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MOLARITY AND DENSITY. Header ChemistryName Experiment #17Date __ Mods__ Molarity and DensityPartner.

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Presentation on theme: "MOLARITY AND DENSITY. Header ChemistryName Experiment #17Date __ Mods__ Molarity and DensityPartner."— Presentation transcript:


2 Header ChemistryName Experiment #17Date __ Mods__ Molarity and DensityPartner

3 Objective  To determine the relationship between molarity and density.

4 Prelab Questions  What is the molarity triangle?  What is the gram formula weight for NaCl?

5 Procedure You will be assigned a particular molar solution of NaCl to make. Write down your solution concentration below:  My molarity is __________________________  My volume is ___________________________ 1. You must first perform the calculations to determine how to make the solution, following the instructions below. Show all of your work in the calculations section of your lab.  Convert mL to L:  What is the formula weight for NaCl?  Use the molarity equation to determine the moles of NaCl needed to make your solution:  Convert moles of NaCl needed to grams of NaCl needed. 2. Check your calculations with your teacher. 3. Make the solution. 4. As a class, compare all the NaCl solutions.

6 Calculations

7 Conclusion 1. Do the solutions look the same or different? Explain your answer. 2. As an extension, we will add food coloring to the solutions and layer them. Draw, in detail and color, what is observed. 3. How is the property discussed in the question above related to molarity? Explain.

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