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Leveraging on ICT to spur growth in postal and Courier subsector: JK Kandie Director/Human Capital & Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Leveraging on ICT to spur growth in postal and Courier subsector: JK Kandie Director/Human Capital & Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leveraging on ICT to spur growth in postal and Courier subsector: JK Kandie Director/Human Capital & Administration

2 2 In 1915, a front line solder wrote to a British newspaper that he was lonely; & the letter was published. The Power of The POST

3 3 In 3 weeks, had received 3000 letters, 98 large parcels and 3mail bags full of small parcels

4 4 During the war, 12 Million letters were delivered weekly. Emotional connection was essential for the solders’ morale

5 The need to communicate reliably and cheaply, and they thrived. During the war time, postal met the biggest need 5

6 Does this need still Exist? 6

7 With internet, people now remain connected anywhere, anytime. 7

8 However, vast new opportunities have emerged… The Internet, together with the Postal & Courier subsector can address new business opportunities The new NEEDS are movement of goods/parcels from one person to another Many businesses are able to reach a wider market. The Bulk of business lies on COURIER! The challenge is for the subsector to move out of traditional business to new frontiers 8

9 2013 Total GDP: $ 108.97B 2013 Total Revenue: $ 90.50B Emerging opportunities to connect customers to producers Revenue of 2 Firms relying on Postal & courier, larger than for EACO members 9

10 Africa has been considered as the next growth frontier. The EACO economies are promising growth The Middle Income population is increasing. The internet penetration is growing, especially using mobile phones. The demand for goods and services is increasing Opportunities within EACO Region 10

11 The EACO economies are mainly Agriculture based. The manufacturing is growing but heavy reliance on imports. Trade and services is a growth area, with opportunities for home deliveries picking up in cities. Business is concentrated on cities Young population with appetite for ICT Services Leveraging on ICT for growth 11

12 Opening New Frontiers 12 ICT, together with Postal and courier, is like water and Roads infrastructure. They have power to transform the economy

13 The postal/courier operator can provide the vital link between the producer and consumer 13 Our Office as the information Hub

14 The farmers can reach the global market. Improve on the quality of their produce. Traders can get information on where they can get better quality or cheaper goods. Postal/courier operator moves the goods. Traders/farmers do not need to travel to find out competitive prices With Information 14

15 We are used to delivering parcels; 15 Apart from Parcels, Can we explore serving emerging needs?

16 16 ICT & Courier can transform subsistence farming to multi Billion global Business

17 17 Opportunities to courier Animals from the farm to the meat processor

18 Partnerships for growth Supermarkets and restaurants on local deliveries. Schools and training institutions on deliveries of learning materials Creation of digital villages / Resource centers for local communities Government agencies. Cooperative societies 18

19 The ability to reach every home and business premises is a vital infrastructure for economic growth. The postal & courier subsector will be a catalyst for economic growth if the business is aligned to the emerging needs. Conclusion 19


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