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Multilateral Regulation of Transportation Industry and Establishment of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Transport New York, 10 October 2014 Igor.

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Presentation on theme: "Multilateral Regulation of Transportation Industry and Establishment of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Transport New York, 10 October 2014 Igor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multilateral Regulation of Transportation Industry and Establishment of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Transport New York, 10 October 2014 Igor Runov Under Secretary General Head of IRU Permanent Delegation to the UN

2 2 Maritime Intergovernmental International organisations (IGO) Non-governmental International organisations (NGO) Global Specialized UN agencies: IMO - International Maritime Organisation Global Organisations: ACOPS – Advisory Committee on Protection of the sea UN Regional Commissions: NO BIMCO – BIMCO Shipping Association Regional Specialized transport organisations: LMAA - London Maritime Arbitrators Association INTERCARGO – International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners Global Specialized non-UN transport organisations: ISCO - International Spill Control Organisation INTERFERRY - International Ferry Shipping Association Regional Cooperation organisations (non-transport): BSEC, ECO, GUAM, SCO, OAS, ASEAN, etc. InterManager - International Ship Managers’ Association Regional Integration Institutions: EMSA (EU) - European Maritime Safety Agency INTERTANKO - International Association of Independent Tanker Owners CIRM - Comité International Radio-Maritime CLIA – Cruise Lines International Association CMI – Comité Maritime International CSC – Clean Shipping Coalition FONASBA – Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers and Agents

3 3 Civil aviation Intergovernmental International organisations (IGO) Non-governmental International organisations (NGO) Global Specialized UN agencies: ICAO- International Civil Aviation Organisation Global Organisations: ACC – Airport Consultants Council UN Regional Commissions: No ACI – Airports Council International Regional Specialized transport organisations: AFCAC (Africa), ASECNA (Africa), ACAC (Middle East), CLAC (Latin America), COCESNA (Latin America), IAC (CIS) Global Specialized non-UN transport organisations: CANSO – Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation Regional Cooperation organisations (non-transport): BSEC, ECO, GUAM, SCO, OAS, ASEAN, etc. Regional Integration Institutions: EASA (EU) - European Aviation Safety Agency

4 4 Rail transport Intergovernmental International organisations (IGO) Non-governmental International organisations (NGO) Global Specialized UN agencies: NO Global Organisations: UIC – International Union of Railways UN Regional Commissions: UNECE, ENESCAP, UNECA, UNECLAC, UNESCWA CIT – Center for Innovative Technology Regional Specialized transport organisations: OSJD – Organisation for Cooperation fo Railways OTIF – Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail Global Specialized non-UN transport organisations: ITF – International Transport Workers’ Federation Regional Cooperation organisations (non-transport): BSEC, ECO, GUAM, SCO, OAS, ASEAN, etc. Regional Integration Institutions: ERA (EU) - European Railway Agency TEN-TEA (EU) - Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency

5 5 Inland water transport Intergovernmental International organisations (IGO) Non-governmental International organisations (NGO) Global Specialized UN agencies: NO Global Organisations: NO UN Regional Commissions: UNECE, ENESCAP, UNECA, UNECLAC, UNESCWA Regional Specialized transport organisations: Danube Commission Global Specialized non-UN transport organisations: NO Regional Cooperation organisations (non-transport): BSEC, ECO, GUAM, SCO, OAS, ASEAN, etc. Regional Integration Institutions: NO

6 6 Road transport Intergovernmental International organisations (IGO) Non-governmental International organisations (NGO) Global Specialized UN agencies: NO Global Organisations: IRU – International Road Transport Union UN Regional Commissions: UNECE, ENESCAP, UNECA, UNECLAC, UNESCWA IRF – International Road Federation Regional Specialized transport organisations: NO Global Specialized non-UN transport organisations: ITF – International Transport Workers’ Federation Regional Cooperation organisations (non-transport): BSEC, ECO, GUAM, SCO, OAS, ASEAN, etc. Regional Integration Institutions: NO

7 7 Implement key UN facilitation instruments to allow road transport to drive trade and achieve the SDGs!

8 8 MDGs To halve the number of undernourished people To achieve universal primary education To promote gender equality and empower women To reduce child mortality To improve maternal health To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases To ensure environmental sustainability To develop a global partnership for development

9 9 Partnerships UN Resolution “Towards global partnerships: A principle-based approach to enhanced cooperation between the United Nations and all relevant Partners″, 31 October 2013 PGA/ECOSOC Partnership Forum (10 April, New York) UN Global Partnership for Sustainable Transport (GPST) Photo: IRU Secretary General speaking at the PGA/ECOSOC Partnership Forum

10 10 Second United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries 3-5 November 2014, Vienna, Austria Wednesday, 5 November 2014 08:15-09:45 IRU: Global Partnership for Sustainable Transport 2 nd UN Conference on LLDCs


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