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The First Concentration Camps By James Hunter During the Holocaust Hitler loaded the Jews up and sent them to death camps but he called them concentration.

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Presentation on theme: "The First Concentration Camps By James Hunter During the Holocaust Hitler loaded the Jews up and sent them to death camps but he called them concentration."— Presentation transcript:

1 The First Concentration Camps By James Hunter During the Holocaust Hitler loaded the Jews up and sent them to death camps but he called them concentration camps or work camps over 5,830,000 Jews died in these camps.

2 Outline I. Auschwitz. 1.Introduction to Auschwitz 2.Why was it the worst concentration camp II.How the Germans killed the Jews in the concentration camps 1.gas chambers 2.hanging 3.furnace 4.guns and 5.starving them to death. III. What happened to them after the war A.they were liberated B.they were shut down IV. conclusion

3 on the gate to Auschwitz the words ARBEIT MACHT FREI, work makes you free, were set in metal on the top of the gate. "This was ironic because the Jews were working but they were not free." this is what Elie Wiesel said in his book Night.

4 Auchwitz This is the gate of Auchwitz @ Berkanue. Auchwitz was the worst of all the concentration camps back then because this is where the most Jews were killed and of the total of 5,830,000 Jews killed 5,800,000 were killed here.

5 How the Germans killed the Jews in the concentration camps 1.gas chambers 2.hanging 3.furnace 4.guns 5.6starving them to death.

6 The gas chambers These were the most effective means to kill the Jews because they were large rooms and the germans could shove hundreds of Jews into them and tell them that they were going to take a shower but the shower heads were where the gas came out.

7 German Gallows The gallows were the German's second most powerful death machine because if you were heavy enough you would break your neck immediately but if you were light enough you would slowly choke yourself to death.

8 Furnaces These were used to burn people both 50 years old or older and below the age of 16, but mainly women and children.

9 Guns This picture is one of the massacre of the jews by being shot and thrown into a pit/mass grave.

10 starving them to death The Germans starved the Jews in the concentration camps by just serving them bread occassionally and soup every meal.

11 Liberation The Jews were finally liberated from Auschwitz on January 27, 1945 by the Soviet's Red Army. And then they were shut down for good. This was the blue prints of Auschwitz.

12 Conclusion Finally at the end of the war the Jews were liberated and the total number of Jews murdered in this attepted Genocide of the jews was 6,000,000.

13 bibliography 4 9

14 Works cited Miller, Julie. "Auschwitz survivor talks about forgiveness." 2001. Superior Catholic Herald,. 13 Apr 2009. Bilderdienst, Sueddeutscher. "CONCENTRATION CAMPS, 1933-1939." 11 March 2009. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.. 13 Apr 2009. Livi, Primo. "Auschwitz." 11march 2009. USHMM. 21 Apr2009.

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