 th of electricity generation by nuclear. Nuclear energy will also need to play a progressively increasing role for non- grid-based-electricity applications (hydrogen generation, desalination, compact power packs). - From a presentation by Dr. Anil Kakodkar in INSAC-2003, Kalpakkam

27 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy27 For a large country like India, with huge future energy requirements, depending largely upon import of energy resources and technologies is neither economically sustainable nor strategically sound for energy security. Domestic energy resources must be a major contributor to Indian energy supply. Domestic resources & infrastructure (may grow with time) Low High Size of Nuclear Power Programme Small Large High incentive for self-reliance Low incentive for self-reliance

28 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy28 The Indian Energy Resource Base explains our current priority for Closed Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Thorium ResourceAmountPotential (GWe-yr) Coal38 BT (Extractable) 7614 Oil + OEG 12 BT (5833) Uranium61000 T MetalIn PHWRs - 328 Thorium225000 T MetalIn FBRs - 42231 In Breeders 225000 Hydro150 GWe (Name plate)69/yr Non-conv. Renewables 100 GWe (Name plate)33/ yr Total Solar Insolation (600,000 GWe.) Ref.: A Strategy for Growth of Electrical Energy in India, DAE, August 2004

29 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy29 India has adopted a closed nuclear fuel cycle for its indigenous programme  To facilitate wide-spread and long term use of nuclear power a sustainable nuclear fuel strategy, based on closed nuclear fuel cycle and thorium utilisation is essential.  Taking cognisance of its resource position, the Indian priority for adopting this strategy has been high.  The Indian nuclear power programme, therefore, has three major stages: 1)Nat. U in PHWRs 2)Pu in FBRs 3)U-233, Th in advanced reactors [a possibility of synergy with Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS)].

30 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy30 The three stage Indian Nuclear Power Programme aims to achieve long-term energy security through self-reliance. 3 rd Stage: Thorium- 233 U based reactors 2 nd Stage: Fast Breeder Reactors using Pu as fuel and breeding Pu and 233 U. 1 st Stage: Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors using Natural Uranium as fuel and producing Plutonium which is recovered in reprocessing plants for initiating the 2 nd Stage

31 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy31 Objective: Technology absorption, familiarisation and infrastructure building. Requirements: Affordability - Low capital cost and favourable payment terms. Security - Assurance of future supplies and support Technology- Readily available, proven technology; Turn-key construction Outcome: Two 200 MWe BWRs at Tarapur supplied by GE USA. Rationale for Import of NPPs - Early Sixties

32 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy32 Objective: Long term economics and sustainability for building a large programme. Requirements: Security and Sustainability - security of fuel supply. Technology - consistent with first stage of a long term vision - participation of local industry. - willingness to consider a new technology. Outcome: Launching a PHWR programme, starting with RAPS-1, a 200 MWe PHWR built with Canadian support. Rationale for Import of NPPs - Late Sixties

33 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy33 Current Rationale for Import of NPPs Objective: Augment nuclear share in the energy mix, in the short term. Requirements: Light water reactors of proven performance Terms acceptable to India Limited number (about 6 GWe) Outcome: Kundankulam-1 & 2, 2x1000MWe VVER based NPPs from RF

34 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy34 The current Indian nuclear power reactors belong to six different configurations DIFFERENT POWER REACTOR CONFIGURATIONS ORDINARY WATER MODERATED REACTORS PRESSURISED WATER Cooled HEAVY WATER MODERATED REACTORS FAST BREEDER REACTORS BOILING WATER Cooled PRESSURISED HEAVY WATER Cooled Tarapur 1&2 Rajasthan Kalpakkam Narora Kaiga Kakarapar, Tarapur Kalpakkam GAS COOLED REACTORS OTHER REACTORS Kundankulam BOILING WATER Cooled AHWR CHTR

35 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy35 Current status of the Indian nuclear power programme Stage - III Thorium Based Reactors Thorium Based Reactors 30 kWth KAMINI- Oper. 30 kWth KAMINI- Oper. 300 MWe AHWR- Under development 300 MWe AHWR- Under development CHTR – Under design.CHTR – Under design. POWER POTENTIAL  Very Large. Availability of ADS can enable early introduction of Thorium on a large scale. POWER POTENTIAL  Very Large. Availability of ADS can enable early introduction of Thorium on a large scale. Stage - I PHWRs 13- Operating 13- Operating 5 - Under construction 5 - Under construction Several others planned Several others planned POTENTIAL  10 GWe POTENTIAL  10 GWeLWRs 2 BWRs- Operating 2 BWRs- Operating 2 VVERs- Under 2 VVERs- Under construction construction Stage – II FBRs 40 MWth FBTR- Oper. 40 MWth FBTR- Oper. 500 MWe PFBR- Under construction 500 MWe PFBR- Under construction POTENTIAL  350 GWe POTENTIAL  350 GWe Among the best performing in the world Largest number of reactors under construction in any country in the world today

36 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy36 Indian Nuclear Power Programme till 2020 REACTOR TYPE AND CAPACITIESCAPACITY (MWe) CUMULATIVE CAPACITY (MWe) 13 reactors at 6 sites under operation Tarapur, Rawatbhata, Kalpakkam, Narora, Kakrapar and Kaiga 3,260 5 PHWRs under construction at Tarapur (1x540 MWe),Kaiga (2x220 MWe), RAPS-5&6(2x220 MWe) 1,4204,680 2 LWRs under construction at Kudankulam(2x1000 MWe) 2,0006,680 PFBR at Kalpakkam under construction (1 X 500 MWe) 5007,180 Projects planned till 2020 PHWRs(8x700 MWe), FBRs(4x500 MWe), LWRs(6x1000 MWe), AHWR(1x300 MWe) 13,90021,080

37 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy37 A Study on Projected Growth of Installed Nuclear Generation Capacity using Indigenous Fuel and Technologies Ref.: A Strategy for Growth of Electrical Energy in India, DAE, August 2004

38 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy38 The Indian Advanced Heavy Water Reactor – An illustration of the Philosophy Behind Design & Development of Advanced Nuclear Reactors. At BARC, the design and development of AHWR is currently in an advanced stage.

39 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy39 Major Design Objectives 1.A large fraction of power from thorium. 2.Deployment of passive safety features – 3 days grace period. 3.No need for planning off-site emergency measures. 4.Power output – 300 MWe with 500 m 3 /d of desalinated water. 5.Design life of 100 years. AHWR is a vertical pressure tube type, boiling light water cooled and heavy water moderated reactor using 233 U-Th MOX (Mixed Oxide) and Pu-Th MOX fuel. Advanced Heavy Water Reactor

40 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy40 The 3.5 m long AHWR fuel clusters have a design which is unique in the world. Bottom Tie Plate Top Tie Plate Water Tube Fuel Pin Displacer Rod Key Features l Thorium bearing fuel [(Th + Pu)O 2 MOX, (Th + 233 U)O 2 MOX]; Enrichment 2.5% (top half) & 4% (bottom half) in the former l Central (ZrO 2 -Dy 2 O 3 ) displacer rod l Emergency core cooling water injected into the cluster through the holes in displacer rod l Low pressure drop design Fuel Cluster Cross-Section

41 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy41 These fuel clusters reside in 452 out of 505 lattice positions in a vertical core having Heavy Water moderator NShut off Rod41 ARAbsorber Rod4 RRRegulating Rod4 SRShim Rod4 30,000 MWd/Te 23,500 MWd/Te 20,000 MWd/Te Typical incore detector (36 positions) 452 Fuel Channels

42 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy42 The reactor is located in the basement with four steam drums located at the top GDWP Header Moderator System Tail Pipe Tower Down comers Advanced Accumulators Isolation Condensers Feeder pipes MHT Purification system PW Header ECC Pipes Tail pipes Steam drums Vertical Sectional View

43 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy43 Boiling water under natural circulation (i.e., no pumps are used in the main coolant circuit) cools the fuel clusters Heat removal from core under both normal full power operating condition as well as shutdown condition is by natural circulation of coolant.

44 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy44 Even if the largest size pipe suddenly breaks, the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) will flood the core with cold water, without any operator or control action Passive injection of cooling water, initially from accumulator and later from the overhead GDWP, directly into fuel cluster. (Th + Pu)O 2 24 pins (Th + U 233 )O 2 30 pins Water Tube Displacer Rod

45 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy45 The reactor has unique advanced safety features to reliably cool it and shut it down even with human failure, power failure, and failure of all wired controls. Pressure 70 bar Pressure 71 bar Pressure 76.5 bar Pressure 82 bar Steam overpressure can passively shut down reactor

46 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy46 Computations indicate that the fuel temperature will hardly rise even with such extremely low probability accidents (contemplated in the design.) Flow through Isolation CondenserClad Surface Temperature

47 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy47 A large number of experimental facilities have been built and used to validate the computer codes used in AHWR design. ISOLATION CONDENSER STEAM DRUM N2 CYLINDER ADVANCED ACCUMULATOR TAIL PIPE GRAVITY DRIVEN WATER POOL RUPTURE DISC HEADER FEEDER ECCS HEADER FUEL CHANNEL SIMULATOR INTEGRAL TEST LOOP

48 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy48 Some Thermal Hydraulic Experimental Facilities for Development of AHWR - 1/2 Facility at Apsara Reactor for Flow Pattern Transition Studies by Neutron Radiography Natural Circulation Loop (NCL) for Stability and Start-up Studies

49 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy49 Some Thermal Hydraulic Experimental Facilities for Development of AHWR - 2/2 Transparent Set up for Natural Circulation Flow Distribution Studies 3 MW Boiling Water Loop

50 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy50 Most of the AHWR design objectives are consistent with the recent internationally stipulated requirements for next generation NPPs. IAEA-TECDOC-1362, June 2003 This IAEA INPRO Report provides a Methodology for Assessment of Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems as based on the defined set of Basic Principles, User Requirements and Criteria in the areas of Economics, Sustainability and Environment, Safety, Waste Management, Proliferation Resistance and recommendations on Cross Cutting Issues. AHWR was selected as the subject of a Case Study under INPRO. Its compliance with INPRO requirements was demonstrated in the Case Study report.

51 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy51 The Indian Programme for Generation of Hydrogen using Nuclear Energy

52 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy52 Large scale commercial production of hydrogen is an energy intensive process

53 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy53 High temperatures (typically > 800 C) are generally required for efficiently producing hydrogen from water Electrolysis Thermo-chemical cycle H2H2 Water Electrolysis Processes: AW: Alkali Water, MC: Molten Carbonate SP: Solid Polymer, HT: High Temperature Thermo-chemical Processes: Cu-Cl: Copper - Chlorine, Ca-Br 2 : Calcium- Bromine, I-S: Iodine-Sulfur Process Ref: High Efficiency Generation of Hydrogen Fuels Using Nuclear Power, G.E. Besenbruch, L.C. Brown, J.F. Funk, S.K. Showalter, Report GA–A23510 and ORNL Website Ref: IAEA-TECDOC-1085: Hydrogen as an energy carrier and its production by nuclear power

54 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy54 Comparison of thermo-chemical processes I-S ProcessCa-Br ProcessCu-Cl Process Efficiency (%)574041 Typical operating temperature 950 o C760 o C550 o C Process streamsLiquid & gasGasLiquid & gas Development stageFully flow sheeted R&D stage DemonstrationPre pilot plantPilot plantNot demonstrated CorrosionHigh Low Capital CostLowHigh -----

55 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy55 Schematic flow diagram of I-S process

56 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy56 BARC roadmap of R & D for the thermo- chemical process based hydrogen production Demonstration using 600 MW Th HTR : ~ 80,000 m 3 H 2 /hr Demonstration with metallic chemical reactors :~ 13 m 3 H 2 /hr Lab scale demonstration : ~ 50 L H 2 /hr Early R&D -Studies on reactions & separations Experimental studies for improving specific processing methods Evaluation & Development of materials System design : Process, chemical reactors F L O W S H E E TI N G Process simulation using chemical process simulator

57 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy57 High temperature electrolysis is more efficient and needs less electricity. For this process, nuclear reactors can supply both - high temperature heat & electricity. High Temperature Steam Electrolysis (HTSE) A high temperature nuclear reactor coupled with a steam electrolyser would be extremely efficient with a thermal –to-hydrogen conversion efficiency of –55% Part of the energy needed to split the water is added as heat instead of electricity, thus reducing the overall energy required and improving process efficiency Super heated steam (at 850°C) is introduced at the cathode where hydrogen is separated and oxygen ion passes through a conducting ceramic membrane (usually Yttria Stabilized Zirconia, YSZ) and liberated at anode HTSE cell and components are similar to SOFC BARC is developing a 5 kW SOFC system SOFC development will ease switch over to steam electrolysis system High Temperature Steam Electrolysis (Tubular Geometry)

58 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy58 Nuclear hydrogen production system being developed in BARC is to satisfy total energy needs of a region in the form of hydrogen, electricity and potable water

59 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy59 A Compact High Temperature Reactor (CHTR) is under design at BARC. It will serve as the platform for developing and demonstrating technologies associated with Indian HTRs. CHTR- Technology Demonstrator 100 kW Th, 1000 °C, Portable, TRISO Fuel Several passive systems for reactor safety and heat removal - unattended operation Prolonged operation without refuelling Multipurpose Nuclear Power Pack (MNPP) 5 MW Th, 550 °C, Portable, Metallic Fuel Several passive systems for reactor safety and heat removal - unattended operation >15 year operation without refuelling Indian HTR for Hydrogen Prodn. 600 MW Th, ~1000 °C, TRISO Fuel Combination of active and passive systems for control & cooling Medium life core

60 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy60 CHTR has an all ceramic core containing mainly BeO and carbon based components Passive Power Regulation System Molybdenum alloy Shell Beryllia Downcomers Gas Gaps High Thermal Conductivity Material Shells Steel Shell Graphite Reflector Fuel Channels

61 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy61 Several innovations in the areas of fuel, materials, passive reactor safety, efficient heat removal systems & liquid heavy metal coolant technology mark CHTR configuration.

62 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy62 Passive systems for CHTR  Natural circulation of coolant  Passive regulation of reactor power under normal operation  Negative Doppler coefficient (-2.8 x 10 -5 Δk/k/°C)  Negative moderator temperature coefficient  Passive shutdown for accidental conditions  Passive system for conduction of heat from reactor core by filling of gas gaps by liquid metal  Removal of heat from upper plenum, under both normal and accidental conditions by heat pipes  Removal of heat from the core by C/C composite heat pipes under accidental conditions with LOCA Inherently safe Several of these features will be retained for the Indian High Temperature Reactor for Hydrogen production

63 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy63 Major Research & Development issues and critical technologies for high temperature reactors Materials related technologies Molten heavy metal coolant technology - Experimental Loop being set-up Advanced TRISO coated fuel particles - Coating trials underway BeO Production of required shape and size - Sample pieces made Graphite & C-C composites for reactor components - Collaboration with other R & D centre High temperature structural materials - Under development Oxidation and corrosion resistant coatings - Under development Technologies for engineering systems Passive reactor regulation & shutdown systems High heat flux passive heat removal technologies High temperature heat removal by heat pipes Reactor physics calculations for compact cores - Codes developed Structural and thermal design rules for brittle materials - Being developed High temperature instrumentation & components for liquid metals - Being developed Experimental set-up designed

64 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy64 Concluding Remarks Indian Atomic Energy Programme has come of age. The Programme has successfully delivered a self-reliant capability for its first stage involving setting up of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor Systems and associated fuel cycle plants. We have launched commercial Fast Breeder Reactor technology. Our priority for the present and the future is to accelerate the development of the third stage, which would take us closer to our ultimate objective of exploitation of our vast thorium resources to address our long-term energy needs.

65 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy65 Thank You

66 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy66

67 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy67 The Indian energy resource position explains our strategy for deployment of nuclear energy If the level of our per capita electricity consumption is raised to the level of a developed country (~5000 kWh/person/year) and only a single energy resource is to be used: Domestic extractable coal reserves will last for < 13 years. Uranium in open cycle will last for ~ 0.5 year Uranium in closed cycle with FBRs will last for ~ 73 years Known reserves of thorium in closed cycle with breeder reactors will last for > 250 years Entire renewable energy (including hydroelectric capacity) will be sufficient for < 70 days/ year Total solar collection area (based on MNES estimate 20 MW/km 2 ) needed will be at least~ 31000 sq. km. It is obvious that for long term energy security nuclear energy based on thorium has to be a prominent component of Indian energy mix.

68 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy68 Radiation is everywhere Naturally occurring radiations due to indoor radon and radiation from outer space accounts for about 80% of our exposure, most of the balance is due to X-rays, air travel etc. Source: Public myths and perception, DAE publication

69 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy69 The two conclusions of an Oak Ridge National Lab. Study A typical 1000 MWe coal-fired plant  burns 4 million tons of coal each year  Releases 5.2 tons of uranium (containing 74 pounds of uranium-235) and 12.8 tons of thorium (Environmental Protection Agency figures – typical US coal contains uranium and thorium concentrations of 1.3 ppm and 3.2 ppm) 1.The energy content of nuclear fuel released in coal combustion is 1.5 times more than that of the coal consumed. 2.Americans living near coal-fired power plants are exposed to higher radiation doses than those living near nuclear power plants that meet government regulations.

70 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy70 The volume of waste generated by nuclear power plant is very low. It can be stored for long period before disposal. Waste generated from a 1000 MWe Coal fired power plant  Carbon dioxide : 2.6 million t /Year  Sulpher dioxide : 900 t /Year  NOx : 4500 t /Year  Ash : 3,20,000 t/Year (with 400 t/Year of toxic heavy metals) Waste generated from a 1000 MWe NPP  High Level : 35 t /Year  Intermediate Level : 310 t /Year  Low Level : 460 t /year Solidified high level waste produced by generating electricity, for an average Indian family, for 25 years from nuclear power

71 BARC 2005-05-27 (Delhi, Petrofed) RKS - India's Energy Security - The Role of Nuclear Energy71 A balanced perspective on accidents in energy industry (or any other industry serving society) is important. The last serious accident in a nuclear reactor occurred about 18 years back which had tightened plant safety criteria Three Mile Island (1979) No death toll Radiation was contained and there were no adverse health or environmental consequences Chernobyl (1986) 31 fatalities during fire fighting

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