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Fellowship Evangelism Word Prayer CHRI ST The Obedient Christian Life.

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Presentation on theme: "Fellowship Evangelism Word Prayer CHRI ST The Obedient Christian Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fellowship Evangelism Word Prayer CHRI ST The Obedient Christian Life

2 “Most important discipline in the Christian life.”


4 “Dig In” – 13 Letters Yes sir everyday got to jump in the text’ Cause He's the better way yeah the Son is the best That's trash, I'll pass on the pump and the vest Got the sword of the Spirit I run to the text I run to the best answer for every question It's got every teaching every lesson That we could ever need for reppin’ Jesus yes sir He's a blessing We got to read His Holy Word Do deny this bible's so absurd I deny my pride and God is first So I got to dive inside His Word

5 What other way could we know how to live this thing It's inspired by the Spirit man So listen mane, the very Word of God is in the scriptures man We got to see its God breathed, and it's His will for all creeds All races, all nations Genesis to Revelation So get up in it if you want to know His will revealed through the Son and more It's real, but you'll feel dumb to go Without it as a Saint it will stunt your growth But bro you supposed to grow much closer To Jehovah bro He wrote you All we need to grow as soldiers And show other folks, we posed to So grab your pen, pencil, highlighter, and your commentary And dig deep in the scriptures, Jesus with us He can carry

6 Hook: Bible, check; spiral, check, highlighter check Now dig (dig in it), dig (dig in it) You want to know Him? Got to dig (dig) dig (in)

7 Where all my cats who know the bible's solid? Grinding off in bible college, getting it in with Psalms and Prophets Becoming urban bible scholars Yearning, learning all the knowledge Then putting it to use now that you got it We need it, must read it, Jesus He is pleased with solid doctrine Where all my cats who get up in the Word and love it? Not just when they be up in the church in public But in private they dive in, it be on they mind, they be thinking of it We need that, read that, see that Jesus gets the glory He deserves And the only way we can know His ways is if we stay up in His Word

8 He inspired it through writers they was carried along The Spirit inspired the bible so all its merit is strong Yes sir He breathed it Theopneustos So if you trying to move close Then get it, live it, give it to some faithful men that you know Hope your passion is real passionate Everybody in the faith got to master this He ain't just write the Bible for the Pastor kid So how we all gon' slack with it? We got to get up in it heavy and be ready to live it out This is for my Christians in it trying to figure scripture out

9 Hook: Bible, check; spiral, check, highlighter check Now dig (dig in it), dig (dig in it) You want to know Him? Got to dig (dig) dig (in)

10 It may seem hard to understand at times But depend on the Lord He handed down Scriptures pointing to Himself don't just try to stack knowledge to cram in your mind It ain't about knowledge you stack or all the doctrine you pack Inside your mind man God's design was not just for you to find the facts Don't be like them Pharisees, man they knew the scripture good But from the looks of things apparently they ain't know all that they should The Jews was searching the scriptures looking for life, the eternal kind But for certain they was missing Christ John 5, verse 39But don't get twisted man they intentions was great But they was missing the faith, they had it twisted mistake

11 So get up in them right, they a witness of the Christ Search it learn it then stick it in your life Listen to the Christ's works and person And perfect is a description of Him right? Then pass it along to some faithful dudes So cats will get strong and convey the truth To others we love to discover truth and pass to our other brothers Did I st-stutter? We got to follow Christ and His Father and the Spirit inside us guides us in the Word that's the model

12 Hook: Bible, check; spiral, check, highlighter check Now dig (dig in it), dig (dig in it) You want to know Him? Got to dig (dig) dig (in)

13 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…” WorldWord You’re always being influenced by one or the other.

14 “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” – 2 Tim. 3:16-17

15 1) Inspired, Inerrant, Authoritative Word of God. 2) As God’s Word, it is our instruction Guide to life.

16 1) The Bible is how we develop and maintain a relationship with God. 2) God has chosen to perfectly reveal Himself in His Word. If we want to get to know God, we must get to know His Word.

17 1) We need to hear God’s Word. Common Barrier: We don’t really listen most of the time. Where to start? Go to a bible preaching church & take notes.

18 2) We need to read God’s Word. Common Barrier: Confusion resulting in giving up. Or Laziness. Where to start? Start reading the book of Mark.

19 3) We need to study God’s Word. Common Barrier: Don’t know how. Where to start? Get an ESV Study Bible.

20 4) We need to memorize God’s Word. Common Barrier: I can’t do that?! Where to start? Memorize one verse. Rom. 6:23.

21 5) We need to meditate on God’s Word. Common Barrier: Feeling Rushed. Where to start? Try to read for 10 mins, & think for 5 mins.

22 6) We need to apply God’s Word. Simple Questions to Ask in Application: 1) Sin I need to confess? 2) Command to obey? 3) Error to avoid? 4) Example to follow? 5) What does it teach me about God? 6) What does it teach me about myself?

23 6) We need to apply God’s Word. Common Barrier: Walk away and forget what you read. Or, you didn’t read it period. Where to start? Whatever you read, apply.

24 1) Pick one of the “fingers” and start there. - Do one of the “where to starts” 2) Get a Plan. - Plan it in like a class. 3) Identify your main barrier. - Share this with someone, ask them to help.

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