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Role of NGOs in increasing effectiveness of environmental policies and promoting stakeholder dialogue European Eco-Forum.

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Presentation on theme: "Role of NGOs in increasing effectiveness of environmental policies and promoting stakeholder dialogue European Eco-Forum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Role of NGOs in increasing effectiveness of environmental policies and promoting stakeholder dialogue European Eco-Forum

2 Changing the status of NGOs in the region Trend of increasing role of NGOs in the development and implementation of environmental policies Differences of forms and methods between and within countries

3 Environmental Policy Development Ukraine – lobbying a Presidential decree on environmental policy priorities Russia, Murmansk oblast – commitment to a target of 20% of wind energy by 2020 Belarus: draft law on GMO completely reworked

4 Environmental Compliance Assurance Fighting illegal logging in the Lori region of Armenia (public protests) Invalidation of conclusions of the state environmental review of the project of high-voltage lines near Almaty (Kazakhstan) Conviction of the Nadvoitsk aluminium plant of polluting the environment and endangering public health. The court imposed 50,000 roubles worth of health damages payable to the citizen plaintiff (Russia, 2003)

5 Preventing Environmentally Dangerous Projects Russia: “Baikal is worth more than oil” – against the construction of a pipeline in the lake’s watershed Armenia: preventing the construction of a highway across the Shikohan nature reserve Repeal of a Kyrgyzstan Government decree on fishery activities on Lake Chatyr-Kul

6 What to Do? Nongovernmental organisations: Work actively with mass media and government bodies, showing linkages between environmental, economic and social issues Develop cooperation with other civil society institutions, dialogue with business and industry as well as the general public Actively raise awareness of the public of its rights and possibilities, help the public defend the right for a healthy environment Raise own effectiveness and capacity (learn and exchange experiences!)

7 What to Do? Government bodies in EECCA: Regard NGOs as a partner Create mechanisms for NGO participation in legal drafting Develop mechanisms for consulting the public and taking account of its opinion Support national and regional networks Financially support NGO initiatives (positive example – government grants in Russia, Kazakhstan)

8 What to Do? International/donor organisations: Support programmes to build NGO capacity in the environmental policy area Facilitate NGO participation in international processes Larger grant programmes to support NGO initiatives in EECCA Boost new RECs’ activities to support public participation (in accordance with their initial mandate)

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